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Pla toon Ni c a rt Bejer

has successfully completed

Commu nicating D u ring Global Emergencies

an online non-credit course authorized by Emory University and offered through


Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH Julia Smith-Easley, MPH, CHES

Assistant Professor Lead, Risk Communication and Community Engagement
Hubert Department of Global Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Rollins School of Public Health Center for Global Health, Division of Global Health Protection, Emergency Response and Recovery Branch

Veri f y a t coursera .org /veri f y/W FKFVG 4Q8U Z7

  Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .

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