Henri Potiron Organ Accompaniment Simple Salve Regina

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Regína / THIRD mpl e Ton e ) 961
Accompaniment by Henri Potiron, Choirmaster
BLESSED at Sacré-Coeur
VIRGIN MARY de Montmarte
| Accompaniment: Henri Potiron (1930’s)

The Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal • Have you gotten your copy yet?SALVE REGINA — 961
A br ill iant ne w stra teg y o f “comm on mel odi es” all ow a cong rega t ion t o ge t through the ent ire
l iturg ical year e ven i f the y only kn ow a fe w e xcellent tunes : CCWATERSHED.ORG/ HYMN

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