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Практичне заняття № 8

Тема: Спорт – шлях формування характеру

Мета завдання: вдосконалювати лексичні навички та навички вимови,
читання й усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати
правильне ставлення людей, а також до самого себе
Студенти повинні вміти: вести бесіду з даною темою правильно
вживати лексичний матеріал.
Студенти повинні знати: лексично – граматичній мінімум з вивчаємої
Забезпечення заняття: практичне завдання, підручник (Карп’юк О.Д.
10 кл)
І. Організаційний момент
Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.
1.2The report of the pupil on duty.
What is the date?
Who is absent?
1.3Оголошення теми та мети
Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to speak about sport. We will find out
what sports you like or maybe dislike.
Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Millions of
people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true.
At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Some of them realize that
sport is useful but prefer watching sport on TV to going in for it themselves.
But in our school there are real lovers of sports. Our sportsmen take first places in some
competitions held in the town and in the region. So, at the lesson we shall speak about sport

ІІ. Запитання для актуалізації знань.

Answer the questions.
1. What kinds of sports are popular in Ukraine?
2. Are you against or for sports?
3. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?
4. Is sport a part of our everyday life?
5. Is sport important to you?
6. What is your favorite kind of sport?
7. Who is the best sportsman in your class?

III. Listening and comprehension

Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and playing all kinds of sport. My
favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American football. I wasn’t very
good at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me playing. I played in the park with my
friends for hours every day. What is your national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national
sport sumo. It is one of the most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend a little time
getting to know the rules and the fighters. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings people
together from all over the world. Another good thing is that it keeps us healthy. Sports stars are
very lucky. They love their job and stay fit by doing it every day. What are you going to play
Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and ___________________
sport. My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American
football. ___________________ at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me
playing. I played in the park with my friends ___________________. What is your
national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo.
___________________ most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend
___________________ ___________________ and the fighters. The greatest
thing about sport is that it brings people together from all over the world. Another
good thing ___________________ healthy. Sports stars are very lucky. They love
their job and ___________________ every day. What are you going to play next?


Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love chnawgti and piyganl all kinds of sport.
My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American
football. I wasn’t very good at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me
playing. I played in the park with my friends for rsuho every day. What is
your inaonalt sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo. It is one of
the most cneigxti sports in the world. You have to spend a little time getting to
know the urels and the hfsgiter. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings
people etrgetho from all over the world. Another good thing is that it keeps
us lyehtah. Sports stars are very cluky. They love their job and stay fit by doing it
every day. What are you going to play next?

IV. New vocabulary

Загальні види спорту
Слово Переклад
 Archery  Стрільба з луку
 Badminton  Бадмінтон
 Cricket  Крікет
 Cycling  Їзда на велосипеді
 Darts  Дартс
 Football  Футбол
 Golf  Гольф
 Horse racing  Скачки
 Snooker  Снукер (один з видів більярдної гри)
 Squash  Сквош
 Table Tennis  Настільний теніс
 Tennis  Теніс
Слово Переклад
 Boxing  Бокс
 Judo  Дзюдо
 Rugby  Регбі
 Wrestling  Рестлінг
Слово Переклад
 Boxing  Бокс
 Judo  Дзюдо
 Rugby  Регбі
 Wrestling  Рестлінг
Контактні види спорт

Слово Переклад
 Angling/fishing  Рибалка
 Canoeing  Гребля
 Kayaking  Сплав
 Rowing  Гребля
 Water Skiing  Катання на водних лижах
 Sailing  Вітрильний спорт
Водні види спорту

Слово Переклад
 Curling  Керлінг
 Ice Skating  Катання на ковзанах
 Skiing  Катання на лижах
Зимові види спорту

Менш популярні види спорту

V. Complete the chart by matching each sport with the place and equipment
which go with it. 
Boots costume pool ring slope skis boat racket stadium rink oar rod court
ball gloves river alley pitch hoop
sport place equipment
football  Pitch  Boots
boxing Ring Gloves
skiing Slope Skis
basketball Stadium Ball
tennis Court Racket
ice-skating Rink Hoop
rowing River Boat
fisting Alley Oar rod
swimming Pool Costume

VI. Grammar material. The Present Indefinite Tense.

Present Indefinite (Simple). I do
Время Present Indefinite используется для описания действия, которое
происходит РЕГУЛЯРНО.
И хотя это настоящее время, действие необязательно происходит прямо
The Present Indefinite Tense - настоящее неопределённое
время употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно
повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы
говорим о чьих либо привычках,режиме дня,расписаниях и
т.д., т.е. The Present Indefinite обозначает действия, которые
происходят в настоящее время, но они не привязаны к
моменту речи. Например:

The lectures at the Institute begin at 9 o'clock. 

Лекции в институте начинаются в 9 часов. 
I go to the Institute on foot. 
Я хожу в институт пешком.(всегда) 
Peter swims well. 
Петя плавает хорошо.(вообще) 
The Earth goes round the Sun. 
Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.(постоянно) 
Ann goes to the South every summer. 
Анна ездит на юг каждое лето. (повторяющееся действие)
Поэтому с глаголами в the Present Indefinite часто
употребляются такие наречия, как always - всегда, often -
часто, seldom - редко ,usually - обычно, never - никогда,
sometimes - иногда, every day - каждый день и т.д. 

I sometimes meet your father at the station. 

Я иногда встречаю твоего отца на станции. 
My parents always spend their holidays at the seaside. 
Мои родители всегда проводят отпуск на море. 
Twice a year students take their exams. 
Два раза в году студенты сдают экзамены. 

Правила прибавления суффикса "-s(-es)" к основе глагола

полностью совпадают с правилами прибавления суффикса "-
s(-es)" множественного числа к основе существительного.
Существует правило противоположных суффиксов (хорошая
подсказка для изучающих язык), которое заключается в том,
что наличие у подлежащего суффикса множественного числа
"-s(-es)" исключает суффикс "-s(-es)" глагола сказуемого и

My brothers live in Minsk. 

Мои братья живут в Минске. 
My brother lives in Minsk. 
Мой брат живёт в Минске.
Оно происходит обычно, повторно, регулярно, вообще.
I walk to school every day. — Я хожу в школу каждый день.
Образование времени
В 3-м лице единственного числа добавляется окончание –s.
I/We/You/They work

He/She/It works

I like tea.
She speaks English very well.
Утвердительная Вопросительная
Отрицательная форма
форма форма

I Swim I do not swim Do I swim?

does not
He/She/It swims He/She/It Does he/she/it swim?

We/You/They Swim We/You/They do not swim Do we/you/they swim?

do not = don’t
does not = doesn’t
Спряжение глагола to be в Present Indefinite
I am We are

You are You are

He/She/It is They are

Сокращенные формы глагола to be

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма

I am = I’m I am not = I’m not

We/You/They are = We’re, You’re,

He/She/It is not = He/She/It isn’t

We/You/They are not = We/You/They

He/She/It is = He’s, She’s, It’s

Спряжение глагола to have в Present Indefinite

I have We have

You have You have

He/She/It has They have

Сокращенные формы глагола to have

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма

I/We/You/They have = I/We/You/They have not =

I’ve/We’ve/You’ve/They’ve I/We/You/They haven’t

He/She/It has = He’s, She’s, It’s He/She/It has not = He/She/It hasn’t

Употребление Present Indefinite

1. Действие происходит регулярно.
John reads newspapers every day.
2. Present Indefinite употребляется, когда мы хотим сказать, как часто
делаем что-либо.
Для этого используются наречия, обозначающие частоту действия (adverbs of
frequency): always (всегда), usually (обычно), often (часто), sometimes (иногд
а), rarely/seldom (редко), never (никогда).
He never cries.
We usually visit museums at weekend.
I sometimes read books in Spanish.
They often play tennis.
3. Научные и общеизвестные факты.
The moon goes round earth.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

VII. Focus on reading

Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3

Загальні види спорту

Слово Переклад
  Archery  Стрільба з луку
  Badminton  Бадмінтон
Cricket  Крікет
 Cycling  Їзда на велосипеді
  Darts  Дартс
  Football  Футбол
  Golf  Гольф
  Horse racing  Скачки
  Snooker  Снукер (один з видів більярдної гри)
  Squash  Сквош
  Table Tennis  Настільний теніс
  Tennis  Теніс
Слово Переклад
 Boxing  Бокс
 Judo  Дзюдо
 Rugby  Регбі
 Wrestling  Рестлінг
Контактні види спорту

Слово Переклад
 Angling/fishing  Рибалка
 Canoeing  Гребля
 Kayaking  Сплав
 Rowing  Гребля
 Water Skiing  Катання на водних лижах
 Sailing  Вітрильний спорт
Водні види спорту

Слово Переклад
 Curling  Керлінг
 Ice Skating  Катання на ковзанах
 Skiing  Катання на лижах
Зимові види спорту

Слово Переклад
 Croquet  Крокет
 Fencing  Фехтування
 Hockey  Хокей
 Lacrosse  Лакрос
 Polo  Поло
 Hunting/Skeet/Shooting  Полювання
Менш популярні види спорту

Complete the chart by matching each sport with the place and
equipment which go with it. 

Boots costume pool ring slope skis boat racket stadium rod court ball gloves
river alley pitch hoop
sport place equipment

Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and ___________________
sport. My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American
football. ___________________ at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me
playing. I played in the park with my friends ___________________. What is your
national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo.
___________________ most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend
___________________ ___________________ and the fighters. The greatest thing
about sport is that it brings people together from all over the world. Another good
thing ___________________ healthy. Sports stars are very lucky. They love their
job and ___________________ every day. What are you going to play next?


Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love chnawgti and piyganl all kinds of sport.
My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American football.
I wasn’t very good at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me playing. I
played in the park with my friends for rsuho every day. What is your inaonalt sport?
Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo. It is one of the
most cneigxti sports in the world. You have to spend a little time getting to know
the urels and the hfsgiter. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings
people etrgetho from all over the world. Another good thing is that it keeps
us lyehtah. Sports stars are very cluky. They love their job and stay fit by doing it
every day. What are you going to play next?
Complete the chart by matching each sport with the place and
equipment which go with it. 

Boots costume pool ring slope skis boat racket stadium rod court ball gloves
river alley pitch hoop
sport place equipment


Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and ___________________
sport. My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American
football. ___________________ at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me
playing. I played in the park with my friends ___________________. What is your
national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo.
___________________ most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend
___________________ ___________________ and the fighters. The greatest thing
about sport is that it brings people together from all over the world. Another good
thing ___________________ healthy. Sports stars are very lucky. They love their
job and ___________________ every day. What are you going to play next?


Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love chnawgti and piyganl all kinds of sport.
My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American football.
I wasn’t very good at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me playing. I
played in the park with my friends for rsuho every day. What is your inaonalt sport?
Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo. It is one of the
most cneigxti sports in the world. You have to spend a little time getting to know
the urels and the hfsgiter. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings
people etrgetho from all over the world. Another good thing is that it keeps
us lyehtah. Sports stars are very cluky. They love their job and stay fit by doing it
every day. What are you going to play next?
Complete the chart by matching each sport with the place and
equipment which go with it. 

Boots costume pool ring slope skis boat racket stadium rod court ball gloves
river alley pitch hoop
sport place equipment


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