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Program of Energy Informatics

University of Bahir Dar, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Course Number EEng----

Course Title Wireless sensor Networks
Degree Program B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering
CP Credits 3 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Contact Hours (per week)
2 0 3 -
After completing the course, students should be able to

• explain the basic concepts of wireless sensor networks,

sensing, computing and communication tasks (1)
• describe and explain radio standards and
communication protocols adopted in wireless sensor
networks (2)
• describe and explain the hardware, software and
Course Objectives
communication for wireless sensor network nodes (3)
• explain the architectures, features, and performance for
wireless sensor network systems and platforms (4)
• describe and analyze the specific requirements of
applications in wireless sensor networks for energy
efficiency, computing, storage and transmission
 Introduction to wireless networks, architectures and
 Wireless sensor network platforms: Hardware and
 Communication architecture and protocols for WSN
(MAC, Link, Routing)
 Energy management
 Sensor data acquisition, processing and handling
 Signal processing, target localization and tracking,
Course Description/Course
 Modeling and Simulation of WSN
Contents  Application case studies (Energy, health,
environmental monitoring, smart home)

Pre-requisites None
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures, tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation & Refer Article 9 of the “Academic Regulations for Engineering
Grading System Programs”
Attendance Requirements A student must attend at least 85 % of the classes

Literature 1. C. Siva Ram Murthy, and B. S. Manoj, "AdHoc

Wireless networks ", Pearson Education - 2008.


 Pottie, Gregory J., Kaiser, William J. (2005),

Principles of embedded networked systems design.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (526 p).

 Stallings, William (2005), Wireless communications

and networks. 2 edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ :
Pearson Prentice Hall (559 p).

 Zhao, Feng, Guibas, Leonidas (2004), Wireless sensor

networks : an information processing approach.
Amsterdam : Morgan Kaufmann (358 p).

 Jochen Schiller, "Mobile Communications", Pearson

Education, 2nd Edition, 2003.

Program of Energy Informatics

University of Bahir Dar, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Course Number EEng----

Course Title Building Automation Systems
Degree Program M. Sc. in Energy Informatics
CP Credits 3cr h
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Contact Hours (per week)
2 0 3 -
After completing the course, students should be able to

 Gain knowledge on Building Management System

(BMS) and Automation.

 Be familiarized with various transducers and sensors in

Course Objectives
 Be exposed on Control panel and Communication.

 Learn Fire Alarm System (FAS) and security system

such as CCTV.

 Gain knowledge on Energy Management in Building

Introduction to Building management systems
and Automation: Concept and application of Building
Course Description/Course Management System (BMS) and Automation, requirements
Contents and design considerations and its effect on functional
efficiency of building automation system, architecture and
components of BMS. Wireless sensor network platforms:
Hardware and Software

Automation components in Building

management systems: Temperature Sensors: R
TD,Thermistor, Thermocouple, Bimetallic strip - Pressure
Sensors: Diaphragm type, piezoelectric sensors – Different
types of mounting of pressure sensors in duct, rooms and
pipes – Air flow sensor: Anemometer, velocity pressure
sensors – Flow sensors: Turbine flow meter, Orifice, Venturi,
Pitot tube, ultrasonic flow meter – Different types of mounting
for air & water flow meters.

Control panel and Communication: HVAC Control

Panel, MCC Basics, Panel components; Communication
Basics, Networks, BACNet, Modbus, LON.

Fans and security systems: Fire, Fire modes – Fire

Alarm Systems components: Field components, panel
components – FAS Architectures – Access Components,
Access control system Design - CCTV camera types and
operation – camera selection criteria – CCTV Applications.

Energy Management:Energy Savings concept &

methods, lightning control, Building Efficiency improvement,

Green Building (LEED) Concept & Examples.

Pre-requisites None
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures, tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation & Refer Article 9 of the “Academic Regulations for Engineering
Grading System Programs”
Attendance Requirements A student must attend at least 85 % of the classes
Literature Textbook

1. Understanding Building Automation Systems (Direct

Digital Control, Energy
Management, Life safety, Security, Access Control,
Lightning, Building Management
Programs) (Hardcover), Reinhold A. Carlson and Robert
A. Di Giandomenico.
2. HVAC Systems Design Handbook, Fifth Edition, Roger
W. Haines.
3. CCTV (Newnes), Vlado Damjanovski (1999).
4. Process control – Instrument Engineers Handbook by
Bela G. Liptak, Chilton book co


1. Building Control Systems, Application Guide

(CIBSE Guide), CIBSE, 2000.

2. Smart Buildings by Jim Sinopo li, Butterworth-

Heinemann imprint of Elsevier, 2nd ed.,2010

3. Design of Special Hazards and Fire Alarm

Systems, Robert Gagnon, 2007.

Program of Energy Informatics

University of Bahir Dar, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Course Number EEng----

Course Title Computer Networking and security
Degree Program M. Sc. in Energy Informatics
CP Credits 3cr h
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Contact Hours (per week)
2 0 3 -
After completing the course, students should be able to

 Have a working knowledge of the basic mechanisms,

services and protocols of networks in general and the
global Internet in particular;
 Become proficient in socket-level and application-
Course Objectives
level network programming in multiple languages;
 Be able to utilize various networking tools and
command line utilities; and
 Understand basic security principles and their
application to networking.

INTRODUCTION: Network applications, network hardware,

network software, reference models: OSI,
Course Description/Course
TCP/IP, Internet, Connection oriented network - X.25,
frame relay. THE PHYSICAL LAYER:
Theoretical basis for communication, guided transmission
media, wireless transmission, the public
switched telephone networks, mobile telephone system.
THE DATA LINK LAYER: Design issues, error detection
and correction, elementary data link
protocols, sliding window protocols, example data link
protocols - HDLC, the data link layer in the
allocations problem, multiple access
protocols, Ethernet, Data Link Layer switching, Wireless
LAN, Broadband Wireless, Bluetooth
THE NETWORK LAYER: Network layer design issues,
routing algorithms, Congestion control
algorithms, Internetworking, the network layer in the
internet (IPv4 and IPv6), Quality of Service.
THE TRANSPORT LAYER: Transport service, elements of
transport protocol, Simple Transport
Protocol, Internet transport layer protocols: UDP and TCP.
THE APPLICATION LAYER: Domain name system,
electronic mail, World Wide Web: architectural
overview, dynamic web document and http. APPLICATION
Management Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol, Telnet
Principles of REST. Browser architectures and client-side
programming with JavaScript, including fetch, Web
Workers, and Socket.IO. Server architectures, performance
issues, caching, proxies, redirection. Writing servers in Node,
and Python. PHP, maybe. Maybe Go. Apache, Nginx,
INTERNET SECURITY: Basic security concepts
(cryptography, signatures, hashing, authentication,
authorization). Strategies for securing assets. Computer
Security vs. Network Security. Kinds of attacks. Firewalls:
architecture, implementation and configuration, DMZ and
external routers; Packet sniffing, packet filtering, etc.
Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols: Public-key
encryption, authentication schemes, SSL, IPSEC, VPNs;
Security and Cryptography APIs for Node, Java, and Python.
Pre-requisites None
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Methods Lectures, tutorials
Assessment/Evaluation & Refer Article 9 of the “Academic Regulations for Engineering
Grading System Programs”
Attendance Requirements A student must attend at least 85 % of the classes

Literature  Douglas Comer, Computer Networks and Internets


 James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer

Networking, A Top-Down Approach
 Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie, Computer Networks:
A Systems Approach
 Peter L. Dordal, An Introduction to Computer
Networks (Free online)


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