Sensing Change in Batch Reactor - CHEmarch08

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Feature Report

Engineering Practice 5$ 5

Sensing Change 4FUQPJOU

In Batch Reactors $PME

A new method for controlling temperature

and monitoring processes can improve

the economic performance of batch reactors

Figure 1. A conventional batch reactor
is surrounded by an outer jacket through
Robert Ashe David Littlejohn, Alison Nordon, which heat transfer fluid is circulated
Ashe Morris Ltd. and Pamela Allan, University of Strathclyde

he batch reactor is the workhorse time and cooling rates) to realtime circulated. On larger vessels, multiple
of the fine chemical and phar- process analytical data. Although opti- injection points are used to improve
maceutical industries. Within it, cal analytical instruments can be used distribution of the heat transfer fluid
many different unit operations for this purpose, they can present the within the jacket.
are performed such as chemical reac- user with significant problems (for ex- The cooling or heating power of the
tions, bioreactions, crystallization, dis- ample, cost, flexibility, reliability, foul- reactor is controlled by regulating the
tillation and dissolution. Despite their ing, calibration, ease of use, and area jacket temperature. This is achieved
significance to the industry, batch classification) when employed in the by injecting fresh hot or cold heat-
reactors have been controlled by the manufacturing environment. transfer fluid into the circulation loop
same underlying method for the past New designs of the jacket for batch as required (an alternative arrange-
50 years. This article discusses a rela- reactors, such as a variable-geometry ment uses external heat exchangers
tively straightforward design change, heat-transfer surface, allow the user to raise or lower the heat transfer
constant flux control, which delivers to regulate both jacket area and jacket fluid temperature).
compelling benefits to both tempera- temperature in realtime. This not only There are two common designs of re-
ture control and process monitoring. addresses long-standing temperature- actor jacket (Figure 2). The most famil-
These two aspects of batch reac- control problems but also enables very iar is the one-piece jacket, which forms
tor control, temperature control and sensitive heat-balance measurements an outer chamber around the vessel.
process monitoring, are particularly to be made. This latter capability pro- Heat transfer fluid is injected tangen-
important to manufacturing econom- vides a simple and versatile process tially into the jacket at velocities in
ics. Good temperature control is gen- analytical technology (PAT) tool. excess of 10 m/s. This promotes mixing
erally desirable and particularly so and dispersion of heat transfer fluid
where product change is influenced Temperature control within the jacket. The other common
by temperature (for example, crys- One of the most intractable problems arrangement is the “half coil” jacket.
tallization, polymerization, chemical of scale up is that of temperature con- The half coil jacket is fabricated as a
reactions and temperature sensitive trol. Good temperature control in a series of pipes cut longitudinally and
materials). Conventional batch reac- batch reactor needs to take account welded around the outside of the ves-
tors tend to respond slowly to heat of two factors. First, the temperature sel. Heat transfer fluid travels in a plug
load changes. They also suffer from controller needs to be able to hold the flow manner through the channels.
a variety of localized temperature bulk product temperature at the de- Apart from size, one of the most ob-
deviations even when the bulk tem- sired value and respond to changes in vious differences between small and
perature appears satisfactory. the heating or cooling load in a timely large reactors is relative heat-trans-
Product quality, yield and produc- manner. Second, the wall temperature fer area. A typical 5,000-L reactor, for
tivity can be optimized by employing in the reactor needs to be maintained example, has 30 cm2 of heat transfer
ideal process methods. In many cases, at levels that do not adversely affect surface per liter of product. By con-
however, the ideal process method is the product. trast, a 1-L lab reactor has more than
linked to factors that can vary from A typical heating and cooling sys- 1,000 cm2/L. Thus, for the same ther-
batch to batch. The only way to employ tem for a conventional batch reac- mal duty, the wall temperature of the
ideal process methods under these tor is shown in Figure 1. The reactor 5,000-L reactor has to be 30 times hot-
conditions is to link process control de- body is surrounded by an outer jacket ter (or colder) than a 1-L vessel.
cisions (such as addition rate, reaction through which heat transfer fluid is Operating reactor jackets at extreme
56 Chemical Engineering March 2008


100 100
90 90
70 60
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

Figure 3. This graph depicts the relationship

between wall temperature and process film coef-
ficient where the bulk product temperature is at a
constant 40°C and the jacket temperature is at a
constant 120°C

"SFB 5$ 5
Figure 2. Two kinds of conventional batch reactors are the single DPOUSPMMFS
jacket (left) and the half coil jacket (right) vessels

temperatures can damage the product. cold spots, however. In a typical

The problem is further compounded industrial reactor, the control
by the fact that jacket temperature is system can alter the fluid tem-
a poor guide to the internal wall tem- perature entering the jacket by
perature. The graph in Figure 3 shows more than 150°C within a mat- )FBUUSBOTGFS
the relationship between vessel wall ter of seconds. While these fluc- GMVJEDPOUSPMMFS
temperature and the process-side film tuations may have a relatively
5$ 5 1BUFOUT
coefficient under conditions where the small effect on the average QFOEJOH )FB
jacket temperature and product tem- jacket temperature (and even GMVJE
perature remain constant. less effect on the bulk product 5$
The process-side film coefficient is temperature), they can create
a measure of how easily heat can be severe, transient hot or cold
transmitted between the product and spots at the jacket inlet points.
the vessel wall. Factors that contrib- The severity and frequency of
ute to low film coefficients include these hot or cold spots is depen-
high product viscosities, low thermal dent on such factors as process
conductivity and poor agitation. In temperature, heat transfer co-
Figure 4. A constant-flux control reactor is
many operations, the film coefficient efficient, proportional-integral- made up of multiple, small heat-transfer chan-
can change significantly during the derivative (PID) control set- nels rather than the one or two large heating-
process cycle with the result that a tings and prevailing conditions and-cooling elements traditionally employed
safe jacket temperature at one stage of the heat transfer fluid. This
can cause surface burning or freez- problem is an inherent weakness of fluid. The split jacket concept, how-
ing at another. To protect the prod- using jacket temperature as the pri- ever, has the drawback that processes
uct from extreme wall temperatures, mary control parameter. often have changing liquid levels. To
plant operators have to set jacket One other cause of hot (or cold) spots cope with this, the split point for the
temperature limits. However, setting is the “dry wall” effect. Any heated (or lower jacket has to be set at a low
these to cope with low film coefficients cooled) wall surface inside the ves- level. This severely limits the heat
at one part of the process means that sel, that is not covered by process transfer capacity.
the heat transfer capacity has to be fluid, will get significantly hotter (or Sluggish temperature control is a
restricted for the whole process cycle. colder as applicable) than the process problem associated with large batch
This leads to unnecessarily long cycle temperature. Product which splashes reactors and is responsible for slow
times. A better solution is to monitor onto this surface is exposed to more and erratic temperature control of
the wall temperature directly and use extreme heating or cooling conditions. the product. This can be particularly
this to adjust the jacket temperature The traditional solution to this prob- undesirable for processes like crystal-
as necessary. Such measurements, lem is to use a split jacket. This is a lization where the required cooling
however, are not practical in tradi- heating and cooling jacket with upper load can change rapidly at nucleation.
tional batch reactors. and lower sections. By switching off With conventional batch reactors, the
Restricting jacket temperature pro- the upper section of jacket, the user turnover rate of heat transfer fluid
vides a measure of protection for the can restrict the heat transfer surface in the jacket tends to fall as the ves-
product. It does not eliminate hot or to a zone which is covered by process sel size increases. The turnover rate
Chemical Engineering March 2008 57
Engineering Practice 2,000 3.96
1,800 3FBDUJPOBUž$

1,400 3.36



60 1,000 3FBDUJPOBUž$ 1.98


600 1.32
30 3FBDUJPO 0.66
200 BUž$

0 2,750 5,500 8,250 11,000
0 5JNF T
-500 1,800 4,100 6,400 8,700 11,000
Figure 6. Butyl acetate concentration (from off-line GC data) and en-
thalpy data at 30, 40 and 50°C are plotted against time for standard reac-
Figure 5. The above chart profiles the tempera- tions carried out in the 10-L constant-flux reactor. Mean data from the
ture curves for an esterifiction reaction (at 40°C) standard reaction are plotted from five repeat reactions (at 40°C) with error
carried out in the 10-L constant flux reactor and in bars representing ± the standard deviation of the results from five repeat
a 5-L conventional reactor, plotted against time standard reactions. The start of the butanol addition was at zero seconds

in a conventional 5,000-L reactor that it can alter heating or cooling by the cooling effect of the butanol ad-
jacket, for example, is about 50 times power without changing the jacket dition (which is added at room tem-
slower than that of a 1-L reactor. This heat flux (hence constant flux). perature). As the reaction starts, the
is the primary cause for temperature The constant flux jacket has sig- process temperature suffers a signifi-
control problems on large systems. nificant advantages over conventional cant overshoot followed by a small but
Historically, users of batch reactors jackets. Transient hot or cold spots as- prolonged undershoot. The blue line
have employed software solutions to sociated with heat load changes can shows the same experiment performed
compensate for slow jacket-turnover be eliminated, since the heating or in a 10-L constant flux controlled reac-
rates. This, however, means imposing cooling power can be altered without tor. Even though this vessel is larger,
more extreme temperature shifts in changing the jacket temperature. The the overshoot and undershoot effects
the heat transfer fluid entering the jacket also functions like a split jacket, are virtually eliminated to give near
jacket. Although this can deliver mod- which can be set at any height to suit perfect temperature control.
est improvements to response speed, the process level. This can even vary
it does so with the expense of creating as the process level changes. Process monitoring
more severe hot or cold spots within The turnover rate of the heat trans- The function of reactor jackets is to
the jacket. fer fluid in the constant flux jacket add or remove heat. Where this heat
The problems of controlling temper- is very high. A 5,000-L constant flux can be measured, however, it can also
ature in batch reactors are related to reactor, for example, has a jacket serve as a valuable PAT tool. Unfor-
hardware design, and for this reason turnover rate that is equivalent to, or tunately, erratic temperature shifts
they need a hardware solution. One better than, a conventional 1-L labora- associated with temperature control
solution is a reactor with a constant tory reactor. This means that temper- in conventional reactor jackets make
(heat) flux control system as shown in ature-control dynamics are virtually such measurements unreliable and
Figure 4. unaffected by scale. difficult to perform. Constant flux
The constant flux jacket. This con- The control characteristics of the jackets, by contrast, have essentially
figuration is made up of multiple, constant flux jacket have been com- constant jacket temperatures, and
small heat-transfer channels rather pared with conventional reactors in thus, the heat can be measured by a
than one or two large heating and both simulation studies and live tests. simple heat-balance technique.
cooling elements. Each heat transfer In both cases, the control capabilities Figure 6 shows the results of a heat
channel is a pipe, which is clamped or of the constant flux jacket have been balance measurement performed
welded around the external surface of found to be significantly faster and during a chemical reaction. In this
the vessel (or in some cases these may more stable than conventional ves- experiment, the change in enthalpy
be internal coils) and is connected to sels. Figure 5 profiles a reaction be- was monitored during the formation
a multi-port piston valve. A control- tween butanol and acetic anhydride of butyl acetate. The reaction was
ler regulates the valve position and using 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine repeated at three different tempera-
as it does so, heat transfer elements as the catalyst. The experiment was tures and the enthalpy trends show
open and close in a cascade fashion. A repeated in a conventional 5-L reac- good correlation with changes in the
second control loop regulates the tem- tor and a 10-L reactor with a constant concentration of butyl acetate deter-
perature of the heat transfer fluid. By flux jacket. mined by gas chromatography.
varying the number of coils in service, When the reaction was performed in Heat balance measurement is an ef-
the control system is effectively regu- a conventional 5-L reactor (grey line) fective way of sensing change in batch
lating heat transfer area. This means the initial temperature dip is caused reactors. As a PAT tool, it is multi pur-
58 Chemical Engineering March 2008
pose, simple to use, non-intrusive and Conclusions
requires very little calibration. Heat Constant flux control affects the me-
balance measurement can be used for chanical design of the external cooling
monitoring process change, internal jacket and temperature control valve.
wall temperatures and heat transfer With this design, temperature control
coefficients. The same set of instru- is not only faster and more stable, but
ments and calibration settings are the problem of hot and cold spots in
used whether monitoring chemical the jacket is also eliminated. The sta-
reactions, crystallization or biopro- bility of the jacket temperature makes
cesses. The practical uses for heat bal- accurate and sensitive heat-balance
ance measurement include end-point measurement possible. This provides
detection, addition control, crystalli- a non-intrusive tool for monitoring
zation control and control of bioreac- most of the common unit operations
tors. In heating or cooling duties (for carried out in batch reactors. Further-
example, evaporation, distillation, more, as the constant flux technology
heat up and cool down) the wall tem- is independent of reactor size, the ben-
peratures in the vessel can be moni- efits can be realized at development,
tored from the temperature and heat pilot and manufacturing scales.  ■
balance data. This allows the user to Edited by Matthew Phelan
regulate the jacket temperature ac-
cording to the observed internal-wall Acknowledgements
temperature. This means faster heat- The authors acknowledge the contri-
ing and cooling without exposing the butions from Katy Basford, Martin de
product to damage from excessively Cecco and Maryann Ehly with respect
hot or cold wall temperatures. to some information used in Figure 6.

Robert Ashe (Ashe Morris Alison Nordon (Department
Ltd., The Heath Business of Pure and Applied Chemis-
& Technical Park, Runcor, try, University of Strathclyde,
Cheshire, WA7 4QX, U.K.; Glasgow, Scotland, G1 1XL,
Phone: + 44 (0) 1928 51 54 U.K.; Phone: +44 (0)141 548
54; Email: robert.ashe@ash- 3044; Fax: +44 (0)141 548 4212; is a chemical Email: alison.nordon@strath.
engineer and has worked in is a lecturer and Royal
the batch process industries Society University Research
for 30 years. For most of this Fellow in the Department of
time he has been closely in- Pure and Applied Chemistry
volved with the design and at the University of Strath-
operation of batch process equipment. In 1990 clyde. Alison obtained a B.S. (Hons) in Chemistry
he started working on the idea of variable-area and a Ph.D. in solid-state NMR spectroscopy from
heat transfer surfaces for batch vessels. In 2000 the University of Durham. She then moved to
he co-founded a company with David Morris and the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
together they built and tested a variable area at the University of Strathclyde where she held
batch reactor. Variable area reactors have now research fellow and senior research fellow posts
been successfully developed for use in lab, pilot with the CPACT. In 2004, she was awarded a
scale and manufacturing systems. He is continu- Royal Society University Research Fellowship
ing to develop uses for this technology as a pro- to work on the development of non-invasive ac-
cess analytical tool. tive acoustic techniques for process monitoring
and control. Alison’s current research interests
David Littlejohn (Depart- are the development of non-invasive and in situ
ment of Pure and Applied spectroscopic measurements (NMR, optical tech-
Chemistry, University of niques and acoustics) for process monitoring and
Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scot- control, chemometrics and signal processing.
land, G1 1XL, U.K.; Phone:
+44 (0)141 548 2067 Fax: Pamela Allan (Department
+44 (0)141 548 4212; Email: of Pure and Applied Chemis- re- try, University of Strathclyde,
ceived his B.S. and Ph.D. in Glasgow, Scotland, G1 1XL,
chemistry from the University U.K.; Email: pamela.allan@
of Strathclyde. After a period received her un-
working at ICI, he returned dergraduate M.S. in ‘Forensic
to Strathclyde in 1981 and has been Professor and Analytical Chemistry’ at
of Analytical Chemistry at the University since the University of Strathclyde
1988. He is currently head of the Department in Glasgow. She has held a
of Pure and Applied Chemistry. His activities in studentship from CPACT to
the development and application of inline, online carry out research with Pro-
and non-invasive methods of process monitoring fessor Littlejohn at Strathclyde since October
cover a range of techniques and data analysis 2004, and is now finalizing her Ph.D. thesis.
methods, including NMR, NIR, MIR, and Raman Allan is an affiliate member of the Royal Soci-
spectrometries, acoustic techniques and mass ety of Chemistry and a member of the Society of
spectrometry. David is a founding member of Chemical Industry.
the Centre for Process Analytics and Control
Technology (CPACT), a multi-disciplinary indus-
try-university collaboration devoted to research,
technology translation and training in realtime
monitoring, process optimization and control.
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