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Radiant Hearts


Name: Rellyk
Nickname(s): Rel, Relly (by brother and close friends only, usually to
tease him)
Identification Code: GLWCHU-ELCROC-EXP010
Gender: Male
Scientific Age: 21
Biological Age: 19
Date of Conception: April 23 2477
Date of Birth: May 1 2482
Birthplace: Team Black Star Headquarters Ecruteak City, Johto
Relatives: Garrik (twin brother); Spirit (little sister)
Species: Pichu – Pikachu - Raichu
Type: Electric/Rock
Abilitie(s): Static and Solid Rock
DNA Infusion: Rhyperior
Natural Attacks: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Slam, Quick Attack
Special Attacks: Iron Tail and Rollout
Unnatural/Synthetic Attacks: Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Ancientpower, Rock Slide
Favorite Attacks: Thunderbolt, Rollout, Stone Edge, Iron Tail
Exclusive Attack: Rollout
Arc. Rage Attack: Rock Wrecker
Orientation: Straight
Love Interest: Knii
Theme Song: TBA

Height: 1'05"
Weight: 16 lbs.
Health: Rellyk generally has good health, but he tends to get sick easily
when wet or in the rain for considerably short periods of time.
Appearance: Rellyk's fur is covered in a light, almost sandy yellow color.
His fur is short and smooth in most places, but is slightly fluffy near his
ears and chest. The ends of his forearms, ears, and tail are tipped in dark
gray. These markings, which somewhat resemble natural crystal formations,
are jagged in shape with three distinguished points sticking outward, the
middle of which being the largest; they are lined in a dark brown color.
His eyes and cheeks are the very same shade of deep brown. Instead of the
pair of light brown stripes one would find on a normal Pikachu's back,
Rellyk's back sports a strange marking, colored similarly to his other
markings, which almost resembles an incomplete triangle with a “piece”
missing on the bottom left corner. In the middle of this “triangle” lies a
small diamond-shaped mark.
Across his right eye in a straight, vertical line is a scar; it
is shorter above his eyelid than it is underneath it, as it ends a little
more than halfway down his right cheek. On the top of his head are four
tufts of softly spiked fur, the last of which almost covers his nose.
Apparel/Accessories: As a Pokemon, Rellyk doesn't wear much another than a
few small accessories. On his left ear are three silver earrings; from top
to bottom there's one bar followed by two small studs. Around his neck he
constantly wears a dark-colored long and heavy chain necklace with a skull
pendant hanging off the end.

Alignment: True Neutral (but leans toward the evil side)
Personality: Rellyk is a very laid-back, fun-loving Glowchu who does things
at his own pace. He's usually sarcastic in a joking way and not very
serious about many things, but knows when he needs to be. Because of his
relaxed personality, it takes a lot to get him actually upset; one thing
that does seem to tick him off, however, is if someone disrespects or harms
those whom he likes or respects, or someone weaker than them. He also tends
to be irritable and easily annoyed when he's sick. His attitude towards
others is highly based off his level of respect for them, and this
determines whether he'll take them seriously or not. He loves to tease
others with sarcastic remarks and somewhat childish gestures such as
sticking his tongue out. He takes pride in his accomplishments and is
somewhat egotistical; this trait of his often causes him to become bitter
for a while after losing a battle. Despite the ego, if someone is able to
convince him that doing something he normally doesn't do would benefit him
more, he'd consider doing it. Rellyk refuses to take a life unless
absolutely necessary, but isn't above – and even enjoys – other crimes such
as theft or vandalism. He has a soft spot for kids and won't hesitate to
protect them if he sees someone picking on or hurting them. Ever since his
brother Garrik left, Rellyk's had mixed feelings about Team Black Star. On
one hand, he'll loyally follow their commands if they involve stealing or
something similar, but disagrees with many of the things they do involving
harming innocent people or Pokemon and won't let them make him do anything
he doesn't want to. Although he does work for the evil side, he does have a
sort of a kind side under his cool-guy exterior; if there was a Turtwig on
its back in the middle of the road and no one was looking, he would kick it
to the side to get it out of danger.
Phobias: heights; falling; having no solid ground beneath him; drowning
Skills: incredibly high attack and defense; tactful battle strategies;
highly resourceful
Likes: lollipops; naps; cloudy/fair/sunny weather; storms; heat; battling;
stealing; vanilla; plain chocolate bars; hard candy; junk food; stargazing
Dislikes: cold; loud noises; being wet; strawberry flavor; most sweets;
vegetables; heights; disrespect; losing, being wet; being wrong; people who
pick on those much weaker than them; killing

Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Flavor: Sour
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Beverage: Soda Pop
Favorite Time of the Day: Twilight
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday
Favorite Month: October
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Weather: Partly cloudy
Favorite Number: 85
Favorite Weapon: Big sword
Favorite Place: TBA
Favorite Flower: Roses
Favorite Element: Earth
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire

Zephyr: His partner in crime and pretty much best friend. While Rellyk
loves to tease and pick on Zephyr, he'll always have his back when there's
trouble and listen to him if he has something he wants to say.
Garrik: Rellyk's twin brother. He's always been somewhat jealous of Garrik,
because of the fact that he almost always lost to him when they would
battle for fun or training because of the type disadvantage. Ever since
Garrik ran away from the base, the two siblings have been bitter rivals,
even though they still care deeply for each other.

Rellyk was created pretty much normally despite his twin brother,
Garrik, having had a malfunction in his creation process. Rellyk was made
to hit hard and take hard hits, but he payed for these skills with a
considerable lack of speed. Team Black Star, having had little success in
keeping other Glowchus in their possession, decided to try and treat these
two new creations with kindness; at least, as close to 'kindness' as TBS
could get. Rellyk grew up alongside his brother, and the two were always
really close. He started to grow to like the evil side that TBS has shown
him more and more, even though his brother grew to hate it. He had a huge
ego and didn't really care for anyone but himself and his brother. He
eagerly followed every command TBS gave him; he would steal and kidnap and
hurt innocent people and wouldn't have a second thought about it.
As time went on, the twins tried to convince the other to change his
mind about Team Black Star, but each had equally little success. Then, one
day when they were older, Garrik, his growing hatred of TBS combined with
one of his major mood swings, attacked Rellyk. The two had a battle like
they'd never had before, which resulted in Garrik running away from the
base forever and Rellyk getting the scar he has over his eye. TBS sent
Rellyk out into the pouring rain to bring back his brother; after searching
for hours, he returned to the base with nothing to show for his efforts
except a nasty cold and a heavy heart. Most of his personality and attitude
pretty much stayed the same, but he started to disagree with some of the
things that Team Black Star did, and started doubting his own lack of
remorse for hurting so many people. After that, he refused to harm
innocents or kill anything, no matter what TBS said. He still loves the
thrill of theft and other small criminal activity, however.
While he feels contempt towards his brother for giving him his scar
and abandoning him, he still cares for Garrik very much and misses the
times when they were so close. About ten months later from that stormy day
filled with bad memories and bitter words, Rellyk decided to travel to the
TBS main headquarters in Saffron City, Kanto, in another attempt to find
his brother. There he met Zephyr, the grass Glowchu, and the two became
fast friends and partners in crime.


Rellyk is usually seen with a lollipop in his mouth, his favorite flavor
of which is blue raspberry.
He loves rock candy. (lolol)
Rellyk's speed is only about 2/3 that of a normal Pikachu, but his attack
and defense are extremely high.
He's very open-minded, and passive in many of his views.
He is left-handed.

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