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Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual
or material possessions. Here in the Philippines,
poverty is all over the country. Many of the us
are jobless and struggling for food and survival
for everyday living. Because of poverty there are
so many children who are not able to go to
school and many people are sleeping on streets
because of lack in needs. Poverty can be stop if
the government will take an action to stop this
and so as the citizens. We need to help each
other in order to reduce the poor Filipinos and
also to give chance to the children who want to
get out of poverty because not all children are
born that have the ability to go to school. It is our
time to make a difference to the suffering. To
stop Poverty globally, every small step we take,
will make a difference. 

In all parts of the world, there are people who have a

hard time in finding a job. Many people here in the
Philippines are jobless even if they have a degree or
finished study in college. One of the social issue here
in the Philippines are the inoccupation of most of the
graduates. One of the factors causing the
high unemployment rate is the rapid population
growth. The more probable cause of unemployment
in the Philippines is the unavailability of jobs
provided. The issue of high unemployment is a great
factor in the development of the country and is
generally affected by several elements such as lack
of job opportunities, population growth, and the
annual increase in the labor force insufficiently met
by the labor market. Because of this problem we are
facing, our government are taking an action including
training schemes to teach the skills and qualifications
required to compete in the job market.
In all countries in the world, they are facing the
issue about pollution. It is a powerful enemy that
can destroy habitats and species from existence.
People most likely will not be able to survive and
all because of the industrial revolution and our
need to make money and make things easier for
ourselves. Think of years from now, if we don’t
stop pollution it will have critical effects on
everyone and everything. It will destroy
everything even our own planet. Therefore, we
should stop and put an end on this. We shouldn't
do the wrong doings and start valuing things
before it is too late. Simple good things will make
an impact to our environment, we need to help
each other in order for us to have a better future.
Disciplined person is needed to pursue it.
Teenage Pregnancy is also one of the issue
here in the Philippines that need to be solve. It is
a big problem because it cause overpopulation
and some teenage female who got pregnant are
aborting their baby and they are just throwing or
abondoning their baby somewhere else. There is
a solution in everything, we can prevent it, we
just need your help, we need to help each other.
We can propose a project a start a club that
encourages people to stop teen pregnancy.Talk
with their teens about sex, including:
encouraging them not to have sex. encouraging
them to use effective birth control to prevent
pregnancy, along with condoms to protect
against sexually transmitted diseases.

Capital punishment, also known as the death

penalty, is a government-sanctioned practice
whereby a person is killed by the state as a
punishment for a crime. In USA, a total of
25 death row inmates were executed in the
United States in 2018; of whom 23 died by lethal
injection and two, in Tennessee, by
electrocution, marking the first calendar year
since 2000 in which more than one inmate
was executed in that way.But not all people are
agree to this, I believe that everyone of us has
deserve to be given a second chance, everyone
has the ability to change. Because we are just
human who commit mistakes.

Angie G.

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