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Configurable Task List (Continuation to )

This is addition to the document written by Jogeswara Rao


Only step 5 is modified as following to make sure the automatic assignment for
characteristics values.

Step 5. Create Configurable Material using MM01 transaction code and assign class
“MOTOR_TYPES” in material classification with default values for characteristics.

Step 5.1 Assign configurable material in configuration data tab of equipment master using
IE02 transaction code.

Please refer to for further details.

Configurable task list can be used in maintenance plan after implementing it with
configurable material.


Good Research, this adds good value to the referred article on 'configurable Tasklist.

Also I've mentioned about this document in the article.

Thanks for sharing.

Jogeswara Rao K

Tehsin Ullah Khan,

Useful addition in existing doc's , thanks for sharing it.



Hi everyone, are there any way to do this for a Functional Location?.

Can you assign a Class type 300 to a functional location also?.




I was going through the above process.

In step 4. Tasklist configuration profile (CU41). Instead of the below screen you

I am getting another screen as shown below.

Please guide me if i did any thing wrong.

Thank you

Renjith NK

Hello Renjith,

First you need to create a Profile line item here and then by clicking on Class
Assignment icon you arrive at the screen given in Step 4.
However, I modified that part of the document by giving one more screen-shot.
Please go through.



I have successfully completed the above Configurable TL process.

but I didn't get the role of Task list configuration profile (CU41) in this process.

could you please explain me.

Thank you

Hello Renjith

I do not remember exactly. You may have a negative testing and draw conclusions
accordingly.. Possible you are right for the scope of present documentation. You observe
things very well



Thanks for the inspiration.

Please find the below my findings and observations

1) Role of Tasklist configuration profile (CU41) - This profile links General Tasklist, Class
and Class type.

2) Instead of always using "=" condition in Object dependencies it will be good (for better
understanding) to have some conditions as shown.

it worked well for me.

3) Step no 5.Assign the class to equipments (IE02). is not required, since we are selection
Task list manually. During Tasklist selection it will ask for Characteristics value which are
assigned in the Task list. Operations are automatically selected with reference to the input
value and will be transferred to the maintenance order. This selection and transfer of
Operation is possible for any object in the order.

Thank you

Renjith NK

1.You are right about CU41.

2. Depends upon case to case, because ACSCI Motors in this example come in discrete
KW ratings like 3.7, 5.5, 7.5, 11.5, 17.5 22.5 and so on. So the arithmetical operators like <
etc may not be suitable for all.

3. The author is different. It was for extended purpose.



Hi Jogeswara Rao Kavala & Tehsin Ullah Khan ,

Thanks for the excellent document.



Is there an API or function module to run the variant configuration logic for an object?...
ie, not using the SAPGUI tcode, but calling the configuration from a program?

The problem with all this is that you are tied to the SAPGUI screen. You cannot execute
the configuration from Fiori, or any other UI.

Unless the logic is exposed through an API, which is what SAP should have done in the
beginning, instead of embedding all this logic to SAPGUI framework.

I have been looking... and can't find anyway of triggering confuiguration logic from
outside sapGUI.

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it.


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