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6) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of project management?

Advantages of project management are increased efficiency, better control, better customer

relations, and potentially an increase in return on investment of the project. Other advantages of

project management include less development time, less costs, greater quality and greater profit

margins. Additional advantages include, increase worker morale, increased interdepartmental

coordination, and clearer results.

Disadvantages of project management include greater organizational complexity, a violation of

organization’s policy, increased costs, underutilized personnel, and more management

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difficulties. The disadvantages of project management tend to be the price one pays for

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advantages of project management.

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12) Describe the characteristics of quasi- projects.

The characteristics of Quasi projects have no specific tasks assigned, no specific budget, and no
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specific deadline given. The scope, budget, and schedule is implied using words such as “we”
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and “you” and “this” and often involves a group of people. Additional resources may be utilized

if the project needs to be done quickly. Sometimes discovery of the scope of the project or tasks
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needed defines budget and deadlines. Quasi projects may be identified by “We need to finish

this by this afternoon.”


14) Describe some situations in which project management would probably not be effective.

Project management may not be effective if what you want done is very simple and/or only takes

one step to get to 100 percent completion. It may also not be effective if the process is already

defined and is operating at maximum efficiency. If the project timeline is short such as “we need

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this by noon” setting up a project plan will take longer than completing the task. Project

management may also not work if there are not enough people as a complex plan will be too


16) Expound on thee adage, “Projects proceed smoothly until 90 percent complete, and then

remain at 90 percent forever.”

“Projects proceed smoothly until 90 percent complete and then remain at 90 percent forever”

because the solution is found and then the project team spends time trying to redefine the scope.

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It may also happen when a list of tasks is not developed so the project team doesn’t have a check

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list of items that need to be completed and they keep finding additional tasks to complete and/or

the project is no longer relevant.
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