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a AppiTionAL HirDiz AcTIvATION DURATION Sneak Attack DRAIN Wonnrovs ITM ( Boon ) - Rare (Rocug ONT) “Swift is the arrow, dark is the thorn.” This shattered arrow holds the hallmarks of years of use told by its wear and age. When held in shadow, one is able to glimpse wet blood upon the arrowhead not present in the light. it Even appears Sas to the touch, and it is almost always cold. These characteristics suddenly vanish when brought into the light. - While in the User’s Possession, they feel a creeping draw from the item and are able to access its boon. - STRIKE TRUE: Once per Encounter, as an Action, the user can expend a Hit Die into the arrow to gain an additional 1d6 Sneak Attack Die for 1 Minute.

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