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Практичне заняття № 30

Тема: Захист навколишнього середовища

Мета завдання: вдосконалювати лексичні навички та навички вимови, читання
й усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати правильне ставлення
людей, а також до самого себе
Студенти повинні вміти: вести бесіду з даною темою правильно вживати
лексичний матеріал.
Студенти повинні знати: лексично – граматичній мінімум з вивчаємої теми
Забезпечення заняття: практичне завдання, підручник (Карп’юк О.Д. 10 кл)

І. Організаційний момент
1.1 Привітання
Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.
1.2 The report of the pupil on duty.
What is the date? Who is absent?
1.3 Оголошення теми та мети
What do you think is the theme of our lesson?
As you`ve already guessed, today we`ll continue to discuss the theme
«Nature. Weather».
II. Warm up

 Are you worried about nature?

The Earth is more than the place we call home. The Earth is our environment. It
means that the land, air, water and wildlife that surround us affect the way we live.
And the way we live affects the natural world outside our front door. A lot of
people understand this and see urgent environmental problems. 52% think that
water pollution is a problem. 43% think that when trees are cut down it is a
problem. Air pollution is a problem for 32%.
 Let's read and translate.
Protect nature!
Keep off the grass!
Keep your country tidy!
Keep dogs under control!
Respect the life and work of the countryside!
Put your litter in the bin!
II. Speaking

«How Green Are You?» QUIZ:

Here is a quiz to see how green you are and how well informed you are about
the environment.
Try it now and again in six month's time, when you have taken some action.
Score one point for every "yes" answer.
1. Do you take a shower instead of bath?
2. Have you planted at least one tree?
3. Do you feed birds or squirrels in winter?
4. Do you switch off lights if nobody needs them on?
5. If your family doesn't have a car, score 2.
6. Do you drop litter in the street?
7. Do you have a pet?
8. Do you belong to any environmental organization?
9. Are you a vegetarian?
10. Do you collect aluminum cans for recycling?
11. Do you collect paper for recycling?
12. If you don’t smoke, score 5.
13. Coming back from the forest, do you always take your litter with you
14. Do you have a plastic Christmas tree?
15. Do you agree that everybody must think about the environment?
16 Do you reuse old bottles and plastic bags?


Add your scores to discover if you are:
Light green – scores under 5
Mid-green – scores 8-15
Dark green – scores 16-21

Look and say who is light green?- Mid green?- Dark green?-
(I’m glad that there is nobody light green among us.)
-I’m happy that you think about our environment and try to keep our planet clean.

Read the paragraphs (A-E) and refer them to the questions (1-5). Act
out the interview in pairs.

Ex. 4, p. 143
III. Writing

Complete the sentences using the derivatives from the words in brackets:

Each of us can do something to solve 1)…(environment) problems. For

example, you can adopt an animal at the zoo and make 2)…(donate) every month
to help pay for the things it needs: food, medicines, the cleaning of its 3)…(close).
Some of the money you give goes to the zoo’s 4)…(conserve) programmes that
help other 5)…(danger) species. Our modern lifestyles pollute and destroy the
animals’ 6)…(nature) habitats so we must do something about it. If you adopt an
animal you get an 7)…(adopt) 8)…(certify) and a ticket to go and visit your
animal at the zoo any time you like.

Keys: 1)environmental; 2)donations; 3)enclosure; 4)conservation;

5)endangered; 6)natural; 7)adoption; 8)certificate

The weather forecast. 
James was walking down the road one morning when he met his friend Danny.
"Morning, Danny.
 Err... Danny, you're wearing a glove on one hand and none on the other.
 Did you know?"
"Yes, well I heard the weather forecast this morning, you see."
 "The Weather forecast?"
"Yes, the weather forecast.
 The forecaster said on the one hand it might be fine but on the other
hand there might be some rain."

December, January, February.

You have the following task.
The 1st group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
make a snowman, and, windy, skate, cloudy, hot, will, the first month in winter.
December is … .
I like December, because it … be ... … … .
I will … … … in December.
The 2 nd group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
play snowballs, and, frosty, ski, sunny, rainy, be , the second month in winter.
January is … .
I like January, because it will … ... … … .
I will … … … in January.
The 3 rd group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
toboggan, and, stormy, play hockey, warm, snowy ,will, the third month in winter.
February is … .
I like February, because it … be ... … … .
I will … … … in February.
VI. Summary

V. H/w
Task 1.
«How Green Are You?» QUIZ:
Here is a quiz to see how green you are and how well informed you are about
the environment.
Try it now and again in six month's time, when you have taken some action.
Score one point for every "yes" answer.
1. Do you take a shower instead of bath?
2. Have you planted at least one tree?
3. Do you feed birds or squirrels in winter?
4. Do you switch off lights if nobody needs them on?
5. If your family doesn't have a car, score 2.
6. Do you drop litter in the street?
7. Do you have a pet?
8. Do you belong to any environmental organization?
9. Are you a vegetarian?
10. Do you collect aluminum cans for recycling?
11. Do you collect paper for recycling?
12. If you don’t smoke, score 5.
13. Coming back from the forest, do you always take your litter with you
14. Do you have a plastic Christmas tree?
15. Do you agree that everybody must think about the environment?
16 Do you reuse old bottles and plastic bags?


Add your scores to discover if you are:
Light green – scores under 5
Mid-green – scores 8-15
Dark green – scores 16-21

Task 2.
Complete the sentences using the derivatives from the words in brackets:
Each of us can do something to solve 1)…(environment) problems. For
example, you can adopt an animal at the zoo and make 2)…(donate) every month
to help pay for the things it needs: food, medicines, the cleaning of its 3)…(close).
Some of the money you give goes to the zoo’s 4)…(conserve) programmes that
help other 5)…(danger) species. Our modern lifestyles pollute and destroy the
animals’ 6)…(nature) habitats so we must do something about it. If you adopt an
animal you get an 7)…(adopt) 8)…(certify) and a ticket to go and visit your
animal at the zoo any time you like.
Task 3.
The weather forecast. 
James was walking down the road one morning
when he met his friend Danny.
"Morning, Danny.
 Err... Danny, you're wearing a glove on one hand and none on the other.
 Did you know?"
"Yes, well I heard the weather forecast this morning, you see."
 "The Weather forecast?"
"Yes, the weather forecast.
 The forecaster said on the one hand it might be fine but on the other
hand there might be some rain."
December, January, February.
You have the following task.
The 1st group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
make a snowman, and, windy, skate, cloudy, hot, will, the first month in
December is … .
I like December, because it … be ... … … .
I will … … … in December.

The 2 nd group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
play snowballs, and, frosty, ski, sunny, rainy, be , the second month in winter.
January is … .
I like January, because it will … ... … … .
I will … … … in January.

The 3 rd group:
Complete the sentences. Use:
toboggan, and, stormy, play hockey, warm, snowy ,will, the third month in
February is … .
I like February, because it … be ... … … .
I will … … … in February.

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