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Hand Book
New Users
Process Flow




Company access

Company Location access

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 2

Adding Groups
• Login into speed-p system for creating a new Group, Click “Administration >> Security >> Groups “.
• Below are the Groups available in MEDOPHARM. Click “Add New” for new group creation.

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 3

Adding Groups contd..
• Enter the Group Name & click the tick for saving it.

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 4

Adding Groups contd..
• Highlighted is the QUICK SEARCH (search result for “Expense Invoice”)
• Groups created in speed-p for Expense Invoice Entry, Approval, Post, View etc

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 5

Granting Access to Groups/Applications
• Click Administration >> Security >> Groups / Applications
• Granting the access to the applications (like Expense Invoice, Supplier Invoice ..)

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 6

Granting Access to Groups/Applications contd..
• Select the Group name (like Expense Invoice Entry group and select to assign the Expense Invoice application with creation privilege)
and click OK

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 7

Granting Access to Groups/Applications contd..
• System will show the entire application names which are all available in speed-p.
• Quick Search >> “PAYABLE_EXPENSE_INVOICE” & click “ENTER”

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 8

Granting Access to Groups/Applications contd..
• Below are the EXPENSE INVOICE application names
• Privileges like ACCESS (view), INSERT (add new), UPDATE, DELETE etc
• Check the privileges related for EXPENSE INVOICE ENTRY

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 9

Create New User and Attach Groups to Users
• Finally attach the GROUP to the user
• Click Administration >> Security >> Users
• Click Add New

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 10

Create New User and Attach Groups to Users contd..
• Create user by entering the below details, Username, Password, Name, EMAIL
• Attach the DEFAULT group to the user (mandatory for all speed-p users)
• Attach the Expense Invoice Entry group and click “Add”. (User will be created with Expense Invoice Entry privileges).

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 11

Create New User and Attach Groups to Users contd…
• To modify any user, quick search the username & click ENTER
• Click the edit button (pen shown in the below grid)
• Do the changes & SAVE

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 12

Add Company access
• User created & attached the GROUP. Now attach the user to “Company” and then “Location”
• Click Administration >> System Setup >> Company Access
• Click Add New

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 13

Add Company access contd..
• Attach Company to USER
• Select the Login (username) & Company and click the tick button to SAVE

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 14

Add Company Location access
• Click Administration >> System Setup >> Company Location Access
• Click Add New

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 15

Add Company Location access contd..
• Attach Company Location to USER
• Select the Login (username) , Company & Location and click the tick button to SAVE

07/05/20 Yellow Stone Technologies 16

Thank You

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