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Learning Resource Maps for

Distance Learning
The DepEd Memorandum on
Suggested Strategies in
Implementing LDMs for SY 2020-
ACTIVITY 1 2021 included the Learning
Resources (LR) Map as a guide in
selecting the appropriate Distance
LDM to be implemented in
Schools/Divisions. Study this map
and answer the following questions
in your Study Notebook:
1. Based on the map, what resources should you have in
order to implement the LDM adopted by your
In our school, online distance learning and modular distance
learning is the preferred mode of instruction. As a result, we will
use printed self-learning materials and activity sheets as
2. Do you have the complete resources for the Distance LDM needed in
class? If the LRs are not complete or not available, what steps will you
take to make these available? What are your options to substitute these
missing LRs?
The school is currently reviewing the SLMs that were provided to
us. However, teachers are already using LR Portals such as
LRMDS and DepEd Commons to find useful and effective LRs to
supplement SLMs as needed.
3. What support will you need to maximize the use of the two DepEd-
sanctioned LR Portals? From whom can you get this support?
A good and stable internet connection is required to access these
online portals. A support group should be formed to ensure the
quality and appropriateness of the LRs. I will receive assistance
from my colleagues as well as technical assistance from our ICT
4. Based on your evaluation of the materials, are they appropriate to
the level an characteristics of learners? Are there learners who
might be disadvantaged by the materials (based on reading ability,
level of learning independence, level of household support,
distance)? What adjustments will you make in terms of the LRs?
The resources are appropriate for our students' various levels.
Because these resources are in editable formats, it should be
simple to improve or adjust them to meet the needs of all learners.
In your LAC Session, share and discuss
your answers from the previous activity.
What support can you provide to your
ACTIVITY 2 colleagues and what support can you
get from them in terms of LRs? Take
note of the insights that you can gather
from your colleagues and write them in
your Study Notebook.
Following discussions and idea exchanges, we came up with
various LR concepts. Learning Resources and SLM are now
available on our national portal for our modular Distant
Learning, so the only assistance that my colleagues can
provide is to print the SLM for distribution to our learners.


ACTIVITY 1 Establish access to the following portals:
Establish access to the following portals:

1. LRMDS Portal.
Ensure that you have an LRMDS Portal Account. If you have not registered yet,
follow the LR Portal User Guide to guide you in your registration process.
Alternatively, seek assistance from any of your colleagues or your IT personnel
in your school, district, or division. You may also coordinate with your LAC
Leader and/or Coach. To understand the portal better, you may watch the LR
Portal Video Tutorial located in the resources of this Course.

2. DepEd Commons.
Ensure that you have access to DepEd Commons. Refer to Memorandum on
DepEd Commons dated March 17, 2020.
1.Given the LDM adopted in your School, how can the two DepEd
portals respond to your LR needs and those of your learners’? How
do they complement the LRs that you already have?
In our school, we implemented Modular Distant Learning, which allows
us to easily access Learning resources and SLM through the two Deped
portals. We can get our learning modules online, which makes our jobs
as teachers easier. Paperless LR is a quick and well-organized method
of issuing LRs.
2. What are the challenges in accessing the LRs in the portals both
for you and your learners? How will you overcome these
The main concern in accessing the portal is the internet connection, but
some students and teachers have slow internet speeds. Another issue is
that entering the portal requires a smartphone or a laptop, so as an
adviser, I downloaded the specific LR first and personally distributed it to
my learners to ensure that everyone received a copy.
3. What support will you need to be able to maximize the use of the
LR Portals? From whom can you get this support?

What assistance will you require to make the most of the two DepEd-
approved LR Portals? Where can you get this assistance? We can easily
find and obtain our required SLM by using the Deped LR. However, to
open the portal, we must first have internal access and the
administrator's permission. From our ICI coordinator designated as the
admin of the portal.
In your next LAC Session, share and
discuss your answers to the questions in
Activity 1.
Explore how you can help and support We agreed to provide technical
each other in using the LR portals. Jot assistance in case problems occur
down the while accessing the said portals. We
insights and helpful information regarding also decided to include the updates
the use of the LR portals in your Study of these portals to our future LAC
Notebook. sessions.


Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool.
Download an LR from either DepEd
ACTIVITY 1 Commons or LRMDS Portal and assess
the material using the tool. Answer the
following questions in your Study
Rapid Assessment Tools with Reflections
S.Y.: 2020-2021
1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?
During the LAC session, we discovered that one of our group members
is an administrator for the preceding portal at our school. We shared
our personal experiences with learning portals, and after the session,
we agreed to use the portal frequently to address needs in teaching
and learning about LRs.
2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered
“No” or “Cannot Be Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR
material? Why?
The evaluation method was successful in achieving the quality
and dependability of the activities to manipulate and optimize
the use of the LR portal.
3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but
still need to be assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
The lesson was covered in the learning material, but some descriptions
and terminology are required to achieve the best understanding of the
4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate
LRs for your lesson and your learners?
Understanding how to manage these LR Portals gives me the
confidence and motivation to seek out the most appropriate
learning resources for my students.
Explore other non-DepEd LR
portals/platforms you can find online.
Take note of the portals in your Study
ACTIVITY 2 Notebook. Download at least one LR
from each portal. Assess the materials
using the same tool and answer the
following questions in your Study
Rapid Assessment Tools with Reflections
S.Y.: 2020-2021
1.Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-
DepEd Portal compare with the LR from the DepEd Portal?
Deped recommends LRs are dependable and consistent in the basic
requirements for selecting LRs, whereas non-deped LRs occasionally
deviate from the requirements of standard LRs.
2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements
do the materials —both from DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still
Deped materials were examined by DepEd personnel before posting to
the DepEd portal, so I don't believe there are any revisions for that,
but non-depEd materials, of course, must be examined first and must
be aligned to the assessment tool provided by DepEd.
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and
appropriate LRs for your lesson and your learners?
Understanding how to manage these LR Portals gives me the
confidence and motivation to seek out the most appropriate learning
resources for my students.
Choose one of the LR materials that you
have developed. Assess this material
ACTIVITY 3 using the same tool. Answer the
following questions in Your Study
Rapid Assessment Tools with Reflections
S.Y.: 2020-2021
1. How does your material compare with the ones that are obtained
from the online portals?
The material needs more precision and quality assurance.
2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed
To make it readable for my students, I need to improve the
sources of the activity as well as the type of font. I'll also think
about the culture and gender fair the next time.
Share and discuss your answers to the
questions in Activities 1, 2, and 3 in your
LAC Session. Jot down insights and

ACTIVITY 4 information that can be useful to you in

choosing the
appropriate LRs.

Submit your LR assessments with your

reflection on the exercises to your LAC
Leader. Ensure that you keep a copy for
The Rapid Assessment Tool allows us to find the best learning resources
for my different learners. The materials posted from the DepEd LR Portal
(LRMDS and DepEd Commons) match the requirements of the Rapid
Assessment Tools, however, materials from the Non-DepEd LR Portal give
support to satisfy learners' needs despite the lack of quality assurance.
You have completed Module 3B. You may now
proceed to Module 4 - Planning for continuing
professional development and lac planning

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