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Requirements elicitation is the process of gathering information about a system's requirements

from users, clients, and other stakeholders.

Interviews, questionnaires, user observation, seminars, brain-storming, use-case role
playing, and prototyping are all methods for eliciting requirements. An elicitation method
must be used to gather requirements before they can be evaluated, modeled, or defined.
Requirements elicitation is a step in the requirements engineering phase that is normally
accompanied by requirements review and specification.
Following are the techniques for requirement elicitation:
* Document Analysis

In software product management, requirement prioritization is used to determine which

candidate requirements of a software product should be included in a given update. To
reduce risk during growth, requirements are prioritized so that the most critical or high-
risk requirements are enforced first. There are many approaches for determining the
priority of software requirements.

Following are some techniques of Requirement Prioritization:

* Ranking:

When you use an ordinal scale to rank requirements, you assign each one a different
numerical value based on its significance. The number 1 can be assigned to the most
important requirement, while the number n can be assigned to the least important
requirement, with n being the total number of requirements. Since it can be difficult to
balance various stakeholders' views on what the priority of a requirement should be,
this approach works better when working with a single stakeholder; however, taking an
average can solve this issue to some degree.
* Numerical Assignment (Grouping):

This approach is focused on categorizing requirements into various priority classes, each of
which represents something relevant to stakeholders. For example, specifications can be divided
into three categories: essential, moderate, and optional. In order to describe the importance of
requirements, stakeholders will identify them as compulsory, quite necessary, very important, not
important, or does not matter.

* Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP):

Thomas L. Saaty created this well-known requirement prioritization process. The method is
basically a framework for making good decisions in a variety of fields, including industry,
healthcare, government, and many others. Essentially, stakeholders break down their target
into smaller sub-problems that can be easily understood and evaluated (in the form of a
hierarchy). Following the construction of the hierarchy, decision-makers test the elements by
contrasting pairs to one another. At each hierarchy level, the total number of comparisons
recommended by AHP is n (n-1)/2 (where n is the number of requirements). Participants make
judgments about the relative value of each variable (sometimes based on data). Each element of
the hierarchy can then be assigned numerical values (based on priorities). Because the number
of requirements determines the number of comparisons that must be made, this method is not
suitable for a large number of requirements.

Using requirements collection techniques such as interviews and document analysis, creating a
requirements specification is a reiterative and ongoing process. This is correct since strategies
explain how activities are carried out in particular situations. A activity may have no similar
techniques or one or more. At least one task should be associated with a strategy. Furthermore,
this is a time-consuming operation, and the specifications are incompatible.

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