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Types of Research Design
1. Exploratory Research Design
2. Descriptive Research Design
3. Causal Research Design
Exploratory Research Design
An exploratory research design is often used to established
an initial understanding and background about a research
study of interest, often with very few or no earlier related
studies found relevant to the research study.
This research design is described as an informal or
unstructured way of investigating available resources.
Example topics
1. The best delicacy in the Philippines.
2. The worst barangays in Davao City.
3. The best brand of printers in the Philippines.
Descriptive Research Design
Descriptive research design is used to gather information on
current situations and conditions. It helps provide answers
to the questions of who, what, when, where and the how of
a particular research study.
It provides accurate data after subjecting them to a rigorous
procedure and using large amounts of data from large
number of samples.
The survey research design is usually in securing opinions
and trends through the use of questionnaires and
A survey is used in gathering data from institutions,
government and business to help in decision making
regarding strategies; improving practices, analyzing views on
choice of products or market research.
Surveys can be face to face or online.
Correlational research design is used for research studies
aimed to determine the existence of a relationship between
two or more variables and to determine the degree of the
Example: mental ability and academic performance ; gender
and math performance ; advertising cost and sales.
1. The correlation between gender preference and senior
high school track of the students in Maa National high
2. The relationship between parents educational attainment
and the monthly family income.
Evaluation Research Design
Evaluation research is conducted to elicit useful feedback
from a variety of respondents from various fields to aid in
decision making or policy formulation.
1. The views of Filipinos about the implementation of
Causal Research Design
Causal research design is used to measure the impact that
an independent variable (causing effect) has in another
variable(being effected) or why certain results are obtained.
Point of Comparison of the three
research designs
Points of Comparison Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research

Research Approach Unstructured and flexible Formal and structured Highly structured

Degree of Problem Not well-defined Variables are defined Variables and relationship
Identification are defined

When to use? Initial research Often a follow-up to Late stage of decision

exploratory research making

Goals and objectives Provides insights on a Described situations Explains the cause and the
problem effect relationship between
Point of Comparison of the three
research designs
Points of Comparison Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research

Sample size Small non-representative Large representative Large representative

sample sample sample

Type of Hypothesis Research questions only Hypothesis is Hypothesis is directional


Data Management and Data may not be Data are statistically Data are statistically
measurements statistically measurable measurable measurable

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