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Q1. What were the main features of Charter Act of 1833?

1. It made the governor general of Bengal as the governor

general of India.
2. A Law Commission was to be appointed.

Q2. What was the Section 53 of the Charter Act about?

1. Centralisation of Legislation
2. Introduction of System of Competition
3. Appointment of Law Commission
4. None of the above

Q3. Who was the first chairman of Law Commission?

1. Lord William Bentick
2. Lord Macaulay
3. Lord Amherst
4. Lord Wellesly

Q4. These words are used for which Commission ‘The codes
are coming’?
1. 1st Law Commission
2. 2nd Law Commission
3. 3rd Law Commission
4. 4th Law Commission
Q5. In which year was the Indian Evidence Act passed?
1. 1869
2. 1870
3. 1871
4. 1872

Q6. In which year was the first time an appeal from Moffusil
Adalat could be made to the Privy Council against the
decisions of Sadar Diwani Adalt?
1. 1772
2. 1774
3. 1780
4. 1781

Q7. Which Act made a beginning of representative

institutions by associating Indians in Legislative bodies?
1. Indian Council Act 1861
2. Indian Council Act 1892
3. Indian Council Act 1909
4. None of the above
Q8. Which act empowered the Viceroy to issue ordinances ?

1. 1861
2. 1892
3. 1909
4. 1919

Q9. Which act of the Legislative Council nominated the Raja

of Banaras as its member?
1. 1861
2. 1892
3. 1909
4. 1919

Q10. Which Indian Council Act gave recognition to the

Portfolio System for the First time?
1. 1858
2. 1861
3. 1892
4. 1909
Q11. Which Indian was for the 1st time appointed to the
Executive Council of Viceroy?
1. Sir Dinker Rao
2. R.P. Dutta
3. R.C. Dutta
4. S.P. Sinha

Q12. Which act for the first time introduced the Separate
Electorate System?
1. Indian Councils Act 1892
2. Indian Councils Act 1909
3. Montague Chelmsford Reforms
4. Government of India Act 1935

Q13. What is dyarchy?

Division of subjects into ‘Reserved’ and ‘Transferred’ subjects

Q14. Which British Prime Minister announced the Communal

Award of 1932?
1. Lord North
2. Ramsay Mac Donald
3. Lord Palmerstone
4. Clement Attlee
Q15. Which Act provided for the establishment of a Federal
1. Indian Council Act of 1909
2. Indian Council Act of 1892
3. Government of India Act 1919
4. Government of India Act 1935

Q16. Which Act provided for the establishment of a Federal

1. Indian Councils Act 1909
2. Government of India Act 1919
3. Government of India Act 1935
4. None of the above

Q17. Who was the Prime Minister of England at the time of

India’s Independence?
1. Ramsay Macdonald
2. Palmerstone
3. Lord North
4. Clement Attlee
Q18. In which year was the system of Budget introduced for
the first time in British India?
1. 1861
2. 1862
3. 1891
4. 1892

Q19. Who is credited with the passing of Judicial Committee

Act in 1833?
1. Lord Macaulay
2. Lord Romilly
3. Sir H.S. Maine
4. Lord Brougham

Q20. Hindu – Gains of Learning Act was passed in the year ?

1. 1928
2. 1929
3. 1930
4. 1931

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