Lesson 3 - Toolpath Z Limits

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Lesson 3 - Toolpath Z Limits

• Modify two toolpaths that overlap each over and generate repeated
machining of some areas
• Six Toolpaths exist in toolpath sub folder OP1 and in an NC program called
OP1. This NC program will be run in Viewmill and saved in its current state
• The remaining two toolpaths will be edited so that they do not over cut
each other

Exercise 1- ZLimits

• Open Project… \PMData\Projects\Zlimits

• Save Project… COURSEWORK\PMProjects\ZLimitsfinish

• Activate Toolpath D20TR3-ConstZ-FIN1 to reinstate settings.

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D20TR3-ConstZ-FIN1 needs to be localised to operate down the angled face
to the top of the lower recesses

BN8-OptConstZ-FIN1 needs to be localised to operate inside the 2 lower

This will easily be achieved for both toolpaths within the strategy dialog using the Z-
Limits option

• Right mouse button click on the NC program OP1 and select simulate from

• Select NC program > Entity from the Simulation Path ribbon

followed by Entity OP1.

• From the ViewMill ribbon select Off to turn ViewMill On

• Simulate the operation by selecting Play

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• Select Store in the ViewMill ribbon and then select On to
suspend Viewmill

The angled face and the lower recesses have yet to be finished machined. The two
remaining toolpaths both operate over the full extent of the block

• Activate the toolpath D20TR3-ConstZ-FIN1 from the Toolpath > Active

drop down ribbon and select Settings

• Editi the toolpath

• From the Limit page select the Z Limits Maximum and on the top
fillet select the lower break edge to define the maximum Z limit of toolpath

• Repeat for Z Limits Minimum by selecting one of the edges of the 3 flat
faces at the top of the recesses then Calculate & Close

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• Activate toolpath BN8-OptConstZ-FIN1 FIN1 from the Toolpath > Active
drop down ribbon and select Settings

• Editi the toolpath

• From the Limit page select the Z Limits Maximum In Limit page select
and pick any edge on one of the 3 flat faces at the top of the recesses,
untick Minimum Z Limit then Calculate & Close

• Turn on Viewmill and run toolpaths D20TR3-ConstZ-FIN1 and D20TR3-


The component is now fully machined

• Select File & Save As Project to…\COURSEWORK\PMProjects\Z-Limits


• In this lesson, we modified 2 toolpaths by means of using the Z Limits

options to control the Areas of height in which the tool can travel.

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