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a tet ea te) | 20UP/20UP+ QUAWUMNIU AUAIAMUAIAM "| eT T AY) Hissedton RL ECT aia,coth 4 a ues) uuu aaa Beneite Pint Plan? land Blané Blan maitinidacwomatutantogiion 160.000 2809000 380,000 450.000 550,000 Lass fife by SieknassorAecident AccIOENTAL DEATH (ContNentaLscaces | madiiPindeseoneioanserenute 300,000 00.000 700,000 00,000 1,100,000 Pusticaccienm| "| Loss of Lien Public Accident 150,000 250,000 360,000 450,000 650,000, raguilersidenumutertulndodiiniuterw 160000250000 soaq0 —soa00 —_gsnan0 Urntort Pear Tel tnt eo Ob ine miguifemnnshanartsledoriniutiarn ‘60000 20000 esau 480.000 —_—S50,900 Permanent Teal esse hte On je gan rsarcgaturmyranegutun nas 150,000 250,000 $80,000 460,000 $50,000 Tumslusenyteneetss Los af pase dir ofboth Ears eadnrsantunny 75000 125000 «175,000 725,000 276,000 Lassa Spach qdueudmitosiaduslautudere 75000 126,000 175,000 225,000 276,000 Permanent Tt es of ene of Oe ye ronpmaarntnedusonewng im ‘som00 moac0 ago 480000 —_—sso000 trade 2 ew Taal Permanent ably by Acie lr teensecuve ments jain mngnamminedutaorante y whom 160,00 350000 450,000 —_~s50/00 gwnammdutsenas | viedunlewruinieris 120 tu Taranevemanenr | Told Permanent Ossliy ban Accent ovsesnr dr Siena for 60 consecve ays rom te date of Accident o Sickness, infer Aifowuner eroreniet (gag 31 73) 4,500 20002800 (3,000, 5,000 Day Room & Beara (Max. 31 dye por dea viosusceboneihaleydets agai 7 1) 3000. 4900-000» 000 1,000 Leu Man ay . eon geveett | grqagraif 2s Auiernntalentands “ners Tota Masi Lint 31 dys sy) Fainesmaranay 30,000 40,000 $0,000 «60,000 190,000 ‘ther Hossa Services (ONS) hawt aunsiaat) sooo 40,000 «$0,000 «60,000 100,000 Surgical Benefit Non-Schedle) Figiarmsuwndrndy 1,900 1.500000 ——«2.500 3,000 oben qeqabliiu st Ay) Inehorptal Deter Cll I eal doy, Max. 31 dys) Frimemeranadihiiengadu (aeahiny 00 ~~—7900~=«000=~=*« OSC OO Fommnnduusgeris eo erchinneg. fame snerainedun) Emergency Ou-PatetAciert is natincladed im ther Heit Senses HSI Pufineywnigoaremele (raglan tie 6000 7.000~=«000«=~« 0 —=«=«*,00O swraradunvierumniin akauira) Spelt Contain Fe neues nO 2 SB} Seleaturwne vn 3,996 4,809 6,222 7.695 11,294 Shh fier cee eee oon °° ae ae fufiumsfnnusesirarsadletuens aswennerioutadiien netiute delsunrusrnladollanarenrencidon teria usctenltunrinrny niaumanen aera 1 wu 2 ercuunooe wins ovr Optra ent fen ane Pn foimemranauis | épsfoxnuuubiamen 00 eo 1000.» 1800 2.000 auanuen (1 aoderu unegeqalali 20 alee) untacsencr | Cina Gl eal/ day andra, al /year foorsenent ey aime 2,370 3,160 3,950 5,925 7,900 aa OU = TENT PREM FOE PENDENT ikneirnans | onfaw fuera qoqa toh 2000 ~=«3000~|~=« ODD S«CS000 «C0 Dentacsevern | DENTAL SENEHT Mr Pay rex) mannvinaliniemmpinapy mannstiiedilen madineud! usclaenamanentuieannanstgiins riya eee unematne ee Ora Examination or eng / Preps crsyaneLakrsto Tent Piling sn beracion eve inwrumene whl jaomnteype 1 1423~—«11839=«=«2285—=«2.670 8,086 aa ras ere SHPLONE /OEFENDENT © farsa: madeindiessonmnduahe 160000 250,000 360,000 480,000 580,000 alent east erm nese Aotenbwaure | uankon stent omase SRUreREA Schnee tom rc nes Denes Eu! 40 tantruuser nd winery / qaneevieyer 1 wae 1,080 1,800 2,520 3,240 3,960 URAL ae Penn ELON OEP eft wn 320911608 «aaa? 19.470 26,240 ava, aU an EHOL OES un 40 Tartrmare useqarrwteonuna ed qouenniteyme 1 yu 7.489 10,308 13,127 17,180 23,380 TOTAL ANNUAL OCI & EDICAL PREMIUM /OEPENDENTL nasclemfarnduases nidhiuiautesernmsSuslan (Death Benett) yy inaanalssiont + Vinanudunrestiomadtinddessinnaedunlaemnnadl Haltdermesanegtfon, 40 andruss uaenadiidutin | — Tocover the death from sickness not accidental death (additional coverage \essinmstaurlan (6cIR) Group Term Life Policy). GROUP 40 CRITICAL nadhduslaudaelsnteuss (Living Bonet) ILLNESSES AND SICKNESS. + Vanunmesnantifie nas tufeditiney usviduthedantentauss DEATH BENEFIT To cover the sickness from 40 Critical Illnesses during the lifetime. vannig: Yelnrufinenst aot Fonscliutindeseanm austin (Death Sonott) une neili¥ualsnitanlsntiuuns (Living, Benet!) sesutunaleeiontioairy qaqaleifin 100% spss wautwerleefufigega miumewansloniestquay ain Remark: Provided finally tat the both benefits for na more than T0D% of Summ Assured as stipulated inthe Schedule of this ‘Supplementary Contract shal be granted, econ vdigeint diloesieduuenlsstomtids 100 % eradqyey uRiiaduds mrmdunsesneagionnieetufumsdyay ui ¢ sehuganstiut ‘After the ful [100%] Sum Assured as specified in the Schedule f this Supplementary Contract have been paid to the Insured Member, his/her coverage under GCIR shal be terminated Coa CoC UN LUE reat peteeetes Cees) Fonfudiygyinnunrnindh uncom domlantah tu ln eFagihon eFugnam ed Buy Termination The coverage of Basic Paley and others such as Grup Lie, ADD. and Meical wil be sti eect. save 2 ufemastmnuserier ststuenanaaen detiturmonsiudatlonfrwrmeneiten derroue useeuletunrussa! ie fom wioufntassiale 40 Tsatreuse* Plituanndursasmudunutnanisenaudon eo = ngulemueiis uaviioson ‘O™%O! a 2. dlocantuazes silantaldueds Benign brain tumor) ngailaavalasruumela uazmsluateulaiia 1 iuumdusrnn seaman VAcute Heart Attack) 2. mrindakutonduundrattetae lcoroary tery B-p085 Surgery *. benkmedeite Icaronyonty eo 4. minnie open Hear Surgery or the Heart ave is 5. Tonusufituoamendonunongauuralgigl [Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension! 6. fermmenanlengarucel [Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Iersler Disease / End-stage Lung disease) 7. laetsfinsrewantantsantainhssinain UaplasticAnemial 8. mithinutudonurstngjinont [Surgery to Aorta} nijailenttnfuetiny uaessuumevieuiinaey 1. Unandets Chronic Kidney Failure) 2. tealokatutnaudunuass IFulmvinan Virat Hepatits 2. mw [Chronic Liver Disease /Endestage Liver 4, Undnusugye sontantauhisa qys Fhsnilnys [Lupus Nephits from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) é 9 5. nmofudeuueufingudhatun {Chron Relapsing Pancreatitis 6. terdildsninudusenguuss [Severe Ulcerative Calls oF Crohn's Dseasel 7. emxfegiupeimenafinguins ISevere Rheumatoid Arthritis) 8. mathfnulinueltnestadgaritansegn IMajor Organs Transplantation or Bone Marrow Transplantation) 8. tenaaias lelephantiasi] ngumanadudausuezanennnannn 1 [Btindness) a [Major Heas Trauma) a Ikess of independent ving 5. mn {Total ana permanent disability - TPO} 6. maggtunrumensatuneya iLoss of speech] 7. nvirsh {Comal 8, mnsfinrimaesrnlssernfiiny IMutiple root avlsions of Brachial Plexus) riulsrmaani@andues seunniscarm ndraita unemnavinta Tsrsimeaaesunsunnve gat [Major Stroke Teereannlsenrmiaria Teridespsnnsunelation Trrsmnenition sip sinssuvrndsiaia IVrat Encephalitis Teesosinndiiesrmmaunurrnrdenlys IMotor Neuron Disease Inesuosidensindst Ualzheimer's disease iParkingon’sDiseaee Uapalic Syndromes Vegetative Statel 10. laerdniteiten [Muscular Oystophy] snselite [Multiple Selerosis) watusindisuurfide [Bacterial meningitis) enesifedimeilaunnativin [Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Brain Surgery) © 11, true iPotomyetiti 12. tenddndiritndnumnndteu INecrotising Fast and Gangrene) 13, dam wneandandiaumaten [Paralysis ‘Liduasasdoarnmduthed davinlsadmusestresulitnduiaumsddoumelssfuduvtanily 60 Su auustutdyyAuaaouionlsstuinusiacmutuniany Benefit shall not be covered for any Critical Illness or Sickness which first occurred prior tothe effective date of Insured Member and within sixty 60) days following to the effective of Insured Member. Eo ane uleaeut ert rrture and when aveling No premium enaeo¢= by insured member © undielonidnimnnennanntilulsentnnna (fisily) deldanGundnsmnuduasosduy Alay deills amlseinnitlatumalansusssiuaselate HB Incentive benefit (apply for In-patient benefit on hospital admission only], when insured member utilizing insurance benefits for the hospital admission from other scheme which is not AIA Insurance Policy. SrrnAunsesty 7 Vlur userutsna tasemnlseriugann © Taleransoltfasstunadlay Sronky 20 um neu yaa 3 nosyuGunaumsalrctuemiin — seseleveyminsvm oly v sud eateries uqaurmuuutiosluts9 uenvitern alzefuondy uly Iteannot be used tgether with all kinds of AIA insurance policies, such as Other Benefit incuses Social Securty Benefit, Government Gels Card O'dinary Lite Insurance, Personal Accident, and Group Insurance. Program (30 Bah), Por Ror Bor. Third Party Insurance, Workman's ‘Compensation Fund, and any personal insurance or health benelits other than above-prescribed (iunanadursesnnalinnsant Modrayera dreiiugiivg nauseleninlady tf 2 neil The HB Incentive Benefit shall be reimbursed in the following 2 scenari © ndlil 1 Witumaorsunullddueuourhfubwasuacéanns © radii 2 Lidudnanvsuneldviniudousrsmilllatuvasinies Goeaninladuntesrhinwmerune (dahl) sanders uaervenins unrest itoyeadtam GompnlAtunteuiinwmenana (fulely) smarEermufurses Scenario 1: Hospital Incentive amount shall be fully paid equivalent to Buy FflnnfsuuFad runs units Anvinaunsetanaws the bene aman of Daly Room and Board Benet Scenario 2: Hospital Incentive amount shal be pad equalet tothe remaining iftne Insured Member has totaly eimbursed the actually ineurres amount of Daly Room an Board Beef, medical expenses rom others coverage insurance Ife sured Member hs totaly reimbursed he actualy incurred mca tegances from athers coverage neuranc, excep or rom and bear expences, neulretoniie 2 nad dasucesehifurhiawuareemnesiety usesesumadtuuluhdnininw ulsmeuredts walifudrwauty qrqnanerviosunsehe mafia ummensusant Under no circumstances, the Company shall reimburse the benefit for both cases tothe Insured Member in excess ofthe maximum number of Aaiy oom and board per confinement as stipulated in the insurance schedule shetina: eras aneclse Tua HB Incentive naci¥avGulssAudeeniusiufiudae view ndu HB Incentive reimbursement when utilizing Social Security Benefit or SSb (IPD) naiifienlneiliunrmunaes ues 1 umlzelunieniiesunceronasing 1,500 um Example :Plan 1 AIA Room / Board {Benefit} » Baht 1,500, ys slaw dubuhetendy aout umlestonidwiewme Avisleefuinn sTaciuaasi send) sronwnesings sitdsnniitindusts snvlonetiudsmss ala pye ie iforece after S58 aden ratiifosne Plan 1Room/Board{AIA) Actual Expense Room/Board [SSB] HB Incomive/ day Example tw) ®) o 41,500 700 700 - 41,500 (1,800 -0) 2 41,500 1,800 700 00 700 (7,500 - 700), (1,500 - 800) 3 41,500 2,500 700 1,500) > s.e00usemauesrutigeqn (1,500 - 1,500) suazeranana (A) ‘And the alference does not exceed the max of room & board benefit (A) etevlodulumatieylunminent ional be specied in policy contrac. rae Pieces qsuauiinesgstnditantaslanewsefuta ous 20 math) weelalitunh $0 nu elainssssas! Uresfuilunduaisfina wine Ann urspolzeamiitat uavdatuatiomuriy less (uign) ov dag Winvwuesdhuminenlsss uavidudtenysaus 152] unr ‘piu 65 7 wiuilnavesntitueiieAL myatunnoniinemntiemnssdinsls 45 udinunnflumsiadauthuanin inrnaemnescmesdinianinlzeriate caailitandse-alevtuttun ack ne uittandienleeiuciaikonasedesnsen effuffemine ny (orien) (hifewwnncgs rT Fufidauetamummnmsrshleetuteserdwiudot mnpiinnafinlassfusudia natishminenddn wlrertuturewintinsnsent tulad narifumnunsusrnflestudneidutuumniGaugaiion vinTutbiueceenonnnon (mufunedoorinmunlShureaiae sonesitluasing ngunnurimaaiinavinlse faite iugaimuneynsuoswiinen Cac a seeds use nauielumieine menue uae dyqyrfiin 20 tratruuseset perudunrnsurjaussanontinonaitengghnrn 657 unset ane{bidindn 2 enfiod uaclaifunds 18 9 uardaitlaanes Fail seamanraiiunses Surynsttennrens 187 aula 23 Ten thu@arhteAmmnvinvien uncial iene daurnuncymiserGienuzetwty setoontaneneetutunell uuu funnier (amedqyy itu 40 lraPruuss war refiugar mii) nadiuned atesneadinniueeiutugenin uecdqyey uid 40 Wen nuseliuridensmusearmpenainea dansausesoe tl sssnfdhhumstnietianamneayn useing niet aurmuszyne Harber nlzefisioinectosnren usin Uretiufagegtuinare (mréram) eiuduenin SrrufunsesurigatnF inv midus ‘aiFrusestun anda 2 Ee eee eee one eet are duusefuae enlsesfusteuta + unedredudfutinsouioreanisstiutunontinens gene usryenionin maifonuuulsefuay + mineuiiiariinnleertutourcorluhumnisnudeats sefesesinninlretureuuuusnaiunts +t nmemianne (hromunucaaleetuldgagn 3 wens ea 1 + ponnumabsredrouenaleetueedindliiun 3 reAuuaw rseneumaeu an Ay nattfi@enuenalesul 1 chuwnalestushgn Ho umnalesstugendfieanendentitiald Ae ursaleetuiiet 4 + enlzetun ayy 40 Tantruuts efmemnerure uuufahuunn uncer funnanthucelzetemnineds snunenifernintaiild wininBanirudonineruynens swiiosdaganturrnndunsnerendonnnnn, + ontneruernan aheftuldemrcemirctendehinemenauuufihouen ancivie enfnwviuanraindy tenamnissnaumsaitas + hehe nlseiutanguateminnminey (dautusnate) + siwwntidefsmamesnnestiounetashatiyne aan efanss uasyne (Frading) nuavdun wiemanttinnlzerrmusesmtngu gaurcuns yarusincrs (hating) mauuaNafuensisiain + usinenevesesiustaminann (mt 19) lasing Gnsenswantuniome hokey + lusdlnmnecerlaeitustadjedlugnaa (nafoan) (Hassle) + shomtnnlerrsusomine gas wacyrtusinsns nisuannarhufuseataungnins redvacadenlseiuty dose “vn wees sna senzviasenen + aqeyteaa 40 tented aeleldunenstioernnadunhn doulendutauonondesanteetwuastihmual udiyeyy find uachimatnradububaulantieussttiann ‘Vlutyqyrfiaiind Wonvwiunasoalenteursdy Fifisturieudieuseiueddunoaleetudavterewtu shrwunszausiien 60 Tu Tuwituhduyrtauiaeesdion Usetiusnusiacmuiinersry Na eee eee eee eee eey ee ca a! eeoe eee aT a derimun usetenletunrinres NO eaur Ree ete Eligibility + A Business Group Consists of 20-50 full-time employees, which does not currently hold the same type of Group Employee Benefits with AIA, + All benefits are available to eligible employees age 15-65, years who are actively at work on the effective date of the group insurance. + The average age af all employees shold not exceed 65 years old, Participation Requirements + All employees in a company must participate in the group insurance program (On compulsory basis} + Alleligible employees are required to complete the Green Card only (No Health Declaration! + The effective date of the group insurance is following day ater all required documents are obtained and the insurabilty is approved, In case that a new employee requests to participate in the group insurance program during the policy year, the effective date is the first day of his actively at work or the after his probation period. (defined as waiting period in the Employer Application Form Eligibility of Dependent + All medical benefits and GCIR are available to spouse below age 65 and childirenl atleast 2 weeks old and not over 18 years, of age and unmarried. Child{ren) can be extended from 18 to 22 years old i stil a full-time student and unmarried. + The eligible dependents must enroll under the same plan as the insured employee [for GCIR and medical coverage only + Incase that the employer requires to extend medical insurance and GCIR coverags he employee's dependent, all eligible dependents of all married employees must be insured. + Alletgible dependents are required to complete the Dependent Enrollment Form (No Health Declaration) Occupational Class + Al benefits are available to the business: risk exposure ‘not higher than the occupational class 2. {White & Light-blue Collars aniy! Premium + Mode of payment is annual basis. + The premiums of alt eligible employees and their dependents must be paid by the employer. Classification of Plan + Al eligible employees who are in the same or equivalent position will be insured under the same plan. + One policy can consist af not mare than 3 different plans. + The difference between the insurance plans should nat exceed 3 plan level, for example In ease that Plan 1 is, chosen, the higher plan must not exceed Plan 4 + GCIR, Clinical Benefit, and Dental Benefit are optional for the employer, in case that the employer decides to take the coverage of GCIR and/or Clinical Benefit and/or Dental Benefit al eligible employees must participate inthe coverage. + Crossing of plans for different benefits is allowed for Clinical Benefit and/or Dental Benefit only. Documentation Requirements + The Master Application Form completed by the employer. + Aphotocopy of the affidavit or certificate of incorporation, + Asolt file containing detailed summary ofall employees and their dependents’ information in AIA format (if apply] + The Green Card Form {Employee Enrollment Form, + The White Card Form (Dependant Enrollment Form] lf apply + Aphotocopy with certify true copy of each employee's and dependent’s ID Card. + In case the premium paid by cheque [account payee only], cheque payable to: “AIA Company Limited Waiting Period + GCIR £0 Benefit shall NOT be payable for any Critical Iiness other than a diagnosis of Critical illness as defined inthe contract nor shall it cover any Critical Iliness, the symptoms of which first occurred prior to the effective date of Insured and within sixty (40] days following to the effective of each Insured Member. Dee eee ‘The employer shall study, and understand the proposal before buy insurance prod (nce receiving the policy contrac, please read terms and conditions thoroughly Cromer rc PR ee CRC ORCC eae CURE Leeann oe) Poet er CeCe De) CE UMW) SOE eee ee ea er eee ee ecu oe) Nene) See ee) ea Etre Peery SUSE

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