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Virus Research 71 (2000) 9 – 21

The ecology of Cucumber mosaic 6irus and sustainable

Donato Gallitelli *
Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante dalle Malattie,
Uni6ersità degli Studi and Centro di Studio del CNR sui Virus e le Virosi delle Colture Mediterranee, Via Amendola 165 /A,
76126 Bari, Italy


An account is given of the ecology of Cucumber mosaic 6irus (CMV) as a pertinent example of how a virus can
affect the sustainability of an important crop. It is now generally accepted that the technologies used in modern
agriculture should ensure that production systems are operated in such a way that the quality of the produce is
maintained year after year without causing degradation of the environment. Recent experiences in countries of the
Mediterranean basin demonstrate that the benefits expected from the introduction of new and highly productive plant
varieties may be quickly eroded by the concomitant introduction of new virus strains which can greatly change the
structure of the resident virus population. Quarantine inspection of plant propagules and genetic engineering are
suggested as powerful tools to help achieve sustainability. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cucumber mosaic 6irus; Ecology; Control; Sustainability

1. Introduction Plant viruses infect many crops, causing eco-

nomically important diseases second only to those
The extensive use of pesticides to prevent crop caused by fungi. However, while the control of
losses due to pathogens presents a threat to the fungal diseases can usually be based on preven-
sustainability of modern agriculture in which tion and cure, that of virus diseases is based solely
there is a need to avoid damaging the environ- on preventive measures. These may be very costly
ment and future food availability. Agricultural if they are to be effective. For instance, the popu-
systems are required that use technologies, inputs lation threshold level of insects as virus vectors is
and management practices that will ensure high much lower than for the same insects as direct
productivity, while preserving the quality of the pests (Satapathy, 1998). The occurrence of rela-
environment (Herdt and Steiner, 1995).
tively few individual vectors which do not damage
the crop by their feeding may lead to the intro-
duction and subsequent spread of viruses in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-80-5443071; fax: + 39-
80-5442911. field, thus enhancing the need for chemical
E-mail address: (D. Gallitelli). control.

0168-1702/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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10 D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21

This paper describes the complex ecology of (satRNA), which is a small RNA molecule that is
Cucumber mosaic 6irus (CMV) and provides a completely dependent on the viral genome for its
pertinent example of how a virus can undermine replication and spread, but does not supply the
the sustainability of an important crop. helper virus with any essential function. CMV
satRNAs range from 335 to 405 nucleotides in
size, apparently do not contain any functional
2. Properties of CMV ORF and occur in nature as several variants
which can sometimes attenuate or aggravate dis-
CMV, the type species of the genus Cucu- ease symptoms induced by the helper virus (Gar-
mo6irus in the family Bromo6iridae (Ribicki, cı́a-Arenal and Palukaitis, 1999). This effect is
1995), has polyhedral virions which encapsidate particularly relevant in tomato where the CMV
three linear plus-sense single-stranded genomic infection phenotype may cause no symptoms or
RNAs (RNA1, RNA2, RNA3) and the sub-ge- necrosis.
nomic RNAs 4 and 4A. RNA1 and RNA2 are
encapsidated in distinct particles, whereas RNA3
and RNA4 (Lot and Kaper, 1976) and possibly 3. Economic relevance
RNA3 and RNA4A are encapsidated together.
Hence, CMV is a multi-component virus for Tomlinson (1987) listed CMV as the virus of
which inoculation of the three types of particles is greatest economic importance in celery, cowpea,
required to infect plants. cucurbits, lettuce, pepper and tomato. Banana
RNA1 is monocistronic and codes for a single (Palukaitis et al., 1992; Gafny et al., 1996), pas-
product of 110 kDa which is often designated 1a ture legumes (Latham et al., 1999; Jones, 2000),
protein and is thought to have both methyltrans- Kava (Davis et al., 1996) and ornamentals
ferase and RNA helicase activity. RNA2 encodes (Flasinski et al., 1995) are also affected.
a large product of 98 kDa, designated 2a protein, CMV appears to be the most important virus of
which contains the conserved amino acid se- some annual crops in Argentina, eastern China,
quence GDD of many viral polymerases. RNA2 Croatia, France, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy,
also encodes the 2b protein which is translated by Japan, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and in
sub-genomic RNA4A. This protein may play a the north east of US. In other countries, CMV
role in virus transport within plants and acts as an ranks second or third in importance (Tomlinson,
important determinant of virulence (Ding et al., 1987).
1995, 1996; Brigneti et al., 1998; Li et al., 1999). In the Mediterranean basin the economic im-
RNA3 is also bicistronic encoding the 3a protein portance of CMV correlates with recurrent out-
in the 5% proximal half of the molecule and con- breaks in tomato crops grown for canning
taining the open reading frame (ORF) for the CP (Gallitelli et al., 1995; Varveri and Boutsika, 1999)
in the 3% proximal half. The CP cistron is trans- and, more recently, in melon (Alonso-Prados et
lated via the subgenomic RNA4. The 3a protein, al., 1997; Luis-Arteaga et al., 1998) and pepper
also designated MP, is involved in virus (Mnari Hattab et al., 1999) with incidences of 30
movement. to nearly 100%. After the tomato necrosis disease
A fifth RNA, denoted RNA5 is also present in reported in Alsace (France) in 1972, tomato dis-
some CMV strains. RNA5 consists of a mixed eases induced by CMV became suddenly impor-
population of molecules of c. 300 nucleotides tant in Italy and Spain in 1987 (Gallitelli et al.,
derived from the imperfectly conserved 3%-termi- 1988; Jordá et al., 1992). There the virus caused
nal region of genomic RNAs 2 and 3 (Blanchard up to 100% crop losses in the main production
et al., 1996). CMV RNA5 may play a role in viral areas. To date, a number of reports indicate that
replication (Blanchard et al., 1996, 1997). CMV populations are well established in Mediter-
In addition to genomic and subgenomic RNAs, ranean areas where they are frequently found in
some strains of CMV encapsidate a satellite RNA mixed infections with other viruses that have ei-
D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21 11

ther a wide (e.g. Alfalfa mosaic 6irus and Tomato tant or recombinant genomes seem not to be
spotted wilt 6irus) or restricted host range (e.g. favoured under natural conditions. Although the
potyviruses infecting cucurbits). nature of this competitive disadvantage is largely
unknown, one hypothesis suggests that, in CMV,
reassortment is selected against aphid transmis-
4. Ecology sion (Fraile et al., 1997; Gallitelli et al., 1997).
Another explanation may rely on the scarcity of
4.1. CMV strains natural mixed infections of different CMV strains
which are required for genetic exchange to occur
The existence of many CMV strains that have a in plants.
very broad host range suggests that the multi- Strains of CMV can be divided into sub-groups
component nature of the virus does not constrain I and II on the basis of their sequence similarity
its ecological success or epidemiological compe- and serological relationships. Surveys of naturally
tence (Fulton, 1980). Rather, the consensus is that infected crops suggest that sub-group I strains are
random reassortment of intact genomic segments more frequent than those of sub-group II and
from multi-component viruses is a parasexual sometimes they represent more than 80% of all
process generating new variants to counterbalance isolates (Crescenzi et al., 1993a; Fraile et al.,
losses in fitness due to the to accumulation of 1997).
deleterious mutations through successive host pas- Recent sequence data show that a number of
sages. It has been postulated that in a small CMV strains within sub-group I and originating
asexual population deleterious mutations accumu- from Asia differ by 7–12% in sequence arrange-
late through an irreversible, ratchet-like mecha- ment from other sub-group I strains. Accordingly,
nism, known as Muller’s ratchet. Genetic Palukaitis and Zaitlin (1997) proposed that sub-
exchange by reassortment and by recombination group I should be split by placing the ‘Asian
may help in rescuing viable virus fitness from a strains’ in sub-goup IB and the others in sub-
population that has been ratcheted-down (Rooss- group IA. Strains in the same sub-group differ by
inck, 1997 and references therein). only 2–3% of their sequence homology. Phyloge-
Viable reassortants have been prepared in vitro netic analyses of CMV using the whole genome or
and used to assign specific functions to individual the ORFs of single genes strongly supports the
segments of the genome (Palukaitis et al., 1992; sub-division of sub-group I, considering CMV
Carrère et al., 1999). True recombination (RNA – strains so far sequenced (Roossinck et al., 1999;
RNA recombination) (Fernandez-Cuartero et al., Barbarossa, Lanave and Gallitelli, unpublished
1994) and the production of mixed subunit cap- results), although the different branching patterns
sids from two different cucumoviruses (Chen et observed with different ORFs suggest that both
al., 1995) that may lead to radical recognition recombination and reassortment may have con-
changes in insect-mediated transmission were tributed to the evolutionary history of CMV
demonstrated also for CMV. (Roossinck, 1999).
Although postulated several years ago, the nat-
ural occurrence of reassortants in the genus Cucu- 4.2. CMV transmission
mo6irus was demonstrated only recently for Bean
distortion mosaic virus (BDiMV), found in Chile CMV can be acquired and transmitted by more
(White et al., 1995). After a recent survey of CMV than 80 aphid species during very brief and su-
in Spain (Fraile et al., 1997), it was suggested that perficial probes of infected and healthy plants.
reassortment or recombination are rare in natural Such probes are characteristic of aphids and are
populations of this virus and that the reassortant used by them in host plant recognition (Pollard,
genomes that have been found do not correspond 1973). The probes involve 5–10 s intracellular
to a simple random association of the three ge- punctures of epidermal or mesophyll cells (Martin
nomic segments. Thus, CMV strains with reassor- et al., 1997 and references therein). The most
12 D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21

widely accepted hypothesis suggests that CMV Lack of host-encoded products of the viral repli-
particles are acquired when aphids ingest cell con- case complex in embryonic cells could account for
tents during the food selection phase and are then the absence of seed-transmission in a number of
transmitted to healthy plants during intracellular hosts of CMV. There are reports that CMV can
egestion or salivation in a subsequent host (Mar- replicate in all reproductive tissues of spinach and
tin et al., 1997). Thus the possibility that a plant that some seeds probably contain a mixed infec-
species on which aphids probe but do not feed tion of two distinct isolates of CMV (Hampton
may be a potential new host for the virus can be and Francki, 1992; Yang et al., 1997). The ecolog-
regarded as the vulnerable ‘Achilles heel’ in any ical significance of mixed infections for seed trans-
attempts to control CMV. McKirdy and Jones mission of CMV strains is still under study.
(1999) detected total infection of plants of chick- The rate of seed-transmission in weed species
pea (Cicer arietinum) surrounding plants of nar- other than chickpea (Stellaria media) remains
row-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) in which largely unknown, although seeds as well as rhi-
seed-borne CMV served as primary infection foci. zomes of certain plant species seem crucial for
This occurred even though chickpea is not a host perpetuating CMV strains in cultivated areas
of aphids. Initially, most of the infected chickpea (Tomlinson and Carter, 1970; Rist and Lorbeer,
plants were around primary infection foci, but 1988), or in alternative pulses and pasture legumes
within 4 weeks infected plants also occurred at (Latham et al., 1999). Tomlinson and Carter
random away from such foci and served as addi- (1970) assessed seed transmission of CMV in sev-
tional sources for further spread. eral weed species. In S. media, the rate of trans-
The rate of transmission can be affected by the mission was 4–29% and the virus was still
virus strain, by the species of aphid (Perry et al., infectious after 5 months in infected seeds buried
1994, 1995) and by the quality of the recipient and in the soil. Thus, the virus may overwinter in
donor plants. This, in turn, is influenced by bio- seeds of this host and germination of the seeds
chemical changes in metabolism due to virus leads to infection foci scattered throughout the
infection. field which may serve as sources for subsequent
Some CMV strains are not transmissible or are spread by aphids. It was calculated that if 10% of
poorly transmitted by aphids. These differences in seeds germinate, 1% seed transmission will lead to
transmissibility are probably not only attributable one infected seedling per square metre (Tomlinson
to differences in the amino acid composition of and Carter, 1970). The seed-borne infection in S.
the virus capsid, but also to specific segments of media is usually asymptomatic, although mosaic
the genome (Zitter and Gonsalves, 1991) whose symptoms are caused by some CMV strains. In
structure may affect protein/protein or RNA/ addition to S. media, seed transmission of CMV
protein interactions with a dramatic impact on was demonstrated in Lamium purpureum (4%),
particle stability. Complete loss or reduced rate of Cerastium holostioides (2%) and Spergula ar6ensis
aphid transmissibility may represent a genetic (2%) (Tomlinson and Carter, 1970).
‘bottleneck’ for many natural reassortants, a trait Although seed transmission has not been
that correlates positively with their rare occur- proven or assessed for many weed species that are
rence in nature. susceptible to CMV, their role in providing foci of
CMV is also borne in the seed of several plant infection for subsequent spread was first estab-
species. Among cultivated crops, seed transmis- lished in cucurbit crops in Wisconsin, USA
sion of CMV seems particularly relevant for spe- (Doolittle and Walker, 1925) and subsequently
cies in the Leguminosae and Cruciferae and, to a (Tomlinson et al., 1970; Quiot et al., 1979; Rist
lesser extent, in some cucurbits. There is evidence and Lorbeer, 1988; Crescenzi et al., 1993b). In
that seed transmission in Phaseolus 6ulgaris is some instances, S. media, Senecio 6ulgaris and
determined by the RNA1, suggesting a relation- Portulaca oleracea were found to be 60–100%
ship between the RNA1-coded product of the infected (Tomlinson et al., 1970; Quiot et al.,
viral replicase complex and seed-transmission. 1979).
D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21 13

Riedle (1995) found that the leaf hairs of cu- Fruit necrosis disease is characterized by ex-
cumber plants contain a high concentration of tended internal necrosis of the fruits that differs
CMV particles. This may imply that dispersal of from the physiological disorder known as ‘inter-
the virus could occur in the aerosols following nal browning’ (Blancard, 1988). In most cases, the
hair breakage, as with contact-transmitted viruses. plants are vigorous and do not show foliar symp-
However, this possibility has not been toms, except for occasional mild leaf discoloura-
investigated. tions. Sometimes, however, plants also show the
fern leaf/shoestring condition typically induced by
5. CMV as a threat to the sustainability of ordinary CMV strains. Fruit tissues affected by
farming systems: the Italian experience necrosis are the mesocarp and particularly those
surrounding the base of the pedicel. Externally,
Italian horticulture is characterized by a great brown soft blotches correspond to altered tissues.
diversity of annual crops of high commercial A CMV strain, denoted CMV-Tfn, was isolated
value, among which tomato is particularly impor- consistently from tomato plants having symptom-
tant. In recent years epdemics of CMV, Tomato less foliage and fruit necrosis. CMV-Tfn sup-
spotted wilt 6irus (TSWV), Alfalfa mosaic 6irus ported a 390-ribonucleotide satellite named
(AMV) and Potato 6irus Y (PVY) have emerged Tfn-satRNA (Crescenzi et al., 1993a). This sa-
as the most serious threats to the economic viabil- tRNA was not present in plants showing both
ity of Italian horticultural systems and related fruit necrosis and fern leaf/shoestring. Its occur-
activities (e.g. employment in the canning tomato rence was apparently responsible for the fruit
industry). Epidemics of CMV are particularly necrosis condition, but prevented the appearance
detrimental to commercial fields of canning of filimorphism on the leaves.
tomato, because new or unusual disease pheno- Economically, internal fruit necrosis is even
types have emerged in addition to the well known more damaging than lethal necrosis, which may
fern leaf/shoestring and tomato necrosis (syn- cause death of all plants in a field. Unlike lethal
onym: tomato lethal necrosis) diseases (Kaper and necrosis, where plants show early necrotic symp-
Waterworth, 1981). CMV outbreaks have also toms, foliage and plant growth seem normal and
been recorded in celery, melon, pepper, tobacco farmers are unaware that fruits have internal ne-
and zucchini squash. crosis and are unmarketable until the fruits ripen,
In tomato, at least two new disease phenotypes by which time most of the production costs have
appeared. The one referred to as tomato top already been incurred. In the absence of Tfn-sa-
stunting (TTS) was caused by a variant of CMV tRNA, the fern leaf/shoestring condition was as-
satRNA and the other, denoted tomato fruit ne- sociated with another strain, denoted CMV-FL
crosis (Tfn), was caused by CMV alone. (Crescenzi et al., 1993b).
Top stunting disease is characterized by a Similar diseases were also described in Spain
marked shortening of the internodes of the apical under the name of internal browning and curl-
shoots that confers a compact and bushy appear- stunt (Jordá et al., 1992). Infected plants did not
ance to the plant. Leaflets are small, with the contain Tfn-like satRNA which correlates posi-
lamina rolled upward as the mid-vein curves tively with the observation that under Spanish
downward and twists. Older leaves are of normal conditions, fruit necrosis was always associated
size and exhibit a mild mosaic. Yields are drasti- with fern-leaf/shoestring symptoms.
cally reduced and the fruits may be unmarketable In Italy, the need to increase the profitability of
as they are few, small and mature unevenly. The crops of canning tomato by reducing costs was
disease phenotype is caused by a CMV strain, met in the mid-1980s by introducing new tomato
denoted CMV-TTS, supporting a non-necrogenic varieties characterized by a short growth cycle
satRNA (Grieco et al., 1992). CMV-TTS artifi- and high yields. Most of these new varieties were
cially deprived of its satRNA induces ordinary F1 hybrids and particularly vulnerable to viral
fern-leaf and shoestring symptoms. epidemics due to their genetic uniformity, as de-
14 D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21

scribed for other crops (Thresh, 1982). Within a annually, affecting also old varieties. Very often
few years, local tomato landraces and old varieties there are mixed infection with other destructive
were replaced by new genotypes grown in large, viruses (e.g. TSWV and necrotic strains of AMV).
uniform stands. This brought obvious advantages, Crescenzi et al. (1993a) have shown that during
for example in the use of machinery and produc- CMV outbreaks in tomato in the Italian regions
tion more than doubled. Other cropping practices of Basilicata and Campania, weeds played a key
routinely applied to improve yields and fruit qual- role in determining epidemics of sub-group II
ity may have increased the vulnerability of these isolates that were maintained in wild plants
new crops which became more attractive to insect throughout the winter. Since CMV isolates of
vectors. However, the risk of infection became sub-group II were associated with the lethal ne-
even greater when very mild winters recurred for 2 crosis disease in tomato, their absence in summer
consecutive years, thus leading to enormous in- correlated positively with the natural disappear-
creases in overwintering aphid populations and to ance of some weeds at the time and with the
CMV epidemics. The most notable outcome of self-destructive nature of lethal necrosis. Addi-
the interaction between these factors was the sud- tionally, Daniels and Campbell (1992) reported
den appearance of necrotic phenotypes that were that sub-group II strains are more thermosensitive
co-determined by necrogenic satRNA variants on than sub-group I strains. Therefore, in such con-
the new highly susceptible tomato varieties. After dition only the weeds were able to maintain
their first appearance in Alsace in 1972, CMV (probably in their seeds) the inoculum throughout
strains with necrogenic satRNAs were no longer the summer and until the following autumn.
recorded, although it is likely that they survived in The situation seemed different with sub-group I
small foci where they escaped detection. However, strains for which distinct crops rather than weeds
only recently, it became evident that, in addition represented the main sources of inoculum. Crops
to the necrogenic satRNA strains, new CMV rather than weeds seemed also crucial in the epi-
strains appeared in Italy in the mid-1980s and demiology of CMV-satRNA during viral epi-
that these strains caused most of the economic demics in Italy, because: (i) satRNA sequences
damage by inducing internal fruit necrosis. were found only in a few weeds; and (ii) hetero-
The following evidence favours this hypothesis: geneity among satRNA variants isolated in Italy
(i) the nucleotide sequence of CMV-Tfn showed between 1988 and 1993 did not differ significantly
94 – 100% similarity (Barbarossa, Lanave and Gal- from one epidemic episode to the other (Grieco et
litelli, unpublished results), both at nucleotide and al., 1997). This suggests that a crop, rather than a
amino acid level with the CMV-NT9 strain from weed, could have been the initial focus leading to
Taiwan (Hsu et al., 1995); (ii) the analysis of subsequent epidemic spread of sub-group I CMV
phylogenetic relationships placed CMV-Tfn in the strains and their satRNA.
newly proposed sub-group IB of CMV originating It is still unclear how and from where these
from Asia; (iii) the RT-PCR RFLP analysis strains were introduced. One hypothesis is that
(Finetti Sialer et al., 1999a) of more that 120 they were introduced in the seed of new tomato
CMV isolates collected in Italy by different labo- varieties. However, this conflicts with the view
ratories from different plant species proved that that CMV is not or very poorly seed-transmitted
CMV-TTS and CMV-FL were also sub-group IB in tomato, although seed transmission in the new
strains and confirmed the absence of IB strains tomato varieties has not been tested. However, IB
before 1988. Thus there is sufficient circumstantial strains have been recorded in melon and spinach,
evidence that sub-group IB strains of CMV were two species in which seed transmission occurs.
introduced to Italy in the mid-1980s and that Another hypothesis is that the strains were intro-
since then the structure of CMV biodiversity has duced with the seedlings established in small
been greatly modified in that the IB strains now demonstration plots.
constitute more than 50% of the CMV popula- As already mentioned, CMV is readily aphid-
tion. Outbreaks of IB sub-group strains recur transmissible and epidemics are not restricted to
D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21 15

tomato. The virus spread to cucurbits and pepper rious for routine testing when hundreds of sam-
generally co-determines necrotic phenotypes as a ples need to be analysed quickly. ELISA and dot
result of synergy with resident viruses of the Po- blot hybridization are more suitable for this pur-
ty6iridae (e.g. Zucchini yellow mosaic 6irus, Water- pose, especially the latter, as blotted membranes
melon mosaic 6irus and Potato 6irus Y). prepared elsewhere can easily be mailed to a
Abandonment of traditional tomato-growing central laboratory for processing. A dot blot hy-
areas, severe crop losses, low product quality and bridization system using digoxigenin-labelled ri-
a huge increase in and often indiscriminate use of boprobes and chemiluminescent detection was
insecticides and herbicides are some of the fea- developed for the diagnosis of CMV and five
tures of what has become an ecological disaster. other viruses in the tests required for the phy-
tosanitary certification of ca.45 million tomato
seedlings in Italy (Saldarelli et al., 1996).
6. CMV control through sustainable means
6.2. Control of aphid 6ectors
6.1. Diagnosis
Insecticide sprays are effective means for con-
Since control of CMV must be largely preven- trolling aphid populations, but they do not act
tive, it should benefit from the availability of fast enough to prevent inoculation of CMV dur-
strain-sensitive, reliable and rapid methods of ing the probing phase on the host plant and in
virus detection and diagnosis. Both serological some cases may stimulate additional aphid move-
and molecular techniques have been adopted and ment. However, properly applied treatments can
applied successfully to diagnosis of CMV to: (i) reduce disease incidence by killing aphids before
ascribe field isolates to one of the two currently they can move to other plants.
recognized viral sub-groups; (ii) identify CMV Effective aphid control leading to low disease
and its satRNA as the cause of specific plant incidence can be achieved providing that numbers
diseases; (iii) achieve timely virus detection for of alate aphids are low. In temperate regions, mild
quarantine and certification purposes; and (iv) winters or heavy spring rainfall followed by rapid
study virus population dynamics. temperature increases greatly favour reproduction
Sub-group I and II strains can be differentiated and aphid colonies rapidly become crowded lead-
by several means (reviewed by Gallitelli, 1998) ing to the emergence of numerous alates. Such
including serology, molecular hybridization analy- colonies often develop on CMV-infected weeds
sis, RT-PCR and by RT-PCR followed by enzy- and therefore their destruction before transplant-
matic digestion of the amplified product ing is an important means of preventing virus
(RT-PCR RFLP) (Anonymous, 1998 and refer- outbreaks on annual crops and for achieving an
ences therein). Recently, a new RT-PCR RFLP overall reduction of sources of inoculum and vec-
method proved useful in differentiating CMV tors in the field. To be effective, weeds should be
strains in sub-groups IA, IB and II rather than in destroyed over large areas, but this is not feasible
sub-groups I and II (Finetti Sialer et al., 1999b). in places growing diverse crops and it is an ap-
Thus it may provide a simple way to investigate proach that is strongly opposed by some
the dynamics of CMV populations in nature. environmentalists.
More accurate population analyses and identifica- A more sustainable control approach is to pre-
tion of distinct satRNA variants can be addressed vent aphids reaching plants. This is relatively easy
by an RNase protection assay (RPA), (Aranda et to achieve in nurseries where the young seedlings
al., 1993, 1995; Fraile et al., 1997; Garcia-Arenal can be grown in screenhouses equipped with dou-
et al., this volume). ble doors, insect-proof nets and yellow sticky
Although they are undoubtedly effective and traps. Although simple in concept, in practice this
highly sensitive, RT-PCR and other methods control measure can lead to serious problems by
based on specific sequence identification are labo- reducing ventilation, thus leading to a damaging
16 D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21

increase of temperature in the screenhouse of tomato fruit necrosis in southern Italy (re-
(Antignus, this volume). Eliminating this problem viewed by Gallitelli, 1998).
by forced ventilation and cooling may be very
expensive. 6.3. CMV-resistant 6arieties
In the field, mulches usually perform better
than nets because the former cover more than An environmentally benign approach to control
60% of the soil surface and delay infection, at plant viruses is to confer resistance by introgres-
least until the extent of the plant canopy cover sion of a gene or genes from wild species into a
significantly decreases the efficiency of the commercial variety. Some CMV-resistant or toler-
mulches in repelling aphids. However, older ant varieties of spinach, pepper and some cucur-
plants can tolerate virus infection better than bits are available. Resistant varieties of tomato
young ones and yield marketable fruits. Some have not yet been obtained, although resistance
types of reflective silver mulches are soluble in genes have been detected in some related species.
water and can be applied by spraying. These have Conventional breeding methods are now being
advantages over the common polyethylene film assisted by novel procedures that speed up iden-
mulches as they can cover a larger soil surface, are tification, characterization, selection and intro-
biodegradable and can be incorporated into the gression of resistance genes.
soil at the end of the crop season, thus eliminating Since CMV-resistant varieties are not likely to
the problem of disposal after harvesting the crop be commercially available and widely adopted for
(Summers et al., 1995). a long time, a different approach based on patho-
Integrated CMV management strategies should gen-derived resistance (Sanford and Johnston,
reduce pesticide inputs through the judicious use 1985) has been developed recently. Selected genes
of chemical control and therefore should be en- can be incorporated into the plant genome by
couraged. An essential pre-requisite is the genetic engineering or a mild strain of CMV can
availability of healthy propagules (seeds or simply be inoculated into the host plant which
seedlings), although for many crops this is very will be cross-protected against virulent strains.
difficult to achieve. In the absence of totally virus- The former strategy has advantages over conven-
free material, threshold levels of CMV infection tional plant breeding because the genes involved
should be established for each crop to minimize can be more easily detected as they are carried by
the risk of epidemics (Jones, this volume). Such the pathogen itself. Current knowledge on differ-
information is seldom available. Nutter et al. ent aspects of pathogen-derived resistance and
(1999) reported that CMV infection greatly de- exhaustive risk/benefit analyses has been reported
creased seed size in narrow-leafed lupin. There- in several instances.
fore, sieving seed lots to remove small seed may Cross-protection has been used successfully in
be beneficial in: (i) significantly reducing the risk several instances since it is the most immediate
of introducing CMV-infected lupin seeds into and convenient response against recurrent CMV
growers’ fields; (ii) increasing the probability of outbreaks of the type occurring in many Mediter-
detecting the virus in subsequent tests on the ranean countries. For CMV, cross-protection can
seeds; and (iii) speeding up analyses (as only the be obtained using mild strains that may or may
small seed fraction will need to be tested) during not support a satRNA of the ameliorating pheno-
quarantine checks (see below). This approach may type. However, the satRNA-free approach should
be useful with other species in which CMV is also be restricted to areas where there are no risks of
seed-borne. outbreaks caused by CMV strains supporting ne-
In lettuce and tomato, early sowing or late crogenic satRNAs. Otherwise the protective strain
transplanting and avoiding overlapping cycles of itself will replicate the incoming satRNA with
susceptible crops proved effective in preventing dramatic consequences (Kaper, 1995). Therefore,
diseases caused by CMV. Moreover, regular irri- in places where natural necrogenic variants occur,
gation coupled with mulching reduced incidence only mild CMV strains harbouring an ameliorat-
D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21 17

ing satRNA should be used for cross-protection. distributed. Because of the worldwide distribution
A number of these strains have been tested in and broad host range of CMV, quarantine inspec-
small experimental fields in China, Italy, US and tions and tests may seem inapplicable. Neverthe-
Japan (Wu et al., 1989; Gallitelli et al., 1991; less, quarantine inspections should be directed to
Montasser et al., 1991; Sayama et al., 1993) and seed germplasm and new accessions of plant spe-
some of them have been used in commercial fields cies in which the virus may be seed-borne. Hamp-
in China and Japan. There may be ecological risks ton et al. (1982) suggested that such new
associated with cross-protection using ameliorat- accessions should be assayed for seed-borne
ing satRNAs, although none was observed in the viruses and that first-generation seed should be
several instances in which the technique has been produced in insect-proof screenhouses. If this ap-
used. proach had been adopted in timely fashion it is
Although having a number of advantages, likely to have avoided the accidental introduction
cross-protection shows at least two major disad- of IB strains of CMV to Europe. Too often the
vantages, i.e. (i) plants must be preinoculated sanitary status of mother plants is evaluated sim-
before exposure; and (ii) biological properties of ply by visual inspection to detect specific virus
the protective strain must be routinely assayed for infections and this has been proved to be unreli-
the timely detection of adverse effects. Transgene- able in several instances. For example, Gillaspie et
sis overcomes these problems since the desired al. (1995) found that 70% of cowpea seed lots
gene is stable when incorporated in the plant from symptomless mother plants of different
genome and inherited in its progeny. Most of the genotypes contained one or more seed-borne
CMV-encoded genes (in either functional or non- viruses, including CMV.
functional form), including different satRNA Ornamental plants, especially those propagated
variants, have been introduced into plant genomes vegetatively as bulbs or rhizomes may be virus
and are stable in conferring suitable levels of reservoirs (Flasinski et al., 1995) and often such
resistance to virus infection. Although the ten- plants are kept in the same screenhouses as
dency is to attain a broader spectrum of resistance seedlings of vegetable crops.
against mixed infections, Fuchs et al. (1998) Like other preventive control measures, quar-
demonstrated by cost-benefit analysis the eco- antine inspections may have the unwanted effect
nomic viability of squash cultivars that are resis- of decreasing biodiversity. This was reported dur-
tant to a single virus. Despite the very satisfactory ing the stringent selection of virus-free accessions
performance of transgenic plants tested in labora- of bean and pea (Alconero et al., 1985; Klein et
tory or small scale field experiments, such plants al., 1990). Moreover, the seed-borne virus itself
have not yet been deployed on a large scale in may decrease diversity by killing or greatly de-
agriculture. creasing the growth of infected mother plants. In
One of the most undesirable of the potential considering threshold levels for seed-borne CMV,
effects is the reassortment or true recombination loss of diversity could be an unavoidable cost to
between viral sequences transcribed from a trans- be paid to ensure the introduction and subsequent
gene and those of an infecting virus. Although use of virus-free germplasm.
investigated in several instances there is no defini- Sanitary certification is a natural complement
tive answer to this fundamental question (Aaziz to quarantine measures for releasing virus-free
and Tepfer, 1999). propagules to farmers. Voluntary certification of
tomato seedlings was launched in Apulia (south-
6.4. Quarantine inspections and phytosanitary ern Italy) in agreement with Directive n. 33/92 of
programmes the European Union, issued on 24 August 1992
and now enforced through national regulation.
One of the main tasks of quarantine is to Nurserymen entering the certification programme
prevent the entry of pests and pathogens into must accept the technical requirements (green-
areas where they do not occur or are not widely houses equipped with insect-proof nets and dou-
18 D. Gallitelli / Virus Research 71 (2000) 9–21

ble doors, weeds effectively controlled around the ful to the ecology of CMV than current practices.
glasshouses, insecticide sprays applied frequently Moreover, the large-scale use of GMPs must be
and periodic inspections by authorized personnel). supplemented by other cropping practices and
Phytosanitary certification requires the timely periodic monitoring of CMV population for the
and quick processing of many samples, as timely detection of adverse effects. These issues, if
achieved by a rapid and sensitive detection properly addressed by Regional Extension Ser-
method such as the multiple chemiluminescence vices may benefit both agriculture and the socio-
dot-blot procedure devised in the laboratory (Sal- economy by offering increased employment.
darelli et al., 1996).
7. Concluding remarks Aaziz, R., Tepfer, M., 1999. Recombination in RNA viruses
and in virus-resistant transgenic plants. J. Gen. Virol. 80,
This paper provides evidence of the ways in 1339 – 1346.
Alconero, R., Weeden, N.F., Gonsalves, D., Fox, D.T., 1985.
which CMV outbreaks can impair the sustainabil-
Loss of genetic diversity in pea germplasm by the elimina-
ity of modern farming systems. The timely iden- tion of individuals infected by pea seedborne virus. Ann.
tification of new virus strains or reassortants Appl. Biol. 106, 357 – 364.
seems to be the most urgent need. However, Anonymous, 1998. Detection of biodiversity of cucumber mo-
although reliable technologies have long been saic cucumovirus. Conclusions from a Ringtest of Eu-
available, this approach is still largely neglected ropean Union Cost 823 (New technologies to improve
phytodiagnosis). J. Plant Path. 80, 133 – 150.
by extension services in many countries. In the Aranda, M.A., Fraile, A., Garcı́a-Arenal, F., 1993. Genetic
last decade, experience in countries of the Med- variability and evolution of the satellite RNA of cucumber
iterranean basin is that initial infection of new mosaic virus during natural epidemics. J. Virol. 67, 5896 –
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expected synergism with viruses already present. tion assay method for the assessment of genetic hetero-
The new strains may possess selective advantages geneity in populations of RNA viruses. Arch. Virol. 140,
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by cropping practices introduced to improve pro- Alonso-Prados, J.L., Fraile, A., Garcia-Arenal, F., 1997. Im-
ductivity. This quickly erodes economic benefits pact of cucumber mosaic virus and watermelon mosaic
virus 2 infection on melon production in central Spain. J.
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equilibria so that crop protection specialists have Blancard, D., 1988. Maladies de la Tomate, Observer, iden-
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Because it is now possible to genetically modify
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plants (GMPs) to obtain CMV-resistant varieties, Virology 217, 598 – 601.
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with risks and little or no discussion of benefits. It are suppressors of transgene silencing in Nicotiana ben-
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