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April Mae R.

Case Analysis #1

I. Facts of the case

(A) Mr. Francisco Bundoc

- successful businessman
- operates chain restaurant in Central Luzon
- resides in the capital city of his province
- current president of the local chapter of a civic organization
-member of the board of regents of a state university
-acted as the champion of the student's cause

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(B) State University

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- various campuses in the province where Mr. Bundoc lives

-meetings held monthly by the board of regents
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(C) Dr. H.C. Agao
-university president
-proposed increase in tuition
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(D) Mrs. Bundoc

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- sole food caterer at the state university

-wife of Mr. Francisco Bundoc
-friend of Dr. Agao
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II. Point of view

Personal relationship between the president and his board members.

III. Statement of the problem


(A) Dr. Agao befriended the wife of Mr. Bundoc and insinuated to her that she can do
business with the university through catering services.

(B) Mr. Bundoc became more accomodating to the proposals presented by Dr. Agao.

IV. Objectives

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(A) For Mrs. Bundoc to discover personally that she was being used by Dr. Agao against
her husband Mr. Bundoc and to stop her from manipulating his husband's mind.

(B) For Mr. Bundoc to stand for his right of expressing his opinions about the proposal.

V. Areas of consideration(SWOT Analysis)

Strength- The state university has a competent and expert personnel like Mr. Bundoc.
Weaknesses- There is transparency between the president and his board members.
- Less sharing of ideas for any decisions to be establish.
Opportunity- The university's president which is Dr. Agao would have better and higher
chance of making decisions with less oppositions.
Threats- The state university might faces difficulties in the near future because of not

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having a concrete decisions of deciding.

- The board members' ideas would no longer be heard nor be used

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- The board members would probably withdraw their shares due to lack of

proper making of decisions.
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VI. Alternative courses of action
(A) 1. Mrs. Bundoc should be fair enough to her husband and should deeply know what
really the motives of Dr. Agao for having her as the sole food caterer through

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1.1 Mrs. Bundoc will know her husband's side about the sudden offers and relationship
shared by Dr. Agao.
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1.2 She would also discover the truth or intentions of Dr. Agao from befriending her.
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1.3 Mrs. Bundoc may neglect the truth and continue dealing with Dr. Agao.

1.4 Nothing will change even the facts are revealed because of Mrs. Bundoc personal


(A) 2. Mr. Bundoc should introduce new business that would best suited to his wife's
personality with greater opportunities and greater qualities.

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2.1. Mrs. Bundoc might give up her business transaction with Dr. Agao if she found out
another business which she likes to work for.
2.2. Her friendly relationship with Dr. Agao may not be active anymore.

2.1. Dr. Agao would not accept the decision made by Mrs. Bundoc and would make her
reputation get ruin by him.
2.2. Revenge from Dr. Agao for the two of them.

(B) 1. Mr. Bundoc should stands for his beliefs, for what really he is, fights for what is
right and should not be affected for selfish reasons of others. He should not let others

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manipulated his decision even if it is his wife.

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1.1. Knowing that Mr. Bundoc is the chairman of the student's cause he would be able
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to fight not to increase the tuition fro the goodness of the students, he could continue to
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voice out the opinions from students.
1.2. He would have the chance to express his expertise in his field for further
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1.1. There will always an argumentation between him and Dr. Agao.
1.2. Might end up his married life because of different decisions and choices in life.
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(B) 2. Have a protest together with the students supporting the opposition of Mr. Bundoc
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regarding the increase of tuition.


2.1. Mr. Bundoc could help the students to share their thoughts toward Dr. Agao

proposal whether it's approbation or not.


2.2. Time-consuming and costly because of the preparations, materials needed, foods
for the students and other expenses involve.
VII. Recommendations:
For problem number 1, I highly recommended the alternative course of action A1
because by letting Mr. Bundoc explains his side of not agreeing the said proposal of Dr.
Agao, his personal perception about it and his ideas of the consequences might arise

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would lead for Mrs. Bundoc to understand and reflect directly of doing what really is
good for the benefits of the students and what really matters for his husband's
opposition. Reality speaking, giving chances to other people to share what they have for
and what they believe for would help to come up a quality decisions because of the
combined wisdom, major errors are likely to be avoided and in gaining acceptance and
commitment. Meanwhile, searching for the truth would help every people to gain trust
and genuine friendship.
Regarding problem number 2, I chose to recommend alternative course of action
B1 because it is right and just. The way to conquer fear is to fight for it. The results
doesn't matter at all what matters most is that you know in yourself that you fought for it.
In Mr. Bundoc case, his only option is to ignore everything and listen to what his mind
and heart dictates for. By following with it he would able to prove that he is suitable for
being the champion of the student's cause. It is always good to stand for what we
believe is right because for us there is nothing wrong.

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VIII. Conclusion

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In summary, we should not let others manipulate things for us because we all

have individual differences, different perception, ability, and intelligence. Fighting the
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one that we prefer the most is worth it because no one to be blame for the possible
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outcomes. However, we are free to listen to what others perceive for. We have rights,
freedom and differences. Go for what you think gives you satisfaction.

The impacts of Individual Differences toward a group:

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1. Misunderstanding and miscommunication.

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2. It provides different unique ideas for any group activities.

3. Members in a certain group would able to learn from each other's differences.
4. Gained respect with each other.
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5. Build relationship for personal development.

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6. People who perceive things differently behave differently.

7. People with different attitudes respond differently to directives.
8. People with different personalities interact differently with bosses, coworkers,

subordinates, and customers.


9. Some people embrace change and others are fearful of it.

10. Enhancement of skills.

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