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A small boat enters up stage left, crosses to upstage right, and exits, on the horizon. Pacific Ocean. Midday. Lower on the horizon,
the same boat enters upstage right, crosses and exits upstage left. Blackout

1. Margarita Suarez is swimming while Eduardo, her father, and Simon, her brother, on the boat following behind her.
2. Eduardo shouting Margarita to learn swim by asked her shoulders parallel to the water while Simon wants look straight
into the sun
3. Through megaphone, Eduardo keep ask her daughter to correct her positian when she was swimming
4. Simon looking directly at the sun through binoculars, and he show something then asked her father to stop
5. Aida Suares and Abuela, the swimmer’s mother and grandmother, enters and said there is shark there but nothing
according to Simon.
6. When Simon try to make sure her grandma, suddenly the sound of helicopter is heard. It get closer. And Simon looks up
at it through binoculars
7. Simon thought that they are on TV and her mother asked him to not kidding then asked him to wear the shirt
8. Simon, Eduardo, and Abuela tell Margarita that they are on TV. Voices of Mel Munson and Mary Beth White are heard
over the boat’s radio talked about a former Miss Cuba.
9. Helicopter sound gets louder and Margarita frightened. And her father asked her don’t get nervous because it’s the press
while her grandma gives a big wave points to helicopter
10. At the end of the scene, the helicopter with two radio newcasters appears to give an update on her progress, leaving the
family angry because they insulted their family
Margarita is caught in an oil spill, and with difficulty, manages to keep swimming
A conversation between Aida and Eduardo of how Margarita has always loved the water, while her husband praises her skill and
talks about how to trained her. The conversation takes a turn to the night both of them left Cuba and the night they conceived
Margarita. During all this, Margarita’s breathing starts to be heard a little harder due to fatigue.

1. The weather starts to worsen
2. Margarita stops swimming and her father starts to complain how he told her to concrete and blames it on the others
3. Margarita starts to say she can hear the fish mocking her, all the while she is drifting farther away from the boat
4. She blacks out and starts to drown

The family reports Margarita’s disappearance.

At the end of the story, where the family feel very sorry and the father blames himself of losing his daughter. The family is
devastated, but regain their joy when they hear on the radio the miracle that Margarita has reached the shore of Santa Catalina and
has won the competition.
d won the race on her own. This scheme of escaping and winning the race by herself, act as the denouement, or solution. Then the win signif
r grand daughter’s health. Eduardo, her father, is pushy and determined for his daughter to accomplish his dream of winning the rac
z Abuela
Vioce of Mell Munson
Voice of Mary Beth White Voice of R
Name of Characters
The Cuban Swimmer

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