Decision: A Decision-Making Chart

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parents… DECISION teacher…


pressure… money…
leisure activities…

5. Does a decision need to be made?

Yes No, not right now

4. Is it trivial or important?

trivial important
Is it reversible? Is there little risk? Are many people involved in this decision?
Do the consequences affect long-range plans?
Is this an urgent decision?

think about the consequeces

3. Is it trivial or important?

What will it cost in term of: in this step

• time • commitment
• money • relationship
Is it a real possibility for you? Are other people supportive?

2. How does this decision affect you and your goals?

Right on track! Not sure – might need to rethink goals!

1. What is the basis for decision?

• right in line with what you really want

• consistent with your values
• not at the expense of other people

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