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Provide at least one effective strategy that you either already follow or are

planning to follow.

Explain the strategy as well as your plan to follow it.

According to Batool (2013), there are many effective strategies to follow for best
leadership results such as self-regulation and empathy which I personally try to
apply most of the time. Self-regulation is to control our actions and words in
complex situations. There are some steps to follow to apply this strategy as a
leader (Batool, 2013). First, think before talking when conflict occurs to avoid
awkward situations. Second, we have to know our principles in life and determine
what is acceptable and what is not when we are in the middle of a conflict. Third,
we have to take responsibility for our actions and mistakes and never blame others.

On the other hand, empathy is to understand others� feelings and put yourself in
their shoes to treat them fairly (Batool, 2013). I try to follow this strategy at
the workplace with coworkers and customers as well. According to Batool (2013), to
achieve this strategy we need to understand others' circumstances and try to put
ourselves in their shoes to understand their feelings and to better manage our
teams as leaders. Also, be aware of body language when dealing with others feelings
because they may interpret your signs negatively (Batool, 2013). Lastly, empathy
should be combined with an action to get over the problem appropriately. In other
words, empathetic expressions are not alone without getting to the bottom of the
problem (Batool, 2013).

How I and others can tell that I am communicating as a leader?

Feedback is an important tool to know if you are communicating effectively. We

should make sure we are monitoring others' verbal and nonverbal communication for
any positive or negative feedback. The feedback that I always receive from my
manager is all about how great I manage my team. Also, members of my team are
comfortable sharing their feelings with me because they know that I can resolve any
conflict that may arise at work. Moreover, my customers usually express how
grateful they are to work with me when they have any issue with our products.


Batool, B. F. (2013). Emotional intelligence and effective leadership, Journal of

Business Studies Qua

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