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Soil and Plant Nutrition

Land slope
• Soil gradient is the angle of inclination of the soil surface from the soil.
• It is expressed in percentage, which is the number of feet raise or fall in 100 feet from the horizontal
• Mild gradient up to 1% is desirable.
• Higher gradients are not desirable as it leads to soil and water erosion.
• Perfect levelling is required only for paddy crop.
rcen 1 e
e t urfac
4 Pe rcen 1
nd S
25 rce nt

v - Vertical rise
15 Pe 1

s 8.50 5 Percent
e ntle s lo p e
rate ly g 1
e ntl e to m ode
G 3 0
Nearly Flat to very gentle slopes
1 2.2 4 6.7 20
h=Horizontal distance
Land Slope

Soil pH Tips for soil pH management

• Acid soils are to be corrected by using lime,
• Soil pH is of utmost importance in plant growth quantity of lime application is as per soil test
as it influences nutrient availability, toxicities report.
and the activity of soil organisms. • Alkali soils are to be corrected by gypsum/sul-
phur, quantity of application is as per soil test
PH Range Soil Reaction Rating report.
<4.6 Extremely acid • Saline – alkali soils should be treated with gyp-
sum and improved drainage.
4.6-5.5 Strongly acid
5.6-6.5 Moderately acid Soil organic matter
6.6-6.9 Slightly acid • Soil organic matter is the mix of plant and ani-
mal matter in different stages of decay.
7.0 Neutral • Soil organic matter plays a key role in biologi-
7.1-8.5 Moderately alkaline cal, physical, and chemical function in soil.
>8.5 Strongly alkaline Soil organic matter helps by:
• Providing nutrients for soil organisms
• Acting as major reservoir of plant nutrients
Acid pH Acid pH OH-
• Making nutrient exchange between soil and

root of the plants easier

Neutral pH 7 • Improving soil structure
H+ OH-
0 14 0 14
• Influencing soil temperature
• Reducing the risk of soil erosion
Basic pH H+
Basic pH • Increasing water holding capacity
0 14

Soil organic matter can be improved
0 14
0 14
• Recycling the crop residue back to field
without wasting and burning
• Applying compost

Farmer’s Handbook on Basic Agriculture 35

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