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The most UPLIFTING and the biggest DOWNER

The two titles that I am going to review are a common example of how literature-based movies can
affect humanʹs emotions by presenting life of different pasts, from different prospects.

I would like to introduce you to “Gifted Hands” and “The Idiot”, movies inspired from American and
Russian literature. Whereas one left me feeling exhilarated and faithful in my own success, the other
one proved me the overwise, leaving me feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders

“Gifted Hands”, based on the real biography of doctor Ben Carson, tells the overwhelming story of a
young boy achieving success. The highest intensity moment refers to his mother imposing him a
strong mindset and a clear vision over his spirituality. This makes him able to overcome
discrimination and become a successful neurosurgeon, world wide known for his work ethnicity and
strong beliefs.

On the other hand, “The idiot” is a tearjerker and portrays how a too good and too naïve individual is
overcame by the hardship of world. My thought process started to fall apart when the plot explored
themes, such nihilism, the greatest inquisitor and capital punishment, amongst others. Nevertheless,
the ending was rather abrupt and disruptive, presenting the breaking apart of the beautiful soul of
prince Myshkin, due to his incapacity to perceive this daunting and ruthless world.

In a nutshell, I would definitely recommend you both of this books, which will surely take you aback
by the depth path authors follow in order to make it inside the mind of the main protagonists. Under
no circumstances should one miss the opportunity to improve their clarity over life by poring over
these books.

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