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Geography + History
1. How many states are there in the United States of America?
A. 73 B. 50 C. 40 D. 10
2. Which state did the United States purchase from Russia?
A. Oregon B. Washington C. Alaska D. Arizona
3. How many American colonies did Britain have before the American war of Independence?
A. 7 B. 13 C. 15 D. 17
4. Which term best describes the Britain in the 17th century?
A. The world’s first industrialized nation
B. The world’s largest trading nation
C. The workshop of the world
D. Modernization of the economy
5. What is the main contributor to the continental expansion in the US in 19th century?
A. The invention of air conditioning
B. The discovery of gold
C. The mass migration after war world II
D. The invention of railway
6. The Mexico-America war ended with America gaining the full control of___
A. Alaska B. Florida C. Texas D. Louisiana
7. The Declaration of Independence in US was adopted on July 4___
A. 1776 B. 1848 C. 1865 D. 1908

8. How many members are there in the U.S. Senate?
A. 200 B. 20 C. 50 D. 100
9. How often are general elections usually held in the UK?
A. About every five years B. About every six years

C. About every seven years D. About every eight years

10. In the UK, the 20 or so most senior politicians are called the ___
A. Cabinet B. Committee C. Supreme council. D. Supreme Court
11. How old do you have to be to vote in a UK election?
A. 21 B. 19 C. 18 D. 16
12. Which party usually forms the government after a UK general election?
A. The party with the most votes
B. The party with the most candidates
C. The party with the most PMs
13. The Queen, Britain's official head of state, has___power.
A. absolute B. little real C. no
14. The two main political parties are the Conservatives and____
A. Labor B. Liberals C. Social Democrats
15. What is nationalism?

A. Disliking the country in which you live in and wanting to move

B. A social movement that focuses on the nation

C. Relocating/immigrating to another country

D. A religious celebration

16. A country in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among
themselves to form a governing body is referred to as

B. Communism B. Democracy C. Command economy D. Socialism

17. Which is NOT a feature of Britain political system

A. Constitutional monarchy C. Parliamentary
B. House of Common and House of Lords D. Two-party system
18. Which ONE of these statements is true?
A. The United Kingdom does not have a constitution
B. The United Kingdom has a constitution but it is not written down
C. A constitution is an Act of Parliament enacted by the Queen
D. All countries have the same constitution
19. House Representatives are re-elected every ____ years.
A. 5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 2
20. Election in Vietnam occurs every….years.
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
21. The highest executive of the communist party in VN is….
A. General Secretary
B. Central (steering) committee
C. Secretariat
D. Politburo
22. Main parties in the US
A. The labour
B. Conservative
C. Liberal democrat
D. Democratic
E. Republican
23. What are NOT key elements of American political culture?
A. Continuity
B. Liberalism
C. Equality
D. Political unity
E. Democracy
24. Which is NOT a feature of Britain political system?
A. Constitutional monarchy
B. House of Common and House of Lords
C. Parliamentary democracy
D. Two-party system
25. Which statement is true about the real power of the Queen in the UK
A. She can refuse a law decided by Parliament.
B. She can stop the government going ahead with any of its policies.
C. She can summon a Parliament or dissolve it before a general election
D. She can select the PM.

26. Students who want to get into the university in Britain have to pass the____
A. "A level" B. "B level" C. "C level" D. "D level"
27. What are the main parts of the UK education system?
A. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education
B. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Higher education
C. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education and Higher
28. When are students free to leave school in the UK?
A. 15 B. 16 C. 18 D. 21
29. How many stages are in the British system of education?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
30. _________________ are for children from age five to twelve in the US.
A. Kindergartens B. Elementary schools C. Junior high schools D. Universities
31. SAT is____
A. The preliminary exam which students take to get into university
B. The exam which students take before leaving secondary school
C. The exam which children take in primary school
D. The entrance exam for secondary school
32. Which statement is NOTE true about the education system in the UK
A. Full time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years.
B. Compulsory education is free of charge
C. There are 3 key stages in the National curriculum.
D. The school year is divided into three terms with a six week summer holiday.
33. What are the main parts of the UK education system?
D. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education
E. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Higher education
F. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education and Higher
34. In the US all children must go to school from _________________
A. age five to age seventeen
B. age five to age forty
C. age five to age sixteen
D. age four to age sixteen
35. One pros of public school: ………………
A. More affordable to attend
B. Smaller class sizes
C. Independent from local municipality budgets
D. Higher level of flexibility regarding the curriculum
36. In the US, Private schools have a positive reputation among parents for………….
A. a greater diversity of other races and cultures
B. improved students’ safety
C. sophisticated teaching methods
D. have access to great facilities

37. What is NOT true about the educational voucher system/ initiatives?
A. are state-funded programs
B. is given to parents with school-aged children.
C. ensure more children have an equal opportunity to receive a great education
D. is applicable for state schools only
38. China now spends more on research and development than the countries that make up the
entire European Union combined.
39. Compulsory education in most provinces in China includes …………..
A. six years of primary education & three years of junior secondary education
B. five years of primary education& four years for junior middle school
C. six years of primary education, three years of junior secondary education & three years of
senior middle school
D. five years of primary education, four years for junior middle school & three years of
senior middle school
40. There is/are ………..kind(s) of curriculums in Singapore.
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
41. In Germany…..
A. the entire system of education is administered by the Ministry of Education.
B. a federal law provides an overarching legal framework for education
C. primary & secondary schooling are compulsory.
D. states have a high degree of autonomy in education policy
Economy and daily life
42. Traditionally, the_____of England was associated with poverty and industry.
A. center
B. north
C. south
D. west
43. Which statement best summarizes economic conditions in the US since the end of World
War II?
A. The economy has been in a depression for most of the period.
B. The United States has had the world’s highest unemployment rate.
C. The United States has come to depend more heavily on imports to meet its economic
D. The legal minimum wage has steadily declined.
44. The stock market crashed on October 29 and the Great Depression began in _____
A. 1908
B. 1929
C. 1941
D. 1969
45. ___________represent the majority of businesses in the United States and employ nearly
half of all private sector workers.
A. Small businesses
B. State-owned
C. Corporations
D. Multinational corporations
46. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, small business revenue in the US is down _____ percent
since Jan 2020.
A. 40%
B. 30%
C. 20%
D. 10%
47. Revenue declines the most in______industry.
A. Retails
B. Transportation
C. Education
D. Leisure & hospitality
48. One of the immediate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic was a sharp _______ in
aggregate spending and a sharp _______ in savings.
A. Decline – decline
B. Decline – increase
C. Increase – decline
D. Increase – increase
49. Even millions of workers in the US have lost their jobs, disposable personal income from
March to July 2020 exceeded pre-pandemic levels thanks to stimulus payments to
households such as unemployment insurance benefits.
T/ F
50. Brexit results in a long-run loss of output of around _________ compared to remaining in
the European Union
A. 4% C. 6%
B. 5% D. 7%
51. UK employers are worried about labor shortages because immigration from non-EU
countries has been reducing.
T/ F
52. Since the Brexit referendum, Chinese investment across the whole of Europe has
__________and ___________ in the United Kingdom.
A. Declined – declined
B. Declined – increased
C. Increased – declined
D. Increased – increased
53. Even though international financial services firms have migrated £1.2 trillion worth of
assets from Britain to the European Union since the 2016 referendum, The United Kingdom
remains the world's ________ net exporter of financial services in 2019.
A. 4th biggest
B. 3rd biggest
C. 2nd biggest
D. Biggest
Identity and social attitudes
54. Ethnic diversity is a significant factor affecting American life.
55. The most basic of all the American values is
A. Great diversity
B. Individual freedom
C. Equality of opportunity
D. Self-reliance
56. The price that Americans pay for their individual freedom is
A. Self-reliance.
B. Competition.
C. Hardwork.
57. In the United States, learning to compete successfully is
A. Part of growing up.
B. Not seen as healthy by most people.
C. Not necessary, because Americans believes in equality.
58. Americans see their material possessions as
A. Having nothing to do with social status.
B. The natural reward for their hard work.
C. Showing no evidence of a person’s abilities.
59. In reality, such American ideals as equality of opportunity and self-reliance
A. Dont not exist because there is no equality in the United States.
B. Are always put into practice in the United States and truly describe American life.
C. Are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important because people believe in
60. Most American believe that success in business offers the best chance to fulfill the dream of
being wealthy.
61. In many countries, ………..and …………are matter more to national identity

A. Birthplace, language/ culture

B. Language, culture/ Birthplace

C. Birthplace, culture/ language

D. Language, Religion/ Birthplace

62. In the contemporary USA, ethnic minorities are usually implicitly excluded from the
national identity compared with European Americans.
63. Because the diversity of the US population increases, the conception of the American
identity is no longer implicitly aligned with the domination of White Americans.
64. British may not behave in traditional ways, but they like symbols of ……………. and
A. Tradition
B. Individualism
C. Democracy

Business culture
65. What trait is most valued in the U.S. workplace?
A. Creativity and hard work
B. Humility and downplaying your accomplishments
C. Being respectful of supervisors and knowing one's place in the company hierarchy
66. What kind of success is most respected in the United States?
A. Winning the lottery and giving the money away to people who need it in the community
B. "Rags to riches" story where someone is born into a hard financial situation and becomes
successful through hard work and dedication
C. Inheriting money from family and maintaining the upper class status and a good
reputation for the family name
67. Your American colleague sometimes disagrees with your manager about strategy at meetings
and offers his own ideas. What do other American colleagues think about this?
A. They think he is self-centered and not a team player
B. They think he is at risk of losing his job because he challenges the boss
C. They think he is creative and they respect his confidence and his ability to speak his mind
68. Which of the following is a feature of a powerful culture?
A. Power is decentralized to decision makers
B. Management encourage empowerment
C. Senior management retain tight control.
D. Emphasis is placed on customer needs.
69. Which of the following is most likely to be a good indicator of culture in a business?
A. Choice of production process
B. Pricing policy
C. Profit margins
D. Reward systems
70. These are all factors which determine a business culture, except:
A. Leadership style
B. Recruitment policy
C. Pricing policy
D. Aims and objectives
71. Negotiations in China are best conducted on a one-on-one basis, since people generally
prefer getting to know you well.
72. Most American businesses are directly or indirectly owned by the government.
73. To success in American business, Americans believe that family background and social
positions are more important than anything including hard work.
74. Americans believe that competition among businesses is good for the economy but it does
little to protect the freedom of the individual.
75. A CEO may be admired since he/she started a successful business from practically nothing.

76. Ethics concerns itself with what is good or right in human interaction.
A. True
B. False
77. Who is responsible for ethics in an organization?

A. Employees


C. Senior Management

D. All of the above

78. What is not considered unethical business practice?

A. Treating employees unfairly.
B. Training employees right out of school.
C. Selling substandard product.
D. Lying about a price to make a bigger profit.
79. Which of the following refers to the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of a
A. workplace diversity B. social responsibility C. laws and regulations D. code of
80. Americans believe that competition among businesses is good for the economy bit it does
little to protect the freedom of the individual.
B. True
C. False
81. An example of an ethical issue for a clothes shop is ensuring that:
A. Staff are paid more than minimum wage
B. The workplace is safe for staff to work in
C. They don’t buy clothes made by children in the far East
D. Recruitment advertising doesn’t discriminate
82. Business ethics is very closely related to which other issue for business.
A. Globalization
B. Capacity utilization
C. International trade
D. Corporate social responsibility
83. Ethical codes of Practice in an industry are usually:
A. Designed by suppliers
B. Legally enforced
C. Voluntary
D. illegal
84. Which of the following refers to the duty of a business to contribute to the well-being of a
A. workplace diversity
B. social responsibility
C. laws and regulations
D. code of ethics
85. What do we mean by Corporate Social Responsibility?
A. The responsibility of an organisation to use its resources solely to increase profits
B. The responsibility of an organisation to fulfil its economic, social and environmental
obligations to all of its stakeholders
C. The responsibility of an organisation to donate any excess profits to charities and
community organisations
D. The responsibility of an organisation to protect the environment at all costs
86. Which statement best describes ethics in business?
A. Business is outside the realm of ethical enquiry and morally neutral or amoral
B. Ethics in business do exist but differ from ethics in other spheres and may appear amoral in
other spheres
C. Business, politics and private life share the same ethics as part of a moral community
D. None of the above
No 1
The graph and chart below show the distribution of wealth in the US and the share of total
household wealth owned by the top 0.1 percent.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.

The share of total household wealth owned by the top 0.1 percent
No 2
The charts below show the changes in the property market in the UK after Brexit.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views where relevant. Write at least 200
No 3
The charts below compares the forecasted GDP growth and unemployment rates in the USA
and China by Euro monitor baseline and the real rates (since the Trade war occurred in the
3rd quarter of 2018)
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
No 4
The charts below show the spending plan of the US (proposed in 2017) and the UK (5 years
from 2015-2020)
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.

UK Five-year Spending Plan

EPA: Environmental protection agency State & US Aid
HHS: Department of Health and Human Services
No 5
The charts below shows the gap between classes in Britain today.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
No 6
The graph and chart below show the difference between G7 labour productivity and the UK in
curent price GDP per hour worked as well as factors that make biggest differece to
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
No 7
The charts below show social attitude of Europeans about factors contributing to national identity.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views where relevant. Write at least 200
No 8
The charts below show social attitude of Americans toward immigrants.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.

Familiarity Breeds Respect

No 9
The charts below show management styles across four different cultures.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
No 10
The tables show Bribe payer Index 2011 and Facts on corruption in the US.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
No 11
The graph & chart show GDP growth, unemployment rate, and poverty level in China.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.

GDP growth rate

No 12
The charts show migration trends in the world in 2019.
Summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and express your views
where relevant. Write at least 200 words.
Write about ONE of the following topics
1. Discuss how countries have benefited from their physical/ human geography?
2. Differences between Vietnamese and English/American culture (You have to write about at
least three differences)
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Collectivism in Vietnam nowadays.
4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Nationalism in contemporary era.
5. What is meant by the phrase “American Dream”? How does it impact to the migration trend
of Vietnamese people?
6. The United States and the nations of Western Europe are all democracies. However, they are
not organized in the same way. What are some of the differences in institutional structure
between the United States and Western Europe?
7. What are the differences between the party spectrums: Left wing and Right wing?
8. What is the superiority of the US/UK electoral system compared to that of Vietnam?
9. Discuss 3 differences and/or similarities between the school systems in 2 countries of your
own preference.
10. What can Vietnamese education system adopt from the foreign countries?
11. Compare and contrast private and public school system in Vietnam and other countries.
12. What are some criteria for ethical decision making of big corporations?
13. Explain the role of business ethics to the development of Corporations. Why is it important
to gain an insight into business ethics of countries?
14. Why is it important to gain an insight into business ethics of countries? In your opinion what
are the 2 major ethical dilemmas faced by UK / US/ Vietnam organizations?
15. Explain the need for ethical behavior by a firm.
16. What are some current intense conflicts (at least 2) between countries?
17. What are some reasons for conflicts between nations in modern world?
18. Discuss 2 major current issues facing by countries.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 300 words.

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