Tutorial Letter 303/4/2021: Inkalle

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Tutorial Letter 303/4/2021

Special Communication on changes in

Academic Programmes

Department of Information Science


1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 3
2 CURRENT OFFERINGS ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 BINF CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 BINF HONOURS (90072) ......................................................................................................... 5
2.3 PGDLIS (90003)........................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Masters of Information Science (98410) .................................................................................... 5
2.5 Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (90035) ................................................................ 5
2.6 Programme in Children and Youth Librarianship (76853) .......................................................... 5
2.7 Programme in Archival Studies ................................................................................................. 6
2.7 Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577) ............................................ 6
2.9 Archives and Records Management Major (99311) ................................................................... 6
2.10 Honours in Archives and Records Management (90168) .......................................................... 7
3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 7


Dear Student,

The purpose of this communication is to highlight some of the major changes in the qualifications
and modules offered by the Department so that you can plan your studies accordingly. Please
take time to study the information given in this Tutorial letter 303/4/2021 for INKALLE so that
when you go to register, you are clear about the modules and qualifications. In case you have
questions or need further information after reading this communication, do not hesitate to contact
the Chair of Department (CoD) for clarification. The contact details are:
Chair, Department of Information Science
Winnie Madikizela Mandela Building, 10-188
PO Box 392
Unisa 0003
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 429 6070
Fax: +27(0) 429 3792
E-mail: infoscience@unisa.ac.za
We have done our best to ensure that we make reasonable transitional arrangements that will
enable you to complete the qualification for which you have initially registered. Please remember
that change is part of life and updating curricula is a positive change. Yet, we cannot continue
offering abolished qualifications and modules indefinitely. Also, remember that after the university
abolishes a qualification, it would no longer be valid or legitimate to award degrees or diplomas
of the qualification. We therefore provide you with timeframes and guidelines within which you
should plan and complete your studies in order to obtain an accredited qualification.

The Bachelor of Information Science (BINF) is a 3-year degree. There are two BINF qualification
codes that will be offered concurrently until 2016. The qualification code 97969 is meant for
students who were registered in the qualification in/before 2011 while the new qualification code
99310 is meant for students who registered for the BINF for the first time beginning 2012.
The BINF curriculum is a dedicated programme consisting of 30 modules (360 credits) and covers
the sub-disciplines of information science and applied information science.
The curriculum for BINF (qualification code 97969) is outline in the table below:

1. AIS 1501: Introducing 1. AIS 2601: Bibliographic 1. AIS 3701: Descriptive
Applied Information Science Control, Basic Cataloguing
Cataloguing and

2. AIS 1503: Introducing 2. AIS 2602: Learning how to 2. AIS 3702: Subject
Information Records and provide reference services organisation

3. AIS 1601: Using the 3. AIS 2603: Describing library 3. AIS 3703: Serving the user in
Internet as a reference user groups and meeting their library and information practice
tool needs

4. AIS 1602: Introducing 4. AIS 2604: Utilising electronic 4. AIS 3704: Applying research
management in library library systems and services methodology in Information
and information centres Science

5. INS 1501: Introduction to 5. AIS2605: Developing and 5. AIS3705: Practical portfolio

Information Science managing information

6. INS 1502: Developing 6. INS2601: Exploring 6. AIS3717: Information

Information Skills for information user studies Entrepreneurship
Lifelong Learning

7. ENN 103 F: English for 7. INS2602: Investigating 7. INS3703: Using information:

academic purposes OR information ethics in the the role of information behaviour
AFK 1502: Basiese Information era

8. COM 1502: 8. INS2603: Introducing 8. INS3702: Political Economy

Fundamentals of information management of Information

9. EUP 1501: Ethical 9. INS2701: ICTs for Information 9. INS3705: Information and
Information and Science Knowledge Management
Technologies for
Development Solutions

10. AFL 1501: 10. RSC2601: Research in 10. INS3707: Information

Understanding language social sciences Organisation and Retrieval
usage: and African
cultural perspective OR
AFL 1502: African
language and culture in
practice OR
(for non-South African
students) any NQF level
5 language module
offered by Unisa


2.2 BINF HONOURS (90072)

This qualification is an NQF level 8 qualification and consists of 120 credits. This qualification can
be completed in one year. Students choosing to do it over more than one year are advised to
register for the Research Report in their final year of study.
2.3 PGDLIS (90003)
This is qualification is an NQF level 8 qualification and consists of 120 credits. This qualification
can be completed in one year. This qualification consists of 6 modules:
AIS 4801 – Descriptive Cataloguing and Subject Organisation
AIS 4802 – ICT Applications in Library and Information Services
AIS 4803 – Library and Information Practice
HIN 4801 – Research Methodology in Information Science
INS 4801 – Information Users and Use
INS 4802 – Management of Knowledge and Information Services.
2.4 Masters of Information Science (98410)
This qualification is an NQF level 9 qualification and consists of 180 credits. A research master’s
degree comprises of either a single advanced research project, culminating in the production and
acceptance of a dissertation, or a research proposal module (where the outcome is an acceptable
research proposal on a research topic). Once this module has been finalised, the student may
then proceed to register for the research component (i.e. a dissertation). Students registered form
2020 are required to complete and submit one journal article to an accredited journal as part of
the requirements for the completion of the Masters degree.
2.5 Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (90035)
This qualification is an NQF level 10 qualification and consists of 360 credits. A doctoral degree
will require you to undertake at the most advanced academic levels culminating in the submission,
assessment and acceptance of a thesis. Coursework may be required as preparation or value
addition to the research but does not contribute to the credit value of the qualification. The defining
characteristic of this qualification is that you will be required to demonstrate high-level research
capability and make a significant and original contribution at the frontiers of the discipline or field.
This work must be of a quality to satisfy peer review and merit publication. Students registered
from 2020 will be required to show evidence of the submission of two articles to accredited
journals and will be required to take part in an oral (viva) examination.
2.6 Programme in Children and Youth Librarianship (76853)
The purpose of this short learning programme in children and youth librarianship is to equip
students with practical knowledge and skills to provide information services to children and youth
in school, community and public libraries. The content of the SLP comprises of the following
PCYR01A – Children and youth as readers and information users
PCYR02B – Managing libraries and information centres
PCYL03C – Information literacy programmes

PCYT05E – Media and information for children and youth
PCYC04D – Basic cataloguing and classification
2.7 Programme in Archival Studies
This programme is offered to candidates in possession of any degree or any other national
diploma (an NQF level 7 qualification with 360 credits). After completing the programme, students
receive a certificate and may progress to the Honours Bachelor of Arts in Archival Science at
Unisa. This programme consists of the following modules:
RMA301A – Introduction to Records Management and Archival Studies
APP301A – Archival Principles and practices
AIS301A – Archival Information Sources and Services
PCA301A – Preservation and conservation of Archival materials
2.7 Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
The Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management is an NQF level 5 qualification and
consists of 120 credits. The qualification can be completed in one year. The qualification consists
of the following modules:
AIS 1501 – Introducing Applied Information Science
AIS 1503 – Introducing Information Records and sources
ARM 1501 – Introducing Archives and Records Management
ARM 1502 – Managing Records
ARM 1503 – Managing Archives
ARM 1504 – Preserving Records and Archives
ARM 1505 – Electronic Records Management
ENN 1504 – Practicing Workplace English
EUP 1501 – Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions
INS 1502 – Developing Information Skills for Lifelong Learning
2.9 Archives and Records Management Major (99311)
The Department of Information Science at Unisa offers a BA General major in Archives and
Records Management. The archives and records management bachelor is a major that forms
part of the BA General in the College of Human Sciences. This means that it is a BA General
with a major consisting of Archives and Records Management modules. It is a three year
qualification on NQF level 7 and it is made up of 360 credits. There are ten modules that you
would need to complete for your so-called first major, these modules are:
ARM 1502 – Managing records


ARM 1503 – Managing archives

ARM 2601 – Audio-visual archiving
ARM 2602 – Organising records: classification systems
ARM 2603 – Appraisal and disposal of archival records
ARM 3701 – Legislation and standards in archives and records management
ARM 3702 – ICT applications in archives and records management
ARM 3703 – Organising archives: arrangement and description
ARM 3704 – Preservation management of archives and records
ARM 3705 – Archival programming and advocacy
Other than your 1st major, you also need to register for a second major of your choice. The 2 nd
major is also made up of 10 modules. You can choose any 2 nd major. Finally to complete the 30
modules that make up the BA General, you will also need to complete ten additional modules.
These may include for instance, a computer literacy module, a language module, etc.
2.10 Honours in Archives and Records Management (90168)
From 2021, the following modules will be available for the Honours in Archives and Records
ARM 4801 – Information and knowledge governance
ARM 4802 – Archival diplomatics and digital forensics
ARM 4803 – Data curatorship and data management
HRARM82 – Research report in archives and records management
HIN4801 – Research methodology in information science

We, in the Department of Information Science hope that you enjoy studying with us. We wish you
success in your studies. Please remember that we are here to help you with the academic
aspects of your studies and so you should never hesitate to contact the CoD if you have any
further queries.
CoD, Department of Information Science

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