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EL 116 Literary Criticism

Self Assessment Quiz (SAQ)

Figure it out !
Direction:Discuss and answer the following questions comprehensively.
Limit your discussions for 5 sentences only. (15 points)

1. What is Literary Theory?

- Literary Theory is the analysis of the background information and

underlying tools used in making a literary work. It analyzes the inner
workings of a literary work and the methods used by the author.

2. Describe the purpose of literary theory.

- Its purpose is to elaborate the literary work further than what it

entails on its forefront and take a look into how it was formed
and analyze every concept that was put into it by the author.

3. In what ways will literary theory be important to you with your chosen

- It can be made use to further expound on a literary work on a

segmental level, breaking it apart and revealing all it has to offer in the
form of stylistic choices, its preferred contextual backgrounds, to further
the knowledge students can gain than just by reading it.

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