Unit 7 - 2 Reported Speech II

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English III

Author’s name (with ID)

Lizeth Rosero Erazo ID: 658952

Teacher’s name :

Solangellie Arango Nieto

NRC: 22639

Colombia, pasto Mayo 2021

Reported speech:

Convierte cada una de las siguientes oraciones al estilo indirecto en inglés

Para resolverlos ten en cuenta los tips aprendidos:

a. Iniciar la frase indicando quién dijo el enunciado.

b. Usar la tabla para conocer el tiempo gramatical correspondiente.

1. “Our cousin will go to Moscow next week,” said Trina.

R// Trina said that our cousin would go to moscow the following week

2. “Where are you playing soccer today?” asked Tom.

R// Tom asked where we were playing soccer today

3. “My aunt will celebrate her birthday next week,” Paul told me.
R// Paul told me that my aunt would celebrate her birthday next week

4. “Can you write that email for me?” asked Jessica.

R// Jessica asked if I could write that email for her.

5. He asked, “Have you ever been to South Africa before?”

R// He asked if we had ever been to South Africa

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