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SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

1. Identify Mr. and Mrs. Jones' customer needs and expectations in this case study.
What would a customer expect not only on an important occasion like the mentioned
anniversary but on each occasion when visiting an establishment?
Mr. Jones has made the booking confirmed a week prior to the arrival at the
Restaurant. Being their anniversary, he was expecting the best service from the restaurant
according to the name they are having. However, when Mr. and Mrs. Jones arrived at the
restaurant, there wasn't any detail of the Booking for them. However, there was also the
negligence from Mr. Jones's side also as he should have asked for some reference details
from the booking executive and also, he should have saved the contact person name, with
which he has confirmed the final booking.
Once they have arrived, first the booking as to be confirmed as per the expectation.
If not then the thinking about the event couple is celebrating, Restaurant management
should have made the sitting arrangement in such a way which make the occasion
memorable. Also, service must be timely as per the image and name of the restaurant.
Every customer is to be treated equally either reserved or unreserved; a customer with
high billing or low billing, a good customer service says that every customer should be
treated equally. However, this didn't happen in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Food was delayed which adds up to the frustration of Jones couple, everything was
served in distorted manner which ruined the evening for the couple. However, this can be
evened out if the restaurant has apologized for the inconvenience caused to the couple as
a sign respect making the customer feel special and making it sure that this is one of the
kinds of mistake. But no one was there to take the responsibility which made it even bad
for the Jones as they felt like being ignored by the restaurant management and staff,
which is not the good sign of any customer service and satisfaction.

2. What could be the likely effects of this incident for the business and custom down the
track if the customer service issues are not addressed?
Worse reputation: when customers have a bad experience with a company, they are quick
to write negative reviews online. In addition to leaving critical comments, customers take
to social media to vent their frustration on their friends, family, colleagues, and people
around the world. In a recent study 95 percent of respondents said they usually told at least
one other person about their poor customer experience at a company, while 54 percent said
they shared it with at least five people. The same study found that 88 percent of
respondents were influenced by online reviews when making a purchase decision. That
means a drop in overall sales, but more importantly, a big drop in word of mouth- arguably
the most valuable marketing channel a brand can have.
Lose sales: poor customer service can also hurt profits. First, when the restaurant’s
reputation is damaged, it starts to lose new sales (especially new customers recommended
by loyal customers), and then even your loyal customers start to leave. At this point, you
must decide: do you cut costs and manage to get through it, or do you do more marketing
to attract new customers? If you cut costs to make up for lost revenue, you still need to
improve your customer service through training or hiring, which requires more resources.

SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

3. You are the General Manager of the Cape Lighthouse and the experience of Mr and
Mrs Jones has come to your attention. You are determined to make contact with the
customer to attempt to resolve the issue and achieve a positive outcome. Draft a letter
which clearly outlines the steps you will undertake to contact Mr and Mrs Jones and
how you will try to solve the issues. (This could be used as guidance for a telephone
conversation for contact).

Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

On sake of our company, I am composing this letter to apologize for our amateurish
service on your visit to our restaurant on your 5th wedding anniversary night. I listened
that those few terrible things had happened on your 5th wedding anniversary: we did not
have the record of your booking which you had booked two months prior, and you had to
hold up another 15 minutes for a supper, your course and drink didn’t go within the right
arrange, and our server attempted to disregard your eye contact to avoid advance activities,
no staffs were there to statement of regret to you after you pay the bill.
It’s totally our fault, I’m so sorry for your terrible involvement. And, it’s exceptionally
amateurish for us to serve course within the off-base arrange and overlook eye contact. We
have cautioned the significant staff for their mistakes during the work, and we'll make
strides our preparing on the staff to avoid these sorts of things happened. We need all our
customers to be fulfilled, so in arrange to appear our truly statement of regret for this
terrible circumstance, we offer those compensations for another visit:
• 80% discount,
• free beverage,
• special appetizer,
• seats with the best view of Coral Sea.

We sincerely apologize again; I hope you can continue choosing our restaurant to
accompany you through important days.

Kind Regards

Kaushal Pathak
General Manager of the Cape lighthouse.

4. Considering Mr. and Mrs. Jones' recent experience, it is important to assess if there
are recurring issues with customer service at the Cape Lighthouse. How will you
determine if this is a one-off issue or if there are persistent problems? Outline your
If a consumer transacts (comments) online, website statistics can aid in the
company's understanding of the client's behavior. Analyzing site analytics, including
SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

tracking customer interactions, can help you figure out when, where, and if individuals
visit on a regular basis (repeat visitors). The quantity of customer complaints you receive
can be tracked and recorded to assist you evaluate the level of service you provide.
Reference: (

5. You are required to develop a policy and procedures for each of the following
problem areas which were evident:

a. Bookings
b. Staff Presentation / Greeting / Hosting
c. Reporting requirements / staff hierarchy (General Responsibilities and who is to
be contacted in case of an issue – if your industry sector varies [events, cookery,
tourism, accommodation] you may use the hierarchy which is commonly relevant
to that industry sector)
d. Customer Service Procedures for Service (Orders, timelines, attendance)
e. Dealing complaints

Each policy needs to:

o The policy name

o The aim or purpose
o The details of what is included
o The procedures included to achieve the purpose
o What are the requirements to train staff to be able to perform the procedures?
o How will this policy and its effectiveness be monitored and evaluated?
o To whom will this policy be made available? How?

Policy name Booking

Aim or purpose To make sure customers reserve service with
Details of what is included Booking procedures, trading hours , number of
people, cancellation, changes
Procedures 1. Greeting (good morning, afternoon ,
evening, cape lighthouse<name>
speaking. How can I help you?)
2. Taking the table reservation
(ask for the name, number of people,
date, time, phone number, Seat
preference and any special requests)
3. Confirming the details
SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

4. Inform customers that cancellation and

change must be notified 2 hours in
5. Reconfirming again on the reservation day
Requirements to train Phone manner, taking booking procedures,
reconfirming procedures, cancellation and
change policy.
Monitor and evaluation Observation, word of mouth, reviews
To whom and How All wait staff, management.
Coaching, induction new staff, staff meeting

Policy name Staff Presentation / Greeting / Hosting

Aim or purpose Provide customers a good first impression
Details of what is included Polite words, appropriate action
Procedures 1. greeting with polite word
2. clean uniform ,tight hair, smile
3. confirming are they booked or not
4. ask for the number of people and seats
5. lead customers to the seat
6. menu presentation

Requirements to train Communication skills, appropriate action,

words, knowledge of menu
Monitor and evaluation Observation, feedback, reviews
To whom and How All wait staff, management
Coaching, induction, meeting, word of mouth

SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

Policy name Reporting requirements / staff hierarchy

Aim or purpose Ensure that employees are responsible
for reporting any issues affecting the
Details of what is included Reporting issues, hierarchy, route, procedures
Procedures 1. identify issues
2. reporting issues to supervisor
3. solving issues
4. writing the incident form
5. Track the progress of the issue solving
Requirements to train WHS knowledge, How to report, report to
Monitor and evaluation Observation, coaching, meeting, word of
To whom and How Management, all staff, supervisor
Oral report, record incident form

Policy name Customer Service Procedures for Service

SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

Aim or purpose Efficiently provide customers with high

service, prevent making mistake.
Details of what is included Greeting , taking order, deliver food, explain
menu, food safety
Procedures 1. A host or hostess is responsible for
greeting customers at the entrance,
notifying them of any wait times present
and seating them at an appropriately sized
table based on their guest count.
2. Order taking. Servers must be trained on
the menu -- including specials of the day
-- so that they can make suggestions to
diners and notify them of potential
Step1. Smile and greet the customer.
Step2 Ask the customer if they are ready
to order
Step3 Listen carefully as the customer
places his or her order.
Step4 Repeat the order to the guest.
Step5 Enter the order as the customer tells
it to you.
Step6 Read the order back to the
3. Deliver food, Food safety is imperative
during restaurant service.
Step1.Serve entrée and drinks within 15
minutes after place the order
Step2.Serve main course within 15
minutes, after 15 minutes ask the
customers any special require? (How was
the food? How
was the service? Ask for the feedback.)

Step3. After 20 minutes ask customer do

you want any dessert? And clean the table
Step4.serve dessert and after that clean the
4. Bill, understand payment methods, handle
money carefully, give the receipt to the
Requirements to train Greeting , menu knowledge, cutlery handling,
Monitor and evaluation Observation ,review, feedback
To whom and How All staff, management
Induction, coaching, meeting

Policy name Dealing with complaints

SITXCCS008 Develop And Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

Aim or purpose TO consistent, fair and confidential complaint

handling and to resolving complains as
quickly as
Details of what is included Handling the complaint, understanding the
solving the problem
Procedures 1. Listen to the complaint, be understanding
2. Record the complaint ,make sure you
have all the facts
3. Discuss options for fixing the problem.
Keep your promises
Follow up
Requirements to train Effective complaint management systems
Monitor and evaluation Observation, coaching, review complaint form
To whom and How All staff, management
Induction ,verbal training, meeting


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