Permits Part2

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Permits (Part2)

In this document we will discuss the Process Oriented Permit

Note: The below steps are applied on SAP ECC6.0 EHP6.0

1- Introduction

Process-Oriented Permit is assigned automatically to the Maintenance Order

e.g: when creating a maintenance order using an order type with an activity type , the
permits are copied to the order and can influence the order release or completion
(TECO) -> (Depends On Your settings)

In our example we will create a permit that control the order release when creating an
order with:

Order type: PMM1 and Activity Type: A02 0r A03

2- Steps :

2.1- Create two characteristics that represent (Order Type – Activity Type)

2.2- Assign the two characteristics to the permit class (PM_Permit)

2.3- Create the permit

2.1- Create Characteristics (T Code CT04)

Enter the Name of The Characteristics Then create button

Go To Addnl Data TAB & Enter The Table Name that contains the field (activity
type) & The Field Name (Activity Type)

An information message appear

The Format of the field which is taken fro ABAP

Then Choose the Value Assignment

Single Value: only one value (For The Field) can be assigned to this characteristic.
Multiple Value: more than one value (For The Field) can be assigned to this

Then Enter The Values Of the Activity Type

Then Repeat The previous Steps To create characteristic for the order type


2.2- Assign the two characteristics to the permit class (PM_Permit)

T Code : CL02

Put The Name of The Permit Class (PM_PERMIT) Then Change button

Go To The Char TAB to assign the two characteristics which are created above


2.3- Create the permit -> T Code: IPMD

After filling the below fields press the button classification to assign the Value of the
characteristic (Fields ) To the Permit

Note : The Relation Between The two characteristics is AND

Means when the values A02,or A03 (Multiple Assignment ) & PMM1 are entered in the
order will prevent the order from release

Note: Below are the table and the fields related to the permit when creating

The Table Name: CSEVPERMIT

Field Description

AUART Order Type

ILART Maintenance activity type

PRIOK Priority

IWERK Maintenance Planning Plant

INGPR Planner Group for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance

GEWRK Object ID of the Work Center

WARPL Maintenance Plan

WAPOS Maintenance item

PLKNZ Maintenance order planning indicator

TPLNR Functional Location

EQUNR Equipment Number

BAUTL Assembly

SERIALNR Serial Number

SERMAT Material Number

SWERK Maintenance plant

STORT Location of maintenance object


BEBER Plant section

PPSID Object ID of PP work center

KOKRS Controlling Area

PRCTR Profit Center

BUKRS Company Code

GSBER Business Area

ANLNR Main Asset Number

ANLUN Asset Subnumber

IKOSTEN Total(actual) maintenance costs

PKOSTEN Total plant maintenance costs (planned)

USER4 Total maintenance costs (estimated)

WAERS Currency Key

Note: Intervals in the characteristic values are written in the following format

Value1 – Value2 (from Value1 to Value2)

>Value1 (greater than Value1)

>=Value1 (greater than or equal to Value1)

<Value2 (less than Value2)

<=Value2 (less than or equal to Value2)

>Value1 – <Value2 (greater than Value1 and less than Value2)

Value1 – <Value2 (greater than or equal to Value1 and less than Value2)

>Value1 – Value2 (greater than Value1 and less than or equal to Value2)


Good document Eslam.

You can mention one more thing here as:

We have to create a Permit group and assign the permit class to permit group. This is
done in spro.

After this step when we create a new permit, the permit class assigned to permit gp above,
is automatically taken in the permit (IPMD).

So the permit grp links the permit class to permit. And permit group name doesnt reflect
anywhere in the permit directly.



Dear Piyush

Thanks for your Comment

But as i know there is only one permit group can be defined in Spro and linked to one
permit class


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