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Практичне заняття № 23

Тема: Мінеральні речовини та вітаміни в їжі

Мета завдання: вдосконалювати лексичні навички та навички вимови, читання
й усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати правильне ставлення
людей, а також до самого себе
Студенти повинні вміти: вести бесіду з даною темою правильно вживати
лексичний матеріал.
Студенти повинні знати: лексично – граматичній мінімум з вивчаємої теми
Забезпечення заняття: практичне завдання, підручник (Карп’юк О.Д. 10 кл)
Motto of the lesson:

І. Організаційний момент
1.1 Привітання
Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.
1.2 The report of the pupil on duty.
What is the date? Who is absent?
1.3 Оголошення теми та мети
What do you think is the theme of our lesson?
As you`ve already guessed, today we`ll continue to discuss the theme «National
cuisine». Today at the lesson we are going to decide what do people like to eat.

II. Warm-up

1. What is "junk food"? Why is it called "junk"?

2. Is there a difference between junk food and fast food? If so, what is it?
3. If you had to chose between junk food and your heath? Which would you go
4. If you have a garden do you grow your own fruit or vegetables? Which
5. How much difference is there between things grown at home and those
bought at the supermarket?

Vitamins are organic molecules that are necessary and since they cannot be
synthesized, they must be extracted by the body from the food we eat. There
are two major groups of vitamins: the fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K,) and the
water-soluble vitamins, known as the vitamin B complex. Most vitamins are
turned into coenzymes in the body in order to work with metabolic enzymes.
Many of these vitamins work as catalysts to speed up biological processes that
would have required more time and energy to occur. A lack of proper amounts
of vitamins in the diet leads to vitamin-deficiency diseases.
III. Speaking
 Why is the problem of food very important for the healthy way of life? (The
problem of food is very important for the healthy way of life because our
health depends on food we eat. The English proverb says, "An apple a day
keeps a doctor away".)
 What do doctors usually advise us to eat? (Doctors always advise us to eat
more vegetables and fruit, because there are very many vitamins in them.)
 What’s the theme of our lesson ( “Vitamins in people’s lives”)

IV. Practice your vocabulary

1. До слів FRUIT и VEGETABLES підібрати визначення:
fresh, ripe, citrus, tropical, rotten, frozen, raw, tinned, stir-fried, organic
fresh, ripe, citrus, tropical, rotten, tinned, organic FRUIT
fresh, rotten, frozen, raw, tinned, stir-fried, organic VEGETABLES
2. Зробити співвідношення:
yoghurt, ice cream, sauce, chocolate, pie, cake
1. chocolate, fruit, cheese, birthday, wedding ……..
2. natural, strawberry, black cherry, Greek, low fat ……..
3. tomato, pesto, soy, oyster, apple, mint ……..
4. milk, plain, white, dark, Belgian ……..
5. meat, chicken, apple, cherry, home-made ……..
6. vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, Italian ……..
1. chocolate, fruit, cheese, birthday, wedding CAKE
2. natural, strawberry, black cherry, Greek, low fat YOGHURT
3. tomato, pesto, soy, oyster, apple, mint SAUCE
4. milk, plain, white, dark, Belgian CHOCOLATE
5. meat, chicken, apple, cherry, home-made PIE
6. vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, Italian ICE CREAM
3. Matching Quiz:
Milk Legumes
Orange Spinach
Carrots Nuts
4. Vitamin E
1. Vitamin A 5. Vitamin K
2. Vitamin D 6. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C

V. Writing

 Make mini – projects.

What we should do to be What we shouldn’t do to be
healthy healthy

 p. 22 (Tasks)
 Write a short essay “I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat”.
1. До слів FRUIT и VEGETABLES підібрати визначення:
fresh, ripe, citrus, tropical, rotten, frozen, raw, tinned, stir-fried, organic
2. Зробити співвідношення:
yoghurt, ice cream, sauce, chocolate, pie, cake
1. chocolate, fruit, cheese, birthday, wedding ……..
2. natural, strawberry, black cherry, Greek, low fat ……..
3. tomato, pesto, soy, oyster, apple, mint ……..
4. milk, plain, white, dark, Belgian ……..
5. meat, chicken, apple, cherry, home-made ……..
6. vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, Italian ……..
Matching Quiz:
Milk 7. Vitamin A
Orange 8. Vitamin D
Carrots 9. Vitamin C
Legumes 10.Vitamin E
Spinach 11.Vitamin K
Nuts 12.Vitamin B

3. Writing
 Make mini – projects.
What we should do to be What we shouldn’t do to be
healthy healthy

 Write a short essay “I eat to live, but I don’t live to eat”.

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