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Check Your Understanding (page 10)

1. The Franco-Prussian War ended in 1871.
2. Transportation was revolutionized by the construction of the Suez
Canal, linking the east and the west.
3. In the field of medicine, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease was
4. Darwin’s theory of evolution was used to explain current events
and phenomena.
5. Darwin’s theory revolved around organisms improving themselves
via the process of natural selection.
6. Wassily Kandinsky was the first ever prominent painter to produce
completely non-representational works of art.
7. Marcel Proust was a French novelist.
8. Stream of consciousness is a writing technique that disregards
chronological order and logical flow in favor of an accurate
depiction of memory and thought.
9. Maurice Maeterlinck 's writing was rich with psychological
10. Sigmund Freud was a psychoanalyst famous for his theory
regarding the conscious and the subconscious.

Check Your Understanding (page 17)

1. Impressionism was a nineteenth-century art movement that focused
on working en plein air, capturing transient features of natural
2. The first group exhibition of impressionist works in Paris was
held in 1874.
3. Monet’s Impression, Sunrise was singled out by critics and its
name, used pejoratively to name the art movement.
4. Debussy was the French composer who wrote La Mer.
5. The Paris Universal Exposition was held in 1899.
6. Debussy first encountered Javanese Gamelan from the far east at
the Exposition.
7. Ravel studied at the Paris Conservatory.
8. Ravel entered the conservatory at the age of 14.
9. Though Ravel tried three times to win the Grand Prix de Rome, he
was ultimately unsuccessful.
10. Stravinsky likened Ravel to a Swiss watchmaker.
Challenge Yourself (page 18)
R 1. He studied at the Paris Conservatory.
D 2. He won the Grand Prix de Rome.
X 3. He was Russian-born.
D 4. He composed La Mer.
R 5. He entered at the Paris Conservatory at the age of 14.

Check Your Understanding (page 23)

1. Expressionism began in France.
2. The movement focuses on the depiction of the artist’s inner life,
as opposed to his or her external surroundings.
3. Famous expressionist painters include Edvard Munch and Wassily
4. Arnold Schoenberg studied with Alexander von Zemlinsky.
5. Schoenberg worked as a clerk to make ends meet, after his father
6. Schoenberg had no formal training; he was mainly self-taught.
7. Schoenberg had a period of creative productivity from 1907 to
8. The composers who were part of the Second Viennese School were
Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
9. Berg is known for his groundbreaking operatic creations.
10. Webern received his doctorate in composition and musicology
from the University of Vienna in 1906.

Challenge Yourself (page 24)

S 1. He is the first composer to break away completely from
X 2. He is an impressionist composer
W 3. He is a part of the group known as the Second Viennese
W 4. He composed Passacaglia
X 5. He left an opera unfinished after his death in 1935

Check Your Understanding (page 9)

1. The phonograph was a device invented by Thomas Edison that could
record and reproduce sounds.
2. The theremin is an instrument that uses antennas to produce
sounds by picking up movements from a performer’s hands.
3. The first piano-style synthesizers were created by Robert Moog.
4. French composers Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry created tape
collage compositions called Musique Concrete which manipulated
recordings of sounds created by man and the environment.
5. “Gesang der Junglinge” was composed by Karlheinz Stockhausen.
6. “Visage” was composed by Luciano Berio.
7. John Cage’s Imaginary Landscape No. 1 is considered the
forerunner of modern live electronic music.
8. Give an example of synthesizer music created by Wendy Carlos.
Switched-on Bach and The Well-Tempered Synthesizer
9. The Moog was the first sound synthesizer ever created.
10. The universal digital language used to link synthesizers is
called ______________.

Challenge Yourself (page 10)

1. The phonograph inspired the start of the music recording
2. “Switched-on Bach” was created by Luciano Berio.
3. Tape music was one of the most used mediums for electronic
4. Sound produced by oscillators were considered usable in
Musique Concrete.
5. Moog synthesizers used knobs and switches instead of the
piano-style keyboard.

Check Your Understanding (page 14)

1. Chance music is also known as aleatory or _______________.
2. Aleatory comes from the Latin word alea, which means
3. Chance procedures can be done by the composer through rolling
dice or _______________.
4. Chance procedures in notation are done through verbal directions
or ____________, which are interpreted like traditional scores.
5. ______________ is an American chance music composer.
6. In “Music of Changes”, the __________ method of arriving at
random numbers was used.
7. In _________ the performer sits still and quiet for four minutes
and thirty-three seconds.
8. Morton Feldman wrote the score of ____________ on graphing paper.
9. Karlheinz Stockhausen wrote ________________, which is made up of
19 events whose arrangement is decided by the performers.
10. Chance procedures in performance and notation are
______________ in nature.

Challenge Yourself (page 15)

1. Karlheinz Stockhausen is the most famous chance music
2. Chance music is also called indeterminate music.
3. “Music of Changes” was written using an ancient Chinese method
called I Ching.
4. Composers use chance procedures such as coin flips to write
5. Performers cannot make their own musical decisions in
performing chance music.

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