Hydrostatics:: (All Problems of Hydrostatics Are From The Book-Fluid Mechanics F. M. White)

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SEE601A Thermo-Fluid Engineering

Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering
IIT Kanpur Instructor: Debopam Das
Aug-Dec 2021 (Submit by 8th Sept 2021)
(All Problems of hydrostatics are from the Book- Fluid Mechanics F. M. White)
P2.14 In Fig. P2.14, sensor A reads 1.5 kPa (gage). All fluids are at 20C. Determine the elevations Z in meters
of the liquid levels in the open piezometer tubes B and C.

2.76 Isosceles triangle gate AB in Fig. P2.76 is hinged at A and weighs 1500 N. What horizontal force P is
required at point B for equilibrium?
P2.96 Fig. P2.96 shows a section view of a tank containing a 6-m depth of water. The wall of the tank is
installed with a quadrant circular gate AB, which can freely rotate about the hinge at A and is kept closed by a
horizontal force F applied at B. The gate is 10 m long, and its back is exposed to the atmosphere. The weight of
the gate and friction in the hinge may be neglected.
(a) Draw a labeled diagram to show the hydrostatic pressure distribution on the gate. Calculate the values of
pressure at A and B. (b) Calculate the magnitude of the horizontal component of the resultant force acting on
AB. (c) Calculate the magnitude of the vertical component of the resultant force acting on AB. (d) Find the
magnitude and inclination of the resultant hydrostatic force acting on AB. (e) Determine the minimum
horizontal force F that is required to hold the gate closed. Show that it is always equal in magnitude to the
horizontal component of the resultant force, which is found in (b).

P2.141 A block of wood (SG 0.6) floats in fluid X in Fig. P2.141 such that 75% of its volume is submerged in
fluid X. Estimate the gage pressure of the air in the tank.

C2.8 What is the uncertainty is using pressure measurement as an altimeter? A gage on

the side of an airplane measures a local pressure of 54 kPa, with an uncertainty of 3 kPa. The
estimated lapse rate that day is 0.0070 K/m, with an uncertainty of 0.001 K/m. Effective sealevel
temperature is 10C, with an uncertainty of 4C. Effective sea-level pressure is 100
kPa, with an uncertainty of 3 kPa. Estimate the airplane’s altitude and its uncertainty.
Problem 1

Find the acceleration of a fluid particle passing through the center of a nozzle for steady volumetric flow rate of 4
lit/min. Assume 1-D, inviscid and incompressible flow. Inlet area of the nozzle is 1.44cm2 and the length of the nozzle is
4cm. Area is varying linearly (increasing/decreasing) with x.

Problem 2. In a flow field velocity vector (i) V = (y)i + (x-kt)j.

where, k is constant. Find

a) the equation of a streamline passing through point A(x=0 y =1)

b) the equation of the pathline of a particle passing through A at t =0.

c) the equation of a streakline at t =T when dye is injected at A.

d) If k = 0, calculate the same as (a) (b) (c). Discuss the implications of the results.

Problem 3

Problem 4.

A velocity field is given as,

Find the Lagrangian description of the flow by determining the position of a particle which is at x= (xo, yo) at time, t = 0.
From this Lagrangian description of flow determine the Eulerian flow field.
Problem 3
Problem 5.

Problem 6. A steady, incompressible flow field is given by,

⃑⃑ = 𝟒𝒙𝒊 + 𝒌𝒚𝒋

(a) Find the value of 𝒌

(b) Is the flow rotational?
(c) If the co-efficient of dynamic viscosity is μ, derive expressions for stress components τxx and τxy
(d) Find the equation of streamline passing through point A (x = 1, y = 1) and sketch it.
(e) If pressure at A (x = 1, y = 1) is 100kPa find the pressure at the stagnation point. Neglect gravity.

Control Volume Analysis and Bernoulli’s equation:


Ans: L =50m

Ans: 6.33m/s


Ans: V Vo r/(2h).




(b) If the above cart is initially held stationary by a force F1x and released at t=0, find the variation
of velocity of the cart with time.
P3.83 A fluid jet of diameter D1 enters a cascade of moving blades at absolute velocity V1 and
angle β1, and it leaves at absolute velocity V2 and angle β2, as in Fig. P3.83. The blades move at
velocity u. Derive a formula for the power P delivered to the blades as a function of these

P3.101. Extend Prob. 4 of Quiz 1 to the case of the liquid motion in a frictionless U-tube whose
liquid column is displaced a distance Z upward and then released, as in Fig. P3.101. Neglect
the short horizontal leg and combine control volume analyses for the left and right legs to
derive a single differential equation for V(t) of the liquid column.






When a uniform stream flows past an immersed thick cylinder, a broad low-velocity wake is created downstream, idealized
as a V shape in figure 8 Pressures P1 and P2 are approximately equal. If the flow is two-dimensional and incompressible,
with width b into the paper, derive a formula for the drag force F on the cylinder. Rewrite your result in the form of
dimensionless drag coefficient based on body length CD = F/(ρU2bL).

Figure (8)

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