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Writing a Thank-You Email After an Interview

So, you’ve had the interview. Your resume looked great, your answers were on point,
and you wrapped things up with some impressive questions of your own. You’re done!
Unfortunately, wrong!

There’s one last step if you want to secure that dream role: you need to write a stellar
thank-you email.

What is a thank-you email and why do you need one?

A thank-you email is, as its title suggests, a follow-up note after your interview, within
24–48 hours of your interview. At a time when competition is fierce, a great thank-
you note will make you stand out from the crowd. It should express your gratitude for
the opportunity and your continued interest in the position. It gives you a chance to
reiterate why the company should hire you and to mention anything you forgot to share
during the interview.

Writing an effective thank-you email will show that you truly want the job and appreciate
the time that the company has spent on you. In fact, in a poll conducted by
TopResume, 68 percent of hiring managers confirmed that receiving a thank-you note
impacts their final decision-making process.
When conducting video interviews, a thank-you email is particularly important.
Interviewers often see dozens of candidates for various positions, and all those faces
can run together. After your video interview, a solid thank-you note can remind the
interviewer who you are and what you have to offer.

What does a sample thank-you email look like?

Let’s start with an example of a strong thank-you email. Then, we’ll break down the
do’s, don’ts, and how-to’s so you can write your own.

Subject Line: Thank You: Project Intern Position Interview

Dear [Person’s Full Name],
Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the Project Intern position yesterday. I
so enjoyed learning more about [Company’s] work, culture, and future plans for growth.
As we discussed, the intern role sounds like a great fit for my experience and skill set.
My coursework in marketing and advertising has given me appropriate foundational
knowledge, and my role as social media manager for the school paper will allow me to
add value to your summer campaigns. I’m especially excited about introducing the
branch to the wonders of Snapchat! Below, I’m including a link to my marketing
I know that a willingness to learn is essential for this role. I hope I was able to show you
how driven I am to gain knowledge and hone my skill set with [Company]. 
Please feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Thank you again for this
wonderful opportunity!
[Job title/tagline, e.g., “Marketing Coordinator”]
[Phone number]
[Links you would like to provide, prefaced]

What should you include in your thank-you email?

Here’s what’s included in a strong thank-you email (and in our example above):

1. Say “thank you.” It’s the reason you’re writing the email, and it should be in
your subject line and in your first sentence. Using the sandwich technique of placing a
“thank you” at the beginning and end of your note is an effective strategy—just avoid
coming off as too overbearing.
2. Personalize the email by referring to any stand-out moments from the
interview. By referring to your interview highlights, you remind the interviewer who you
are and why you’re the best candidate. For example, “I especially enjoyed our
discussion about sustainability; I was excited to find out that you’re as motivated as I
am to reduce waste in business.”
3. Practice empathy. These are strange times, and acknowledging that is
important. Briefly check that everyone’s doing okay and staying healthy.
4. Reiterate what makes you the best candidate for the job. Take every
opportunity to reinforce why they should hire you. For instance, if you just interviewed
for an accounting position, bring up any awards or compliments from performance
appraisals that are relevant to the role.
5. Mention anything you forgot to cover in the interview. This is your last
chance to fill in any gaps.
6. Conclude with a final word of thanks and look towards the future.


Should you consider a video thank you?

In the age of COVID and virtual communication, some people are sending video thank-
you notes as well. This is a great way to stand out if done correctly, especially because
seeing your face again will remind the hiring manager who you are. If you decide to
send a video follow-up, follow all the tips above. Keep it short, specific, and
professional, but let your personality shine through.

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