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Anh Ngữ PMP – Hotline: 0935 889 878


/ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /m/, /n/

1. Introduction

She, sheep, shirt, sugar, sure

1 /ʃ/ Machine, mission, nation, special
Dish, establish, finish
Conclusion, leisure, garage
2 /ʒ/ Usual, vision, television, measure
Massage, beige, invasion
Chair, church, challenge, change
3 /tʃ/ Achieve, culture, furniture
Watch, switch, each, much
July, job, jeans, journey, just
4 /dʒ/ Enjoy, major, project, subject
Image, large, orange, age
Mom, mother, math, mad
5 /m/ Remember, something, tomorrow
Game, time, some, them, from
Nose, not, new, now, knowledge
6 /n/ Under, many, money
Rain, run, down, nine

2. Practice

“Practice Makes Perfect” 1

Anh Ngữ PMP – Hotline: 0935 889 878

Exercise 1:(Track C36) Practice reading dialogue with your partner and correct his/ her

A special washing machine

Mrs. Marsh: Does this shop sell washing machines?

Mr.Shaw: Yes. This is the latest washing machine.

Mrs. Marsh: Is it Swedish?

Mr Shaw: No, madam. It’s English.

Mrs. Marsh: Could you show me how it washes?

Mr Shaw: Shall I give you a demonstration? This one is our special

demonstration machine. It’s so simple. You take some sheets and
shirts. You put them in the machine. You shut this door. And you
push this button.

Mrs Marsh: The machine shouldn’t shake like that, should it?

Mr Shaw: Washing machines always shake, madam….Ah, It’s finished now

Mrs. Marsh: But the sheets have shrunk and so have the shirts.

Mr.Shaw: Do you wish to buy this machine, madam?

Mrs. Marsh: I’m not sure.

Exercise 2: Tick the words that you hear in the sentences and compare with your

“Practice Makes Perfect” 2

Anh Ngữ PMP – Hotline: 0935 889 878


C35 C45 C52

1. Sues shoes 1. Shop chop
1. Choke joke
2. Ass ash 2. Sherry cherry
2. Larch large
3. Puss push 3. Washing
3. Cheap jeep
4. Sack shack watching
4. Chain Jane
5. Seats 4. Ships chips
5. Chilly Jilly
sheets 5. Shin chin
6. Cheered jeered
6. Save shave 6. Shoes choose

3. Produce. Homework.
 Record all words learnt today
 Extra listening exercise (optional)

“Practice Makes Perfect” 3

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