WR 2021 Empire Army

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The Empire army may include auxiliary contingents of
Flagellants, Free Company, Kislev Troops, Halflings,
Dwarfs and Ogres. However, only half of the total
number of regiments in the Empire army may be

The religious zeal of Warrior Priests inspires the easily
manipulated commoners. Thanks to the Warrior Priest’s
oratorical abilities, any regiment of swordsmen or state
troops (including detachments within 8”) led by a Warrior
Priest is immune to fear and hates all enemies.

Flagellants are unbreakable and must charge the enemy
if within charge range. They do not field a standard
bearer or a musician. Their regimental champion, the
Prophet of Doom, may never take any magic items and
cannot be the army general.
The Empire consists of many provinces and city states.
When unified under the rule of the Emperor, the Empire
is the strongest and most powerful nation in the Old
World, if not the entire world. The most common troop Some Empire troops are trained to fight with or as
type is the disciplined state troops, but the Empire army detachments.
is diverse. The Colleges of Magic supply the Empire with
A regiment of Halberdiers, Spearmen, Greatswords or
colourful battle wizards, while the Imperial Gunnery
Swordsmen can have up to two detachment regiments.
School supplies the Empire with spectacular war
machines. Within the Empire live enclaves of Dwarfs and Halberdiers, Spearmen, Greatswords, Swordsmen,
Halflings that supply troops to the Imperial army in times Crossbowmen, Hand Gunners, and Archers can be
of need. Furthermore, the Empire often allies with troops detachment regiments.
from Kislev and even sometimes hires Ogre

This means that Archers, Crossbowmen and Hand A blunderbuss fires a hail of shot including lead balls,
Gunners can only be detachments, not parent units. rusty bolts, bent nails etc. Place the teardrop template
They can of course form regiments on their own. with the thin end at the muzzle of the gun, and the wide
end pointing towards the target. All models more than
Note that Free Company are not trained to act as neither
half covered suffer a S3 hit with -1 to armour save.
detachment nor parent regiment.
A man catcher is a long pole with an iron collar ringed
The size of a detachment can only be that of half its
with spikes. Instead of a normal attack, a man-sized
parent regiment (including regimental champion). A
model in base contact with the wielder is hit
detachment cannot have a command group and will stop
automatically. The model takes an I and T characteristic
functioning as a detachment if joined by characters.
test. If both are failed, the model is slain (no save).
As long as the detachment is within 8” of its parent
A hook halberd offers +1 to hit and +1S.
regiment, the following special rules apply: (1)
Detachment regiments never provoke panic tests in A ball and chain offers +1S and no armour save.
nearby friendly units (for being destroyed, broken, etc.).
(2) Detachment regiments can use the LD value of their
parent regiment. (3) Detachment regiments can use the
musician of their parent regiment. A War Wagon is a large chariot pulled by two barded
Warhorses and manned by six state troopers equipped
A detachment can declare a charge reaction if the parent
with light armour and experimental weapons. As long as
regiment is charged. This can either be (1) stand and
the war wagon is unengaged, the experimental weapons
shoot or (2) counter charge. In case of the latter, move
may shoot in the shooting phase. All six crewmen may
the enemy first, then move the detachment. In this
fight in the melee phase. Each crewman is armed
situation, the detachment is allowed to charge the enemy
differently. The list of experimental weapons includes
in the flank even if it would normally have to charge to
one of each of the following: (1) a Hochland long rifle, (2)
the front.
a repeater hand gun, (3) a blunderbuss, (4) a man
catcher, (5) a hook halberd, (6) a ball and chain.
A repeating handgun works as a normal handgun with THE HELBLASTER VOLLEY GUN
the following exception; each successful hit against the
Range 24”. Contains nine barrels. Cannot be reloaded.
same target allows one more roll to hit (to a maximum of
Crewed by three state troopers.
six to hit rolls per handgun).
Roll the artillery die for each barrel fired. Decide whether
A repeating pistol works as a normal pistol with the
to continue after each shot. Halve the score at over half
following exception; each successful hit against the
range. This indicates the number of hits. If you roll a
same target allows one more roll to hit (to a maximum of
misfire, stop immediately. The weapon cannot be fired
six to hit rolls per pistol).
any more for the rest of the battle. If the first shot was a
A Hochland long rifle has the following characteristics: misfire, all nine barrels go off at once (roll nine artillery
range 36”, S4, armour piercing, cannot shoot on the turn dice immediately, treat further misfires as rolling zero
it moved. The wielder of a Hochland long rifle may target hits) and the gun and crew are destroyed in a spectacular
any model, even characters hiding in a regiment (but explosion. Hits are S5 (armour piercing) at short range,
suffers a -1 to hit for shooting at single models). and S4 (armour piercing) at long range.

HALFLING HOT POT 5: Great clouds of steam burst from a pipe somewhere.
The Steam Tank is covered in a cloud of steam. The
The Halfling Hot Pot is operated by three halfling Steam Tank may not shoot this turn, so all your steam
crewmen. It shoots like a small stone thrower, except the points must be spent on moving.
maximum range is 36”, hits are resolved at S5, armour
6: A leak has developed. You cannot spend more than
save is allowed but there is no regeneration save.
two steam points this turn regardless of the number you
just declared.
7: The driving mechanism jams. You cannot move the
The Steam Tank is a large chariot powered by a steam Steam Tank this turn, but you may fire. Any excess
engine. The Steam Tank has its own unique profile, steam points are wasted.
causes terror, and is unbreakable. The default Steam
8: The steam pressure rises too fast. The Steam Tank
Tank option includes a small cannon and has the
must move directly forward 15”, charging the first unit it
following characteristics.
encounters (friend or foe) or dealing 1D6 impact hits if
WS BS S T W already engaged in combat. The Steam Tank may do

Steam Tank 2 4 7 10 5 nothing else this turn.

9: A minor explosion causes structural damage. The

Steam Tank does nothing this turn. The maximum
Steam points
number of steam points the Steam Tank can declare is
In the beginning of the turn, the Empire player declares henceforth four rather than five. If this result is rolled
how many steam points he is using this turn. This must several times, it will reduce the maximum steam points
be between 0 and 5 points. Once the steam points have that can declared by one each time.
been declared, they must all be used this turn. Each point
10: A major explosion wrecks the boiler. The Steam Tank
allows the Steam Tank to take one of the following
cannot move again in this game (it may still shoot,
• Pivot up to 90 degrees. 11: The Steam Tank explodes (count as slain).
• Move 3” forwards or 2” backwards.
• Fire the small cannon or the steam cannon.
Having declared how many steam points you want to use
The Steam Tank moves like a chariot except that (1) it
this turn, it is necessary to see if the steam boiler holds
cannot pivot on the spot for free, (2) it obliterates any
out. Roll a 1D6, if this number exceeds the Steam Tank’s
obstacles it encounters, (3) it can neither pursue nor
current number of wounds, roll on the Imperial Steam
overrun (nor flee, since it is unbreakable).
Tank Boiler Table below to determine what happens.
The Steam Tank declares charges as normal, and the

The imperial steam boiler table enemy is allowed normal charge reactions. The Steam
Tank halts its movement when it reaches an enemy unit.
If you failed the above-mentioned test, roll 1D6 and add
The Steam Tank cannot charge unengaged skirmishers
the number of steam points you just declared. Consult
or independent models on bases of 20x20 mm or 25x25
the table below:
mm. Simply move these models out of harm’s way if the
1-4: Nothing happens. The Steam Tank functions Steam Tank comes into contact with them.

The Steam Tank does not fight in melee combat as such Variants
but delivers 1D6 S7 impact hits on the charge. The
Steam Tank may always disengage from melee combat. The default option Imperial Steam Tank comes equipped

It is perfectly legal to move first backwards, then forwards with a small cannon and an engineer armed with a

(spending two steam points), and in so doing disengage repeating pistol (at 250 pts).

from combat and then charge again (making impact hits). • The Steam Tank may be upgraded with a steam
It is only possible, however, to charge once per turn. cannon for +25 pts.
• The engineer may come equipped with a

Shooting repeating hand gun or a Hochland long rifle

instead of a repeating pistol for +25 pts.
The Steam Tank may be equipped with a small cannon
• The Steam Tank may give up the small cannon
and/or a steam cannon. Both may fire once during the
for -50 pts.
shooting phase (even if the Steam Tank is engaged in
• The Steam Tank may give up the small cannon,
melee combat) if sufficient steam points have been
the engineer, and forfeit the option of taking a
allocated for this purpose (one for each weapon fired).
steam cannon and instead be equipped with a
The small cannon fires exactly as a small cannon, except fighting platform just like the War Wagon for
that it cannot pivot for free but must fire directly forward. +50 pts. As long as the Steam Tank is
The cannon has range 36”, S7 and deals 1D3 wounds. unengaged, the experimental weapons may
The first time a misfire is rolled for firing the cannon, the shoot in the shooting phase. All six crewmen
Steam Tank suffers a wound. The second time you roll a may fight in the melee phase. Each crewman is
misfire, the Steam Tank blows up (count as slain). armed differently. The list of experimental
weapons includes one of each of the following:
The steam cannon uses the teardrop formed breath
(1) a Hochland long rifle, (2) a repeater hand
template. Place the thin end at the muzzle of the steam
gun, (3) a blunderbuss, (4) a man catcher, (5) a
cannon and point the thick end towards the target. All
hook halberd, (6) a ball and chain.
models at least half covered suffer a S2 hit with no
armour save.

If the Steam Tank is not engaged in melee combat, the

engineer may shoot his weapon (either a repeating
pistol, a repeating hand gun, or a Hochland long rifle)
with normal penalties for movement. This action does not
cost any steam points.

Other rules
The Steam Tank automatically passes any characteristic
test it has to take, except initiative tests (which are
always failed).

Chariots charging the Steam Tank suffer 1D6 S7 impact

hits themselves.

Night Goblin Fanatics that come into contact with the

Steam Tank are slain.


Empire Lord 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 9 20x20
Empire Hero 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 20x20
Empire BSB 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 7 20x20
Warrior Priest 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8 20x20
Wizard Lord 4 3 3 4 4 4 6 3 8 20x20
Master Wizard 4 3 3 4 4 3 5 2 7 20x20
Wizard Champion 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 1 7 20x20
Wizard 4 3 3 3 4 1 4 1 7 20x20

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 25x50
Pegasus 8 3 0 4 4 1 4 2 5 40x40 Fly
Griffon 6 5 0 6 5 5 7 4 8 50x50 Fly, Terror

Empire Lord 90 pts Empire Hero 60 pts

• May ride a Warhorse for +20 pts, which may • May ride a Warhorse for +20 pts, which may
wear barding, or a Pegasus for +60 pts, or a wear barding, or a Pegasus for +60 pts, or a
Griffon for +180 pts. Griffon for +180 pts.
• May take a shield and either light armour or • May take a shield and either light armour or
heavy armour for free. heavy armour for free.
• May take one of the following melee weapons • May take one of the following melee weapons
for free, a flail, an additional hand weapon, a for free, a flail, an additional hand weapon, a
spear, a halberd, a double handed weapon, a spear, a halberd, a double handed weapon, a
lance. lance.
• May take one of the following missile weapons • May take one of the following missile weapons
for +10 pts, a bow, a longbow, a crossbow, a for +10 pts, a bow, a longbow, a crossbow, a
handgun, a pistol, two pistols. handgun, a pistol, two pistols.
• May take 3 magic items. • A single hero on foot may is allowed to take one
of these experimental missile weapons for +10
pts, a Hochland long rifle, a repeating hand gun,
or a repeating pistol.
• May take 2 magic items.

Empire Battle Standard Bearer 80 pts Wizard Lord (level 4) 250 pts

• May ride a Warhorse +20 pts, which may wear Master Wizard (level 3) 170 pts
• May take either light armour or heavy armour Wizard Champion (level 2) 120 pts
for free.
Wizard (level 1) 70 pts
• May take 1 magic item (which may be a magic
banner). • May take College Magic (and Ice Magic if the
Empire Army includes one or more Kislev

Warrior Priest 80 pts regiments).

• May ride a Warhorse for free which may wear
• May ride a Warhorse +20 pts, which may wear barding, or a Pegasus for +40 pts. A Wizard
barding. Lord may ride a Griffon for +160 pts.
• May take a shield and either light armour or • A wizard may take as many magic items as he
heavy armour for free. /she has levels.
• May take one of the following melee weapons
for free, a flail, an additional hand weapon, a
double handed weapon.
• May take 1 magic item.

“Any swordsmen and state troop regiment (including

detachments within 8”) led by a Warrior Priest is immune
to fear and hates all enemies.”


Regimental Troops
State Trooper / Fighter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 20x20
Swordsman / Kislev Winged Lancer 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 20x20
Knight 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7 20x20
Flagellant 4 2 2 4 4 1 3 2 10 20x20 Unbreakable
Dwarf 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 20x20
Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8 20x20 Forester
Ogre 6 3 2 4 5 3 3 2 7 40x40 Fear

Regimental Champions
Empire Champion 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 2 7 20x20
Empire Captain 4 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 8 20x20
Grand Commander 4 6 4 4 3 2 6 2 9 20x20
Prophet of Doom 4 3 3 5 4 1 4 3 10 20x20 Unbreakable
Dwarf Champion 4 5 4 4 4 1 3 2 9 20x20
Halfling Champion 4 3 5 3 2 1 6 2 8 20x20 Forester
Ogre Champion 6 4 3 5 5 3 4 3 7 40x40 Fear

Normal Horse 8 - - - - - - - - 25x50
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 25x50

Halberdiers 6 pts Swordsmen 6 pts

(15 models = 90 pts) (15 models = 90 pts)

State Troops with halberds and light armour. Swordsmen with shields.

• The whole regiment may be given shields for • The whole regiment may be given light armour
+½ pt per model. for +1 pt per model.
• Two models are automatically upgraded to • Two models are automatically upgraded to
standard bearer and musician for regiments of standard bearer and musician for regiments of
at least 15 models. at least 15 models.
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire • The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment Captain equipped like the rest of the regiment =
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item). 30 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Spearmen 6 pts Archers 8 pts
(15 models = 90 pts) (15 models = 120 pts)

State Troops with spears and shields. State Troops with longbows. May skirmish.

• The whole regiment may be given light armour • The whole regiment may be given light armour
for +1 pt per model. for +½ pt per model.
• Two models are automatically upgraded to • If the regiment does not utilise skirmish
standard bearer and musician for regiments of formation, two models are automatically
at least 15 models. upgraded to standard bearer and musician for
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire regiments of at least 15 models.
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment • The regiment may be joined by an Empire
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item). Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Greatswords 8 pts
Crossbowmen 8 pts
(15 models = 120 pts)
(15 models = 120 pts)
State Troops with double handed weapons and light
armour. State Troops with crossbows.

• Two models are automatically upgraded to • The whole regiment may be given light armour
standard bearer and musician for regiments of for +½ pt per model.
at least 15 models. • Two models are automatically upgraded to
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire standard bearer and musician for regiments of
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment at least 15 models.
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item). • The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item).
Hand Gunners 8 pts
(15 models = 120 pts)
“A regiment of Halberdiers, Spearmen, Greatswords or
State Troops with handguns.
Swordsmen can have up to two detachment regiments.
• The whole regiment may be given light armour
Halberdiers, Spearmen, Greatswords, Swordsmen,
for +½ pt per model.
Crossbowmen, Hand Gunners, and Archers can be
• Two models are automatically upgraded to
detachment regiments.
standard bearer and musician for regiments of
at least 15 models. This means that Archers, Crossbowmen and Hand
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire Gunners can only be detachments, not parent units.
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment They can of course form regiments on their own.
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item).
Note that Free Company are not trained to act as neither
detachment nor parent regiment.”

Knightly Orders 30 pts Mounted Reiksguard Knights 30 pts
(5 models = 150 pts) (5 models = 150 pts)

Knightly Orders include famous orders like the Knights Knights with barded warhorses, heavy armour, shields,
Panther and the Knights of the Blazing Sun. and lances.

Knights with barded warhorses, heavy armour, shields, • Two models are automatically upgraded to
and lances. standard bearer and musician for free.
• The regiment may be joined by a Grand
• Two models are automatically upgraded to
Commander equipped like the rest of the
standard bearer and musician for free.
regiment = 70 pts (may take 1 magic item).
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Captain equipped like the rest of the regiment =
55 pts (may take 1 magic item). Pistoliers 20 pts
(10 models = 200 pts)
Knights of the White Wolf 25 pts
May skirmish.
(5 models = 125 pts)
State troops wearing light armour, armed with two
Knights with barded warhorses, heavy armour, and pistols, riding normal horses.
double handed weapons.
• If the regiment does not utilise skirmish
• Two models are automatically upgraded to formation, two models are automatically
standard bearer and musician for free. upgraded to standard bearer and musician for
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire regiments of at least 10 models.
Captain equipped like the rest of the regiment = • The regiment may be joined by an Empire
50 pts (may take 1 magic item). Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 35 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Reiksguard Foot Knights 9 pts

Outriders 20 pts
(10 models = 90 pts)
(10 models = 200 pts)
Knights with heavy armour and shields.
State troops wearing light armour, armed with repeating
• May swap shields for double handed weapons
hand guns, riding barded normal horses.
for +2 pts per model.
• Two models are automatically upgraded to • Two models are automatically upgraded to
standard bearer and musician for regiments of standard bearer and musician for regiments of
at least 10 models. at least 10 models.
• The regiment may be joined by a Grand • The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Commander equipped like the rest of the Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
regiment = 50 pts (may take 1 magic item). = 35 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Free Company 6 pts Kislev Horse Archers 14 pts
(15 models = 90 pts) (10 models = 140 pts)

Fighters armed with various sorts of weapons which on May skirmish.

the whole function as additional hand weapons.
Fighters equipped with bows riding normal horses.
• The whole regiment may be given light armour
• If the regiment does not utilise skirmish
for +½ pt per model.
formation, two models are automatically
• Two models are automatically upgraded to
upgraded to standard bearer and musician for
standard bearer and musician for regiments of
regiments of at least 10 models.
at least 15 models.
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 30 pts (may take 1 magic item).
= 20 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Kislev Winged Lancers 20 pts

Flagellants 10 pts
(5 models = 100 pts)
Flagellants are unbreakable and must charge the enemy
if within charge range. They do not field a standard Kislev Winged Lancers with warhorses, light armour,

bearer or a musician. Their regimental champion, the shields, and lances.

Prophet of Doom, may never take any magic items and • Two models are automatically upgraded to
cannot be the army general. standard bearer and musician for free.

• The whole regiment may take flails for +4 pts • The regiment may be joined by an Empire

per model. Captain equipped like the rest of the regiment =

• The regiment may be joined by a Prophet of 45 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Doom equipped like the rest of the regiment =

25 pts Kislev Kossars 9 pts
(10 models = 90 pts)

“The Empire army may include auxiliary contingents of Fighters with bows, double handed weapons, and light
Flagellants, Free Company, Kislev Troops, Halflings, armour.
Dwarfs and Ogres. However, only half of the total
• Two models are automatically upgraded to
number of regiments in the Empire army may be
standard bearer and musician for regiments of
at least 10 models.
• The regiment may be joined by an Empire
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 25 pts (may take 1 magic item).

Dwarf Warriors 8 pts Halfling Militia 3 pts
(10 models = 80 pts) (20 models = 60 pts)

Dwarfs with light armour. Dwarfs are subject to a number Halflings with light armour and shields. Halflings are
of special rules explained in the Dwarfs army book. foresters and may move through woods without penalties
to movement.
• May take shields for +1 pt per model.
• May swap light armour for heavy armour for +1 • The whole regiment may be given spears for
pt per model. +½ pt per model.
• May take either spears for +1 pt per model, or • Two models are automatically upgraded to
double handed weapons for +3 pts. standard bearer and musician for regiments of
• Two models are automatically upgraded to at least 20 models.
standard bearer and musician for regiments of • The regiment may be joined by a Halfling
at least 10 models. Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
• The regiment may be joined by a Dwarf = 15 pts (may take 1 magic item).
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 25 pts (may take 1 magic item). Halfling Bowmen 7 pts
(20 models = 140 pts)
Ogre Mercenaries 30 pts
Halflings with bows. May skirmish. Even if they do not
(5 models = 150 pts)
skirmish, halflings are still foresters, and may move
Ogres. Cause fear. through woods without penalties to movement.

• May take either light armour for +1 pt, or heavy • If the regiment does not utilise skirmish
armour for +3 pts per model. formation, two models are automatically
• May take either additional hand weapons for +1 upgraded to standard bearer and musician for
pt per model, or double handed weapons for +3 regiments of at least 20 models.
pts per model. • The regiment may be joined by a Halfling
• Two models are automatically upgraded to Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
standard bearer and musician for regiments of = 15 pts (may take 1 magic item).
at least 5 models.
• The regiment may be joined by an Ogre
Champion equipped like the rest of the regiment
= 60 pts (may take 1 magic item).

State Trooper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 20x20
Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8 20x20
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 20x20
War machine (i.e. cannon, mortar etc.) - - - - 7 3 - - - -
War Wagon - - - 6 6 4 - - - 50x100 Impact hits
Steam Tank - 2 4 7 10 5 - - - 50x100 Impact hits

Mortars 80 pts Halfling Hot-Pot 50 pts

A mortar works exactly like a small stone thrower. If your army includes a regiment of halflings, it may also
Crewed by three state troopers. include one Halfling Hot-Pot, but never more than one,
as The Halfling Hot-Pot is a truly unique phenomenon.

Cannons 100 pts Crewed by three halflings.

Normal cannon. Crewed by three state troopers.

Steam Tanks 250 pts
Great Cannons 120 pts An Empire army can never field more than eight Steam
Tanks. However, only one Steam Tank can be included
Great cannon. Crewed by three state troopers.
for each full 1000 pts worth of regiments in the Empire
Helblaster Volley Guns 120 pts
• May add a steam cannon for +25 pts.
Helblaster. Crewed by three state troopers. • May replace the repeating pistol with a
Hochland long rifle for +25 pts.

War Wagons 150 pts • May give up the small cannon -50 pts.
• May give up the small cannon, forfeit the option
A War Wagon is a large chariot pulled by two barded of adding a steam cannon, and take a fighting
Warhorses and manned by six state troopers equipped
platform for +50 pts.
with light armour and experimental weapons.


The Emperor Karl Franz 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 10 20x20
Magnus the Pious 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 10 20x20
Ludwig Schwarzhelm 4 5 4 4 4 3 5 3 9 20x20
Grand Theogonist Volkmar 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 10 20x20
The Supreme Patriarch 4 4 3 4 4 4 6 3 9 20x20
Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg 4 7 6 4 4 3 6 4 9 20x20
The Elector Counts 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 9 20x20
Tzarina Katarin The Ice Queen 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 10 20x20

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 25x50
Griffon 6 5 0 6 5 5 7 4 8 50x50 Fly, Terror

The Emperor Karl Franz 250 pts Grand Theogonist Volkmar 400 pts
Lord. Must be the army general. Cannot be fielded along Hero riding War Altar. As long the Grand Theogonist is
with Magnus the Pious. Carries heavy armour, a shield, riding the War Altar (a large chariot) he is unbreakable.
the Hammer of Sigmar, and the Silver Seal. May ride a If the Grand Theogonist is slain, but the War Altar is not,
barded Warhorse for +20 pts, or a Griffon for +180 pts. the War Altar will fail all LD tests it has to take. Carries
May take one extra magic item. three magic items only available to him. Horn of
Sigismund: Cause terror on the charge. The Jade
Griffon: After each phase (movement phase, shooting
Magnus the Pious 200 pts
phase, melee phase, magic phase) the Grand
Lord. Must be the army general. Cannot be fielded along Theogonist recovers all lost wounds. Staff of Command:
with Karl Franz. Carries heavy armour and a shield. May The bearer becomes a level two wizard that may use any
ride a barded Warhorse for +20 pts. Magnus and any College lore and High Magic.
regiment he joins become unbreakable. Magnus confers
a 4+ natural dispel. Magnus may retake armour saves.
The Supreme Patriarch of The
Colleges of Magic 400 pts
Ludwig Schwarzhelm 150 pts
Wizard Lord. The Supreme Patriarch uses Bright Magic.
Battle Standard Bearer. Carries heavy armour and the
Carries the Staff of Volans. May ride a Warhorse which
Sword of Justice. May ride a barded Warhorse for +20
may be barded (for free). May take three extra magic
pts. May take an additional magic item, which may be a
magic banner.

Reiksmarshall Captain Kurt Helborg of Marius Leitdorf Elector Count of
The Reiksguard 120 pts Averland 130 pts
Lord. Carries heavy armour, a shield, and a Runefang. Lord. Marius Leitdorf is subject to frenzy. Rides a barded
May ride a barded Warhorse for +20 pts. May take two Warhorse. Carries heavy armour, an additional hand
extra magic items. weapon, and a Runefang (make six attacks with the
Runefang and one with the additional hand weapon).

Boris Todbringer Elector Count of

Middenland 110 pts Tzarina Katarin The Ice Queen of
Kislev 200 pts
Lord. Rides a barded Warhorse. Carries heavy armour,
a shield, a Runefang, and the Talisman of Ulric. Lord. Tzarina Katarin is a level 3 wizard using the lore of
Ice. You may only include Tzarina Katarin if the army
includes a regiment of Kislev troops. Rides a Warhorse.
Adelbrand Ludenhof Elector Count of
Carries the magic blade Fearfrost. May take two
Hochland 100 pts additional magic items.

Lord. Adelbrand’s hawk distracts the enemy so all

enemies in base contact suffer -1 to hit with melee
An Empire army may also include GOTREK AND
attacks against Adelbrand. Rides a barded Warhorse.
FELIX, listed in the DWARFS army book.
Carries heavy armour, a Runefang, and a hawk.

Valmir von Raukov Elector Count of

Ostland 110 pts
Lord. Rides a barded Warhorse. Carries heavy armour,
a shield, a Runefang, and the Dragon Bow.

MAGIC WEAPONS Armour of Tarnus 10 pts
A suit of heavy armour that may be taken by wizards –
Runefang 25 pts and only by wizards. The bearer may wear this armour
and still cast spells. May re-roll armour saves.
Note that several special characters carry a Runefang.
This is possible because twelve such blades exist. An
Empire army may include one Runefang plus those ENCHANTED ITEMS
carried by special characters.

No armour save allowed. Undead suffer double wounds. Talisman of Ulric 15 pts
The bearer recovers one wound at the start of each
Dragon Bow 25 pts player turn.

Bow. May fire three magical shots each shooting phase

with range 36” and S5. Icon of Magnus 15 pts
The bearer and the bearer’s regiment are immune to
Sword of Justice 50 pts fear.

Bearer may re-roll missed to hit rolls. No armour save

allowed. Imperial Crown 15 pts
If carried by the general, all units within 18” may use his
Fearfrost 60 pts LD.

No armour save allowed. 1 wound = 1D6 wounds.

Laurels of Victory 25 pts
Hammer of Sigmar 100 pts Each wound –overkill wounds included– scored by the
bearer, or the bearer’s mount, in a challenge, counts
All hits wound. No armour save allowed.
double toward combat resolution (as long as the bearer
is alive during combat resolution).

The Silver Seal 50 pts

Helm of Count Mandred 10 pts
Enemies suffer -1 to hit against the bearer and the
The bearer hates Skaven, and Skaven fear the bearer, bearer’s mount in both melee combat and shooting.
+1 armour save. Natural dispel 4+.

ARCANE ITEMS Knights Panther Standard 10 pts
The regiment automatically dispels the first spell cast
Antler Totem 15 pts against it. One use only. Knightly Orders only.

If the wizard uses the lore of Amber or Jade, the wizard

may choose his spells. White Wolf Standard 10 pts
The first enemy unit wishing to charge the regiment must
Staff of Volans 175 pts pass a fear test or remain stationary this turn One use
only. Knights of the White Wolf only.
Spells cast by the aid of this staff do not require power
and can only be dispelled using a dispel scroll or an item
with a similar effect. The staff can only be used three Carroburg Standard 20 pts
times per game.
The regiment automatically passes the first break test it
must take. One use only. Greatswords only.
Standard of Imperial Devotion 20 pts
Reiksguard Standard 10 pts
The regiment is immune to panic.
The regiment automatically passes the first LD test it fails
except break tests. One use only. Reiksguard regiments


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