Chuyên Bắc Giang 2021-2022

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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 29/7/2021
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

Bằng số: Số phách

ĐIỂM Chữ ký giám khảo 1: ..............................................................
Bằng chữ: ................................ Chữ ký giám khảo 2: .........................................................................................

- Đề thi gồm 08 trang, thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi.
- Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu nào.


Part 1: You will hear a man and his wife talking about buying a car. Listen to the recording and
then check (✓) whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). You will hear the recording
ONCE. (6 pts)

Statements True False

1. The woman says she prefers the Volvo.
2. The man thinks the Golf is too small.
3. The woman damaged their car when she was trying to park.
4. The Volvo is cheaper than the Golf.
5. They have been there for more than an hour.
6. In the end, the man and the woman can't decide what to buy.

Part 2: You will hear a telephone conversation between a travel agency employee and a
customer. Listen to the recording and complete the table. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer to the questions. You will hear the recording
TWICE. (8 pts)

Example: Name Robert Goddard

Destination: Melbourne
Total number of visits: (1) ____________________________
Best thing about the city: (2) ____________________________
Favorite attraction: (3)____________________________
Best thing about the destination's dining options: (4) ____________________________
Means of transport to destination: by (5) _________________________
Age group: (6) ____________________________
- on business
Purpose of visit (this time) (7)_____________________________
(8) ____________________________
Occupation: - writer for a travel magazine

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Part 3: You will hear a telephone conversation between a man and a woman talking about a job.
Listen to the recording and choose the appropriate answer A, B or C to questions 1- 6. You will hear
the recording TWICE. (6 pts)
1. The man and woman are talking about a ________.
A. full-time, temporary job B. full-time, permanent job C. part-time, temporary job
2. How many welfare officers will look after the students this summer?
A. four B. three C. six
3. The majority of the students come from ________.
A. the Far East. B. Eastern Europe C. the Middle East
4. The welfare officers need to _______.
A. know a foreign language B. be from the local area C. spend long hours with people
5. Welfare officers will have to work _______.
A. both Saturday and Sunday on some weekends.
B. on Saturday or Sunday, on alternate weekends.
C. on the same day, Saturday or Sunday, every weekend.
6. On weekdays, officers will work _________.
A. either during the morning and afternoon, or the afternoon and evening.
B. from the morning to the evening, three days a week.
C. every morning and every evening, until ten or eleven o’clock.
Your answers: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______
II. Choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (10 pts)
1. If you hadn’t taken the money, you ______ in prison now.
A. wouldn’t be B. hadn’t been C. haven’t been D. wouldn’t have been
2. I live in Dalat, ______ is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam.
A. who B. where C. which D. that
3. John: "You look very pretty in this dress, Mary!"
Laura: "______."
A. I see what you mean C. It's nice of you to say so
B. Thanks for your wish D. Yes, it is fairly expensive
4. You can stay here ______ you don't make a bad noise.
A. as long as B. unless C. until D. or
5. Smith: “Do you think your schooldays are the happiest days of your life?”
A. I believe schooldays last forever.
B. I think so. We are worry-free and full of ambitions in the schooldays.
C. We didn't have schooldays when we were at school.
D. Were you happy during your schooldays?
6. Because his argument was confusing, _______ people understand it.
A. many B. little C. few D. much
7. ______ that she burst into tears.
A. Such her anger was B. She was so anger
C. So anger she was D. Such was her anger
8. Tony’s parents check his Facebook account every day. He hates being under ______ all the time.
A. scrutiny B. attack C. pressure D. control
9. They say he inherited his money from a ______ relative he had never met.
A. far away B. distant C. remote D. far
10. If you rest and take this medicine, you'll be as right as ______ in a week or two.
A. a rock B. day C. rain D. a robin
Your answers: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

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III. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the passage below. (10 pts)
Saving energy means saving money and conserving our (1. nature) ______ resources.
Homeowners and renters know this basic fact, but they often don’t know what kinds of (2. adjust)
______ they can make in their homes and apartments that will result in savings.
For those willing to spend some time and money to reap long-term energy savings, an energy
auditor is the way to go. An energy auditor will come into your home and assess its energy
(3. efficient) ______ . The auditor will pinpoint areas of your home that use the most energy and offer
solutions to lower your energy use and costs. (4. Train) ______ energy auditors know what to look for
and can locate a (5. vary) ______ of flaws that may be resulting in energy inefficiency, including
(6. adequacy) _____ insulation, construction flaws, and uneven heat distribution.
There are quicker and less costly measures that can be taken as well. One way to save money is to
replace incandescent lights with fluorescents. This can result in a saving of more than 50% on your
(7. month) ______ lighting costs.
When it’s time to replace old (8. apply) ______, it’s wise to spend a bit more for an energy-
efficient model, and be sure that you are taking advantage of energy-saving settings already on your
current refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, or dryer.
Windows provide another opportunity to cut your energy costs. Repair old windows that might be
leaky to prevent drafts, and choose double-paned windows if you’re building an addition or (9. place)
______ old windows.
Most areas of your home or apartment offer opportunities to save energy and money. The results
are (10. signify) ______ and are well worth the effort.

Your answers:
1. _________________________ 6. _________________________
2. _________________________ 7. _________________________
3. _________________________ 8. _________________________
4. _________________________ 9. _________________________
5. _________________________ 10. ________________________
IV. Rearrange the statements to make a complete conversation. The first one has been done as
an example. (5 pts)
A. Hello, John. Nice to see you. Did you have a comfortable journey?
B. No. I haven’t been here for many years. I think I’ll spend the afternoons looking round Edinburgh.
C. Yes, thanks. I came up here yesterday on the 10 a.m. train from King’s Cross.
D. I shan’t be very busy this afternoon. If you like, I’ll take the afternoon off and show you round.
E. Have you found a good hotel? Where are you staying?
F. Right. Meet me here at 12.30 for lunch.
G. For three days.
H. Do you know Edinburgh at all?
I. At the Queen’s in Princess Street. I booked a few days ago so I had no trouble at all.
J. Thanks very much. That’ll be very pleasant.
K. Good. That’s one of the best in the city. How long are you staying?

Your answers: 0. A 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

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V. The passage below contains 10 errors. UNDERLINE and CORRECT them, then write your
answers in the table provided. (10 pts)

1 Nowadays, with the help of Communication Technology, it is much easy for us to
2 study or improve our know. One way to do that is online learning in which people from
3 one country can attend a college or university in others. Online learning is very
4 convenient and cheap because of we just stay at home and use a computer. Many
5 universities in the world have been offered online classes for a number of years, and
6 many students who have taken online classes say that they like it so much. The only
7 reason is because they do not have travel to a building at a busy timetable to listen to a
8 professor. In addition, online learning programs are also diverse, so learners can receive
9 programs for all levels from a distance education. Any online programs are very good
10 and believable. They provide students of all information they need to finish their course.
11 Moreover, you should not send money to any schools that say you can get a college
12 degree without doing any work. These online courses might be illegal organizations. So,
thinking carefully is necessary before getting an education online. Be alert!

Your answers:

Line Error Correction

Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____
Line ____

VI. Read the following passage and circle A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions. (8 pts)
There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are
also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae. In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are
desert fish which can survive through years of drought in the form of inactive eggs. These are the
shrimps that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States
where shade temperatures of over 50oC are often recorded.
The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When
sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch. Then the
water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimeter long which feed on tiny plant and


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animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from
their original 1 millimeter to a length of about 1.5 centimeters.
Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally
rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however,
when they are about 3 centimeters long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females.
Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth
day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then,
having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates.
If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the
shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there
is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another year, or even
longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to
form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of
growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which
further ensures its survival.

1. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Life in the Mojave Desert B. Life Cycle of the Mojave Shrimps
C. The Survival of Desert Insects D. Water and Life in the Desert
2. The word "these" in the first paragraph refers to ______.
A. plants B. eggs C. insects D. fish
3. According to the passage, the eggs originate ______.
A. in the sand B. on the female C. in the mud D. in the lakes
4. By saying "for the shrimps it is a race against time" the author means ______.
A. they have to swim fast to avoid danger in the rapidly evaporating lake
B. they have to swim fast to catch the animal organisms on which they survive
C. they have to multiply as many as possible within thirteen days
D. they have to complete their life cycle within a short span of time permitted by the environment
5. The word "dormant" in the fourth paragraph most probably means ______.
A. inactive B. strong C. dead D. empty
6. What is unusual about the Mojave Shrimps?
A. Their eggs can survive in an intensively dry region.
B. Their lives are very brief.
C. They feed on plant and animal organisms.
D. They lay their eggs in the mud only.
7. According to the passage, approximately how long does a shrimp live?
A. about a week B. about 13 days C. about a month D. not given
8. It may be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. appearance and size are most important for life to survive in the desert
B. a species must be able to multiply quickly in order to survive
C. for some species one life cycle in a year is enough to survive the desert drought
D. some species develop a unique life pattern to survive in extremely harsh conditions

Your answers: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______

5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______

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VII. Read the passage. Fill each gap (1-7) with one suitable sentence (A-H). Note that there are
more sentences than gaps. (7 pts)
The International Whaling Commission was established in 1946 to manage dwindling stocks of
whales. (1)______. In 1975, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Flora and Fauna (CITES) gave full protection to several species including the blue, grey, and
humpback whales. International pressure on the IWC continued and in 1986 it finally put a limit on
commercial whaling.
(2)______ . This is achieved by issuing scientific research permits, as killing whales for research
is not forbidden. The stated aim of the Japanese research programme is to establish sustainable
whaling in the Antarctic Ocean. Both Japan and South Korea are also permitted to trade, within their
own countries, whale meat from animals killed as an incidental result of other fishing. (3) ______.
Also, in an attempt to control hunting, individual whales are logged on a DNA register so that they can
be identified.
The value of "lethal sampling", that is, the practice of killing whales in order to study them, is a
highly contentious issue. (4) ______. On the other hand, opponents say this information is not strictly
necessary, and moreover, there are better ways to get it. The selling of whale meat from the lethal
sampling to fish markets is to help fund the research. This claim, however, is disputed by opponents as
being a cover for illegal whaling. Now there is evidence to support their views.
A team of scientists, led by Professor Scott Baker, have used DNA to analyse samples of sushi
from restaurants in Los Angeles and Seoul. (5) ______. The results of the study were handed over to
local and national authorities and have since resulted in criminal proceedings against the Los Angeles
The researchers used DNA sequencing to identify the species of whale and then used DNA
profiling - the same technique used to identify human individuals in criminal forensics - to identify the
source of the meat. (6)______. In addition, some of the meat purchased in Seoul came from Antarctic
minke whales, a species which is not local to South Korea and must have therefore also been traded
Although Japanese authorities keep a DNA register of each whale destined to be sold
commercially, this information is not available for monitoring purposes. (7) ______. As the authors
state, "The illegal trade of products from protected species of whales, presumably taken under a
national permit for scientific research, is a timely reminder of the need for independent, transparent
and robust monitoring of any future whaling".

A. The DNA results showed that the whale meat in the Los Angles restaurant had almost
certainly originated in Japanese “scientific” whale hunts.
B. However, the export of any whale meat from these countries to the U.S.A is strictly
C. The researchers suggest that urgent action is needed in making this information available to
scientists so further monitoring and analysis of commercially available whale meat can take
D. Despite the 1986 ban, Japan has continued to hunt whales legally.
E. Some claim that it is required in order to learn about the eating habits and lifespan of whales.
F. Since the 1986 international moratorium, it has been assumed that there is no international
trade in whale products, but this does not seem to be the case.
G. The result was found to be made from the illegally-traded meat of protected whale species.
H. Quotas were set to limit the number of whales that could be killed each year for commercial
use, but these were often ignored and whale numbers continued to decrease.

Your answers: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______

5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______


VIII. Choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces. (10 pts)
Smart shoes that (1) ______ their size throughout the day could soon be available. A prototype has
already been produced and a commercial version may be (2) ______ production within a few years.
The shoe contains sensors that constantly check the amount of (3) ______ left in it. If the foot has
become too large, a tiny valve opens and the shoe (4) ______ slightly. The entire control system is
about 5 mm square and is located inside the shoe. This radical shoe meets a (5) ______ because the
volume of the average foot can change by as much as 8% during the course of the day. The system is
able to learn about the wearer’s feet and (6) ______ up a picture of the size of his or her feet
throughout the day. It will allow the shoes (7) ______ in size by up to 8% (8)______ they always fit
exactly. They are obviously more comfortable and less likely to cause blisters. From an athlete’s point
of view, they can help improve (9) ______ a little, and that is why (10) ______ first use for the system
is likely to be in a sports shoe.

1. A. set B. adjust C. move D. find

2. A. out B. in C. from D. off
3. A. room B. gap C. area D. emptiness
4. A. amplifies B. develops C. expands D. increases
5. A. price B. product C. need D. face
6. A. build B. choose C. cause D. grow
7. A. to change B. changing C. changed D. change
8. A. though B. while C. because D. so that
9. A. achievement B. performance C. success D. winning
10. A. Ø B. an C. the D. a
Your answers: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______
IX. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given so that the meanings stay the same as
the first ones. (5 pts)
1. He spends two hours a week sorting out his stamps.
 Sorting _____________________________________________________________________.
2. It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.
 The news ____________________________________________________________________.
3. I’ve forgotten that commentator’s name but he’s very well-known.
 That commentator, _____________________________________________________________.
4. “I would not take the job if I were you, Diane”, said Carl.
 Carl advised __________________________________________________________________.
5. People thought that he had been sacked because of his carelessness.
 He __________________________________________________________________________.

X. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. DO NOT change the word given. You must use between THREE and FIVE words,
including the word given. (5 pts)
1. I’m sure it wasn’t Jim who did it. (HAVE)
 It _______________________________________________________________ who did it.
2. He prefers cycling to walking. (PREFER)
 He would _________________________________________________________ than walk.

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3. Although the main actor performed well, the critics didn’t like the play. (GOOD)
 In spite _______________________________ by the main actor, the critics didn’t like the play.
4. He owes his life to that surgeon. (INDEBTED)
 He ___________________________________________________________ for saving his life.
5. The fire at the oil depot has led to the imposition of stricter safety regulations. (IMPOSED)
 Stricter safety regulations ______________________________________ result of the fire at the
XI. Writing. (10 pts)
In 130 - 150 words, write a paragraph about the ways to have good health.


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