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General Conditions for Cultivation of Crops

1.10. Good Agricultural Practices GAP related to crop protection

(GAP) • Use resistant cultivars and varieties.

• Crop sequences, associations and cultural prac-
ood Agricultural Practices (GAP) are "prac-
tices that address environmental, economic and
• Biological prevention of pests and diseases.
social sustainability for on-farm processes, and which
• Maintain regular and quantitative assessment
result in safe and quality food and non-food agricul-
of the balance status between pests and diseases
tural products".
and beneficial organisms of all crops.
• Adopt organic control practices where and
What are GAP codes, standards and when applicable.
regulations? • Apply pest and disease forecasting techniques
where available.
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) codes, stand- • Determine interventions following considera-
ards and regulations are guidelines which have tion of all possible methods and their short and
been developed in recent years by the food industry, long-term effects on farm productivity and en-
producers' organizations, governments and NGOs vironmental implications. This will allow the
aiming to codify agricultural practices at farm level minimizing of agrochemicals, in particular, to
for a range of commodities. promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
• Store and use agrochemicals according to le-
Why do GAP codes, standards and gal requirements of registration for individual
regulations exist? crops, rates, timings, and pre-harvest intervals
• Ensure that agrochemicals are only applied by
These GAP codes, programmes or standards exist specially trained and knowledgeable persons.
because of: • Ensure that equipment used for the handling
and application of agrochemicals complies with
• Growing concerns about food quality and safe-
established safety and maintenance standards.
ty worldwide.
• Maintain accurate records of agrochemical use.
• Fulfilment of trade and government regulatory
• Identify the GAP in each protection method.
• Specific requirements especially for niche mar- Crop rotation systems
kets. • Sequence crops by selecting pest host relation.
• Selected crop for rotation in order to break the
life cycle of pest (Jowar should be rotated with
• Ensuring safety and quality of produce in the
pulses to combat striga weed).
food chain.
• The selected crop for rotation should not be the
• Capturing new market advantages by modify-
food of previous crop pest.
ing supply chain governance.
• To select appropriate crops for rotation:
• Improving natural resources used, workers'
• Analyze the pest habitat
health and working conditions to creating new
• Follow forecasts
market opportunities for farmers and exporters
• Monitor pest and natural enemies
in developing countries.

The benefits of GAP codes Privilege resistant species

• Cultivate plant varieties which are less prone to
• Standards and regulations are numerous, in-
pest attack.
cluding food quality and safety improvement.
• The resistant varieties reduce production cost.
• Facilitation of market access.
• Pest resistant transgenic crops developed for
• Reduction in non-compliance risks regarding
specific pest can be used. This is new avenue for
permitted pesticides, Maximum Residue Limits
reducing pesticide load.
(MRLs) and other contamination hazards.

30 Farmer’s Handbook on Basic Agriculture

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