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Language Acquisition Device

Noam Comsky was proposed the language acquisition device
(LAD) which is to explain how children, when exposed to any
human language are able to learn it within only a few years
following birth.
The term universal grammar has been used to describe the
knowledge contained in the LAD.

The process of language development is the process by which

a child learns the rules of grammar found in grammar

applicable to the language the child is learning.


Human are born with LAD but other species are not.

Nonhumans do not spontaneously learn human languages.
Chimpanzees and gorillas have learned to use signed language and it can use when to CO
refer or concrete objects or concepts such as hungry.
Chomsky’s claim that knowledge of language is innate was supported by Eric
Lenneberg’s critical period hypothesis. In 1967 which he argued that humans are
biologically capable of learning language only until puberty.

Zoology had recognized the existence of critical periods of development for a range of nonhuman animal species

ESTD such as sheep.

Case studies of children raised without sufficient exposure to human language appeared to support the critical
period hypothesis.
Individuals born with severe hearing loss who were not exposed to a signed language until after puberty typically
had not been able to achieve nativelike proficiency.

Organic Product
individuals who attempt to learn a second language after puberty rarely achieve a level of proficiency comparable
to that of one who learns the language during childhood.

According to Chomsky, the primary challenge for this
alternative approach to language learning is adequately
explaining how children produce word forms and sentences
that they do not experience in the environment .
So, we as a teacher so, should always observe the language
development of a student so that they do not fall behind in

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