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Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3

A. Evidence: I can’t believe it! / Evidencia: ¡No puedo creerlo!

Complete the format and use the appropriate adjective form depending on the facts. In case you do not know the answers you can look for
information on internet. / Complete el formato y use las formas apropiadas de los adjetivos dependiendo de los hechos. En caso que no sepa
las respuestas búsquelas en internet. Busque cual monte es el más alto etc, no se trata de traducir en internet. El primero es el ejemplo (a)
EXAMPLE The chimpanzee is the most 6. a. New York Tokyo is the most populated city
b. Chimpanzee intelligent animal. b. Tokyo populated New York is more populated
c. Gorilla intelligent A dolphin is more intelligent c. London
c. Dolphin than a gorilla. than London
7. a. Coconut tree The Redwood tree is the tallest
b. Redwood tree tree
1. a. Kilimanjaro The Everest is the highest c. Palm tree tall
b. Everest A coconut is taller than a
c. Mont Blanc high palm tree
The Kilimanjaro is higher
8. a. Greenland Australia is the the largest
than Mont Blanc
b. Australia island
2. a. Amazon The Nile is the longest river. c. Madagascar large
b. Mississippi Greenland is larger than
long The Mississippi is longer
c. Nile Madagascar
than the Amazonas
9. a. Atacama Sahara desert is the driest
3. a. Australia Russia is The biggest country b. Death valley
b. Brazil desert
big Brazil is bigger than c. Sahara desert dry
c. Russia Atacama is drier than
Australia Death valley
4. a. Light Light is the fastest element 10. a. Sahara Sahara desert is the hottest
b. Sound fast Sound is faster than desert
c. Water desert
water b. Patagonia hot Patagonia desert is hotter
5. a. Cupper Steal is the hardest metal than Gobi desert
c. Gobi desert
b. Steal hard Iron is than
c. Iron
B. Evidence: Your next holiday destination / Evidencia: Su próximo destino de vacaciones
Describe your perfect holiday destination using superlative adjectives. Use the format below to describe them. / Describe tu
próximo destino de vacaciones usando adjetivos en forma de superlativos. Emplee la tabla dada a continuación a manera de
ejemplo para realizar dicha descripción.

Destination = I recommend you Example / Ejemplo:

The next text is an example. The blue words are the ones you
Description = It is … it has have to replace in order to make your own description. / El
siguiente texto es un ejemplo. Las palabras azules son las
Activities to do = There you can
que debe reemplazar para así realizar su propia descripción.
People = People are
I recommend that you visit Santa Marta. It is the most
Places to visit = You can visit
beautiful snowcapped mountain near the sea.
Traditional food = You can eat It is a high mountain with the most beautiful landscapes
you can imagine. It has eco-hotels and spas. There you can
relax, go hiking, scuba diving and more.
People are funny and easygoing.
You can visit Santa Marta any time of the year and enjoy
natural places such as beaches and rivers.
You can eat traditional food from the region.

Se trata de que usted se base en las respuestas de azul para

que haga su propia descripción. Hagámoslo por partes y
agreguemos fotos (Click en la mitad del recuadro)
I recommend you to visit Santa
Marta, it is the most beautiful
snowcapped mountain near the sea.

It is a high mountain with the

most beautiful landscapes you
can imagine.

It has eco-hotels and spas.

It has eco-hotels and spas.

People are funny and

You can visit Santa Marta any
time of the year and enjoy

You can eat traditional food

from the region.

You can eat traditional food

from the region.
Criterios de evaluación
Compara lugares y objetos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical,

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

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