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MATA KULIAH : Teaching and Learning Evaluation

HARI / TANGGAL : Selasa / 1 Desember 2020
WAKTU : 150 minutes
SIFAT UJIAN : Closed book
DOSEN PENGASUH : Dr. Annisa Astrid, M.Pd.

NAMA :Putri Pratama Lestari

NIM : 1839295135 TANDA TANGAN :

Directions: Answer the following questions clearly and briefly

1. Give the example the way to score the test of the students based on the aspect of
appropriacy and correctness (Max Score: 20)

2. What are the differences between subjective and objective test? (Max Score: 20)

3. Make the example of Test Specification that combine between listening and speaking skills
(Max Score: 20)

4. Make one st of reading test item that consists of 2 scanning questions, 1 skimming question,
1 maing inference question, and 2 guessing meaning question (Max score: 40)

--- GOOD LUCK ---

1. Correctness to test productive skill
Example: if we want to test reading skill we must test the correctness of pronunciation
and intonation and also punctuation.
Appropriacy is the way we use the skill.
2. Objective test: - test format: usually in the form multiple choice, yes or no question,
or mating test.
- test score: one correct answer will get one point and one incorrect
answe will get zero.
- Skill to be tested: listening and reading
Subjective test: - test format: usuallu in the form of essay
- Test score: the way to score subjective score is based on the rubric
or kind of standard that consist some criteria. We must have some
criteria because there is no correct answer.
- Skill to be tested: speaking and writing
3. ...
Event and Activity modes Channel Topic Test Tasks and Formats

I. GAINING Identifay main topic, get

INFORMATION specific informmation.
FROM THE STORY What happend to the
THAT TELL BY min chracter.
SPEAKER (Re-Tell, spoken
a. Listen the story L In the Story Line answer)
b. Understanding the L real class
c. Re-Tell the story in S
front of class

4. It is not just price that makes extra virgin olive oil different from other oils. Now scientists
have discovered that it contains a chemical compound' that acts similarly to the painkiller
ibuprofen. Paul Breslin from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia and
colleagues describe in Nature how they isolated a compound called oleocanthal from extra
virgin olive oil. Pouring 50 gm of the best olive oil on your food each day is equivalent to
about 10 percent of the average ibuprofen dose.?

Scanning Question:
1. what is in olive oil?
2. who explains the content contained in olive oil?
Skimming Question:
1. what is the topic?
Making inferrences:
1. What can you infer about the price of extra virgin olive oil?
Guessing meaning:
What is the synonym of "price"?
What is the definition of "dose"?

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