1 Quarter-Module 1 UNIT 1 - God Guides Me Lesson 1 - God Makes Me Wise

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UNIT 1- God Guides Me

Lesson 1 - God Makes Me Wise


Lesson Objectives:
1. Know that wisdom comes from God and is available to all who ask,
2. Understand that without wisdom from God you cannot do anything,
3. Thank God who gives you wisdom generously.

‘’ If any of you need wisdom, you

should ask God, and it will be given
to you’’
James 1:5


Answer the Riddle;

A riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or hidden meaning.

It can also be a puzzle that should be solved. See if you can solve the riddles by
unscrambling the letters of the answers.

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1. Mississippi River is a very, very long river. Spell it in two letters.
2. My Friend sits on a throne. Her body is full of eyes and her hair looks like
thorns. What is it?_________________
3. In the morning, it has four legs; at noon time, it has two legs and at night it
has three legs. What is it?_______________________________

Whenever you are asked to answer a riddle, you need wisdom and knowledge in
order to answer it correctly. You need to think very well to not only guess so that you
can give the exact and correct answer. Today, you will hear the story of a king who
asked God for wisdom and received it.


The people of Israel had a new king. His name was Solomon, Solomon loved the
Lord very much just like his father David. He was very young then, so he did not
know how to lead the whole kingdom.

One night, the lord spoke to Solomon in a dream, God said, ‘’ Ask whatever you
want Me to give you.’’

Solomon answered, ‘’ You have been very kind to my father David, because he
was faithful to you and hones in heart. Now you made me king in place of my father.
But I am only a child. I do not know what to do as the leader of these people who are
too many to count. Please give me wisdom and a wise heart so I can lead these
people in the right way, because no one can rule them without Your help.’’

God felt happy that Solomon had asked for a wise heart. ‘’ I’m so glad you have
asked for wisdom and not for money or great riches. Now I will give you wisdom and
a wise heart so that you will become the wisest king on earth. I will give you also
riches and honor even if you did not ask for them. And if you follow Me and obey My
commandments like your father David. I will give you a long life..’’ God said to
God gave Solomon wisdom and knowledge of all things. Solomon’s wisdom was
greater that all the wisdom of other kings of the earth. All the kings of the earth went
to King Solomon to ask for help whenever they had problems.


Read the sentences carefully. Underlined the correct answer.

1. Solomon was ( very old, very young) when he become a king,.
2. Solomon asked God for ( riches, wisdom, Long life) to help him lead the whole
3. God gave Solomon a ( wise friend, wise heart,) so he can lead the people in the
right way.
4. God also gave Solomon ( riches and honor, many cars, tall buildings ).
5. Solomon became ( the poorest and weakest , the wisest and richest ) king on earth.


You have to remember that King Solomon did not have great wisdom to
start with. He was not wise when he become king. All the wisdom and the knowledge
that made him wise came from God . Apart from God, Solomon was nothing.

The Bible is your source of wisdom James 3: 13-17 talks about two kind
of wisdom. Look at the illustration below.

Godly Wisdom Worldly Wisdom

Peace- loving Jelousy

considerate disorder

Submissive Evil lies


Worldly wisdom - is from the devil while;

Godly Wisdom - comes from the bible

(Learning to Obey God)

Check the right values you learned from the story.

It is good to accept that I don’t know everything.

I am proud to be the leader in class even if I don’t know what to do.

If I don’t know the answer, I will copy from my classmate.

When God gives me wisdom, I will be very proud of it.

If I don’t know what to do, I will ask my teacher or parents to teach me.

I will pretend that I know how to make the project, even if I can’t do it well.

I am thankful to God for giving me a wise heart.

I will always remember that I am nothing without God.

I will tell everybody that my wisdom comes from God alone.


Like Solomon, if you want to be him. Ask wisdom from God. Write how you are
going to use it;

1. At home

2. At School

3. At your community


Choose the words from the box to complete the prayer.

Wisdom all
Solomon wise heart

Dear God,
Now, I know that your ____________________is available to _______________
who ask, and I thank you for that. Just like ______________________, I would like
to ask for wisdom and a ____________________________________.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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