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Zeal, focus and faith equals achievement, (Zeal + Focus + Faith = Achievement).

-Basil N. Ugbechie
Leadership - ability to lead i.e the ability to guide, direct, or influence people,
or guidance i.e guidance or direction (Micosoft, 2009).
It is without a doubt according to the statement herewith that ��Emotional
Intelligence has become increasingly popular as a measure for identifying
potentially effective leaders, and as a tool for developing effective leadership
skills�� (Batool, 2013).
A leader is that entity who people or subjects around him look up to for guidance
and encouragement, whence the three key words (i.e to be zealous, to be focused and
to be faithful) are observed and adhere to achieve our goals and due diligence. The
key words mentioned earlier have personally being practiced by me over time. And
they have without a doubt aided me in achieving my set goals and has made me more
>The three words (zeal, focus and faith) have over time being my aided tools during
the periods I have being assigned to take charge of some positions that warranted
people to be under my guide and care. As I respond to this week�s discussion forum,
I am currently the ��Lead Mentor�� (i.e in charge of other mentors) of an
organization - Gabriel Adewunmi Alabi Foundation (GAAF).
>Zeal + Focus + Faith = Achievement are mere words and symbols, yet, have being
very effective in aiding me to be a leader with a sense of purpose and as well
making my followers to have that sense of duty and purpose.
More so, imbibing that iota of zeal makes one passionate and strengthened to face
and managed the tax at hand, being focused has made me several times to center my
attention on plans and duties to be carried out, and having faith is to have that
unwavering confidence in myself and my adherents. By bearing and adhering to these
elements will without a doubt a leader in achieving it set goals and duties.
>I effectively communicate as a leader by making my personal assignment(s) known to
my adherents as this will make me more dutiful and purposeful, and not just
expecting them alone to present their response to the duties assigned them. By this
practice and application, I help myself and others know my potential(s) unto
working as a team.
Nevertheless, it�ll be worthy to state herein according to Jim Rohn that
��leadership, communication and emotional intelligence are inseparable and that
it�s fundamental for a leader to be strong, not rude, be kind, not weak, be bold
and humble, not timid.
Batool, B. (2013). Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership. Journal of
Business Studies Quarterly.
Micosoft. (2009). Encarta Dictionary. USA: Microsoft Corporation.
450 words

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