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Adoption survey



A survey can be filled out only by an adult that will appear in the adoption agreement as

We remind you that we do not sell dogs; we are looking for good, trusted homes for them and
for their whole life. Adoption is a commitment to the living, sentient being, for at least 10-15
years. Every dog that appears here is granted love and we wish him all the best. That is why we
want to get to know the new carers of our dogs before adoption. Taking under protection a
homeless, harmed animal, we promise it at the same time, that we will take care of its future and
that nothing wrong will ever meet it. We want to keep the promise and we hope that you will
help us in it too.

To speed up the initial conversation about adoption, please fill out and send back the following
confidential survey.

There is never the utmost certainty, what size will the adopted puppy eventually be. No veterinary
will undertake such evaluation. We can only predict the size of a dog. Some fluffy puppies lose their
fluffy coats while growing up. If the puppy will be bigger or smaller than expected, what would your
reaction be like?
● Answer:
Absolutely none reaction. We are aware of oscillation in size while dog is growing.

Adopting a puppy and having him in your house means that the carpets, floors and cables are ‘at risk’.
Puppies do not always relieve themselves where we want them to and in the period of teething they
chew whatever comes up. Dog babies can cry when left at home alone. What the dogs grow up like
depends on their carers, but for now they are just children. Have you taken these circumstances
under consideration when opting for adoption? If there’s a problem with staying at home, what will
you do?
● Answer:
To be honest, we never left a dog alone because she has always someone with her at home.
But now, in this case , we are working both but in contrary shifts so we can manage for her to
be minimum hours home alone

In the life of a young dog we can distinguish the following stages:

● The neonatal stage – birth to two weeks. Throughout this time the puppy has to be
with its mother.
● Canine socialization stage –3 to 7 weeks. At the end of this stage mother weans the
puppy. It is extremely important that all puppies remain with their mother until the end
of this phase of development, but of course that is not possible in case of orphan
● Man socialization stage – 7 to 12 weeks. In this stage the puppy learns to adapt to
life among humans. Between 8 to 11 weeks the puppy becomes aware of the feeling of
fear and if in this period it experiences too strong feelings of fear or pain it will
become overly fearful and withdrawing such condition is usually very difficult. The
new owner must treat a baby dog very gently in this phase, protecting it against all
kinds of injuries and at the same time allow him to experience a variety of positive
experiences in many places and with a lot of people.

● Determination of place in the group stage – 12 to 16 weeks. At this time we are dealing with
a growing up puppy, in human terms – a teenager. This is the time to teach your dog basic
commands and principles of good upbringing. In this phase of development the dog’s teeth
change. This always involves biting and destruction of everything, at random. It’s a fact that
the dog in this age must chew, but you need to take care of it. You could supply the dog with
chew toys to have something to chew on, for example chew toys made of dry skin, large calf
bones or dry bread. If the dog destroyed things or continued to relieve himself in the house –
would you contact a dog psychologist, a trainer, or would you consider giving the dog back?
o Answer:
o I would contact my friend who is dog trainer. I know everything about this,I had dogs
all my life so I know those periods of growing up

● Escape stage – 4 to 8 months. A specific period of ‘rebellion’, when the dog who
would come obediently whenever called, suddenly seems to go deaf and doesn’t hear
his guardian call. This is a typical behavior in a wolf pack. This is the age that
corresponds to fourteen - sixteen years of human age. An escape itself sometimes
takes a few days, sometimes even a month. It’s important at this time not to punish the
dog, who has just returned from such a trip. Walking in unfamiliar terrain, where the
dog feels less confident, and does not leave his master so eagerly can also help. In this
and the next phase there can be several other strange dog behavior, for example,
relieving itself onto the bed. If the dog’s disobedience lasted longer, would you
consider giving the dog back?
o Answer:
o I wouldn’t consider to gave him back but in this case it’s time to speak with
dog psyhologyst. When they relieving onto the bad there can be psyhologyst
reason, exept uf they do that during the sleep. Then it can be that something
withhealth it’s not ok or just they relax and dreamt something :)

● Maturation period - 6 to 14 months. Similarly as human teenagers, dogs experience a period

of "hormonal storm." When the body is faced with finding a new hormonal balance, there
may appear incomprehensible reactions and behavior. Indifferent so far objects or
phenomena can cause anxiety or aggression. If during this stage the dog didn’t behave
according to your belief, what would you reaction be like?
o Answer:
Would you consider consulting the dog behaviorist (psychologist) in case of difficulties?
● Answer:
● Absolutely.

During their lifetime dogs are exposed to various dangers – they may fall ill or be injured. Treatment
can be very costly. There may also appear the need for a sustainable dog treatment, veterinary food
use or regular medication giving. In such a situation, do you plan to undergo the treatment or give
the dog back if problems appear?
● Answer:
● No, I am aware of every single danger, cost , whatever is need for them

Do you have financial means for a regular anti-tick prevention treatment (about 20 PLN per month),
vaccinations (rabies approximately 30 PLN per year, infectious treatment about 60 PLN 1-3 years),
● Answer:
I do have all financial means

What are you going to feed your dog? (Cooked / purchased dog food - please indicate the expected
● Answer:
I prefer to cook food for them but dog food sometimes it’s ok

If the dog gets sick with a recently very frequently occurring babesiosis for instance, are you able to
pay for his treatment a few hundred PLN one-off?
● Answer:
Yes, I am.

A dog can live for several years. The old dogs usually have complex health problems (like people). Can
you imagine that one day your dog is old, slow, demanding help? Is there a place provided for a dog in
the life of your family for so long?
● Answer:
Yes,there is a place and posibilitiess

In accordance with the adoptive agreement, do you undertake to sterilization / neutering (if
not already done), which is intended to prevent unnecessary breeding and eliminate certain


Sterilization, which is removal of the uterus and ovary, is an operation that society mainly
associates with the prevention of excessive animal breeding. However, it is a clearly
pro-health treatment, which helps to avoid the problems associated with diseases of the uterus,
among others, with pyometra, which is a common condition in older female dogs, cancer of
the uterus and mammary gland. Tumors of the mammary gland and uterus are
hormone-caused in female dogs, so depriving them of the ovaries results in a lack of
hormones, and thus their negative impact on reproductive organs. Due to sterilization bitches
usually become more balanced and composed. Similar arguments speak in favor of neutering
males, which become calmer, sexual urges cease, and therefore uncontrolled vagrancy, we can
observe decrease in dominance and associated with it aggression. Testicular cancer doesn’t
happen to our dog, as well as many prostate diseases and hormonal disorders associated with
sex hormones.

Since there are so many pros we should also talk about cons of it.

The drawback repeatedly raised by the owners is the operation itself. Of course, like any
surgery, castration involves some risk, however - if it is performed by an experienced surgeon
- it decreases to a minimum. We also fear overweight. Sometimes it happens that after
castration metabolism in dogs slows down, comparable to the one we observe when the dog
gets in the geriatric age. There is no fault to be sought in the treatment itself, and the advice is
very simple - eating less calories, exercise more. We must remember that each additional
kilogram means only that the body takes more calories than it actually needs. A possible
complication that can happen after castration is hormone-urinary incontinence, which is more
common in females more than 20 kg of the target weight. However, it is an extremely rare
complication which, even if it does appear, responds well to replacement therapy.

● Answer:

Are you are ready to sign an adoption agreement, in which the important point will be the
declaration that the dog NEVER finds itself on the street or in a shelter?



What happens to the dog if you plan to go on a long-term trip abroad?


My sister would watching him

There are different cases in life ... Unfortunately, we do not know the day nor the hour
when something could happen to us. What will happen to the dog when you can’t take care of
it anymore? Do you have a person who would agree to take care of your dog? Does this
person agree to register their phone number or email address in the agreement and will this
person commit to taking care of the dog ‘just in case’?


Yes, my sister will do that

If serious problems occur in your life (which we hope does not happen) and force you
to give your dog away, do you commit yourself to try and find a responsible and good home
(with the consent and in an agreement with the volunteer) and rewrite the contract?



In case of immediate need to give the dog away, do you commit to cover the costs of a
monthly stay of a dog in a hotel (cost about 450 PLN) or guarantee the temporary home for
the time needed to find a new owner?


Yes, I do

Why have you decided to adopt a dog at this very moment?


I love dogs and I was thinking about it for some time but we lived in shared flat and we
couldn’t adopt the dog

Please give the age range of an individual who is to sign an adoption agreement.
18-25; 25-35; 35-50; 50+



Who does your family consist of? Do all family members accept the fact of a dog
adoption and agree to accept a new member of the household?

2 members


What age are your children (if any)?


No children

The dog can’t be a gift FOR A CHILD! You can’t get bored with the dog, as it often happens
in case of children's toys. A small child may accidentally or by lack of co-ordination do
harm to the dog, and vice versa - sharp puppy teeth can hurt a child. It may also jump on a
baby and roll it over.
In any case, this is an adult who takes the responsibility for an adopted animal.
Do you rent a house or do you own it?



If the apartment is rented - does the owner know about your plans? What will happen
with the dog when the landlord suddenly changes his mind about the dog in his apartment?


we will find another flat

Housing conditions:

* Do you live in a house or in an apartment (block of flats)?



* Does the block / house, where you live have a lift or stairs? (Which floor do you live on?)


on 3rd floor, the last one, no elevator

*Will the dog live inside or outside?



* Do you have a garden? Do you intend to walk the dog off-site?

No garden, I will take him out


* Do you guarantee that your dog will not be able to go out without supervision (is the site

I guarantee.


*How often and how long will the dog be walked out for? (Please be realistic and consistent
in your capabilities prediction).

3-4 times per day for 30-60 min


*What will you do if the dog goes missing? What action will you take?

go to the wet to try to locate him according to chip she has, publish on social media that dog is


*How much time will the dog spend at home alone?


4-5 hours

*Are there any other pets currently living in your house? If so, what kind?


No, one

*Did your family have animals before and what were their stories? (Please briefly describe
their history and say, why are they no longer with you).


Yes we had and now we have another, the son of our revious dog-German Shepard. She died
in 14 year of life. Her son is now 8 years old

*Would you agree to a short pre-adoption and / or post-placement visit of one of our
volunteers in your house?


I would agree

*What will happen to the dog when you are away on holidays or trips?


Well , we have some friends who would keep her or in hotel for dogs if nobody can do that

*Are there members of household allergic to a dog’s hair or saliva in your house?


Name and surname of a person filling out the questionnaire:

Branislava Novkovic

The name of a dog the questionnaire refers to:


City (district):


Telephone number and email address


* Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w niniejszej ankiecie dla potrzeb
niezbędnych do realizacji procesu adopcyjnego prowadzonego przez Wolontariat na Rzecz Zwierząt Dotkniętych
Bezdomnością „Pies Na Zakręcie” skrzydło Fundacji Azyl pod Psim Aniołem z siedzibą w Warszawie ul.
Kosodrzewiny 7/9 04-979 Warszawa.

Administratorem danych osobowych ujawnionych i przetwarzanych w ramach procedury adopcyjnej oraz realizacji
umowy adopcyjnej jest Wolontariat na Rzecz Zwierząt Dotkniętych Bezdomnością „Pies Na Zakręcie”, który
zobowiązuje się do ich ochrony przed dostępem osób niepowołanych. Dane będą przetwarzane jedynie dla
celów zapobiegania i zwalczania bezdomności zwierząt. (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie
Danych Osobowych; Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 z późn. zm.)
Podanie danych osobowych jest wymogiem do wykonania obowiązków Administratora. Ich nie podanie spowoduje brak
możliwości adopcji zwierząt.

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