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Junior High School Department

SY 2018-2019
Class #
20 points

NAME: _________________________________________________________ Score: _________________

LAST NAME, Given Name MI
Year/Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________________
I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the CAPITAL LETTER of your choice on
the space provided before each number. ANY FORM OF ALTERATION WILL BE CONSIDERED WRONG. (10
______1. The increasing independence that comes with adolescence can cause nutritional problems, because
many adolescents __________.
A. have decreased appetites after their major growth spurt has taken place
B. take medications that diminish the nutritional value of food
C. spend their food money on illegal drugs
D. are uninterested in or unaware of the importance of good nutrition
______2. Sources of carbohydrates in the diet come from all of the following groups of food EXCEPT:
A. rice cakes, suman, and tupig B. breads, cereals, and grain products
C. mashed potato, corn, and camote D. meat, fish, and poultry
______3. Over an extended period of time, what happens if dietary intake does not meet the body’s protein
needs for building and repair of tissues?
A. skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and the liver decrease in size
B. excessive body fluid begins to accumulate in the extracellular spaces
C. the immune system fails to function properly
D. all of the above
______4. Water is an important nutrient because it __________.
A. stores vast amounts of energy
B. it is significant component of important molecules, e. g., hemoglobin
C. acts as a solvent (or medium) in which chemical reactions can take place
D. all of the above
______5. Why is it important to eat lots of vegetables and fruits?
A. They provide nutrients that boost our immune systems and help fight diseases.
B. They help to detox chemicals we ingest from the food we eat.
C. they provide fiber and help us feel more satisfied.
d. All of the above.
______6. Carbohydrate is an important nutrient because it __________.
A. provides a vast amount of energy and helps protect the body 
B. it is a significant component of important molecules, e.g., hemoglobin 
C. makes up enzymes which regulate body function 
D. is a good energy source, especially for the central nervous system 
______7. Which of the following is NOT a recommended way to get the nutrients we need?
A. avoid skipping meals B. regulate food intake from the tip of the food pyramid
C. watch portion sizes D. balance your nutrients and food groups over time
______8. Which of the following behaviors is part of a healthy eating plan?
A. Maverick sometimes reheat spaghetti and leftover pizza for breakfast.
B. Most of the food that Norman eats fall into milk, yogurt, and cheese group
C. Cassey skips breakfast when she is late for school.
D. Maricar counts fruit pie and sugared beverages that contain some fruits as her daily fruit serving.
______9. According to the Food Guide Pyramid, you should eat the most servings a day from which of the
following food groups?
A. vegetables B. milk, yogurt, and cheese
C. bread, rice, and pasta D. pork, chicken, and fish
______10. Nutrition includes the study of __________.
A. nutritional value of food B. food process of digestion
C. the way human obtains food D. all of the above
II FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s from the word bank below. ANY FORM OF



_____________________________ is the part of grains, fruits, and vegetables that the body
Cannot break down. To maintain a healthy diet, you should limit the amount of sugar and
_____________________________ you eat. _____________________________ is the nutrient

needed to build, repair, and maintain body cells and tissues. _____________________________
is a liquid fat at room temperature that comes from plants. Fat found in meat and dairy products is
______________________________. Carbohydrates provide the body with most of its energy.
I ESSAY: Read the situation below and explain your answer in five to eight sentences. (5 points)
Cite at least four good health practices that you can do to keep yourself healthy and strong. Explain
and discuss each.

Eat well! Getting the right nutrition is the best way of ensuring your body has the adequate
amounts of fuel to keep you2 going. The main emphasis when it comes to eating healthily
should always be to get the balance on the point. The wise way to work at your best is to focus
on wholesome and varied foods that nourish you and meet your nutritional needs.
Exercise daily! Your body is much like a machine and it needs to move! Exercise improves your
cardiovascular fitness, your muscle tone, and definition, and keeps your joints and bones
strong. Exercise is also one of the best ways to clear stress and any mental/emotional
Enough Sleep! The quality and quantity of sleep are very important to your health and well-
being because as you sleep your body regenerates. Ideally, most adults should aim for at least
6-8 hours1 good quality sleep each night. 
Do things that you enjoy! Sometimes you can get so caught up in daily life that you actually
put what you enjoy on the back burner. Life is about balance. Always make time in your life for
things that make you happy. All work and no play can leave you more at risk of stress and
health issues. Find time for some fun and play in your life!
Hydration! Staying hydrated is vital to your health. Your body can go for periods of time
without food but not without water. Your body is comprised of around 75% water and forms
the basis for metabolic processes, blood, body and digestive fluids, as well as being the main
component in lean muscle, fat, and bones.


We are at our very best, and we are happiest,
when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy
on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves.
It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.
It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.

Earl Nightingale


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