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Answers to Static Testing Section

Q. 1: Reviews, static analysis and dynamic testing have the same objective
A. Identifying defects.
B. Fixing defects.
C. Reducing development time
D. identifying defects and Fixing defects.

Correct answer A

Explanation: The objective of all testing activities is to find defects. Fixing defects is the
objective of debugging

Q. 2: You were asked to perform a review of the word processing application. It is expected
that the software will be used by many different clients, but your team decided to concentrate
their analysis on 3 client types:
• A student who usually does a lot of short assignments and reports
• A secretary who is a fast type writer and uses the keyboard most of the time and type
• An old publishing company worker who prints large books and novels
The team will conduct the review of the software from the point of view of these client types.
Which review technique will be the most useful in this case?

A. Role-based review
B. Perspective-based review
C. Checklist-based review
D. Scenarios and dry runs

Correct answer A
Explanation: In the role-based reviewing the reviewers evaluate the work product from the
perspective of individual stakeholder roles. Typical roles include specific end user types (e.g.,
experienced, inexperienced, elderly, etc.). This approach is well aligned with the concept of
personas—this way the testers will review the interface from the different user types’ points of

Perspective-based approach is incorrect as it focuses on different stakeholder viewpoints, like

end user, marketing, designer, tester, operations, etc. In our question, only end users are

C is incorrect, because in a checklist-based review, the reviewers detect issues based on

checklists that are distributed at review invitation. In our scenario, there are no checklists
D is incorrect, because with scenario-based reviewing, reviewers are provided with structured
guidelines on how to read through the work product. The concept of personas describes the
general types.

Q. 3: Which of the following statements regarding static testing is false:

A. Static testing requires the running of tests through the code
B. Static testing should be used before dynamic testing
C. Static testing includes techniques such as reviews and static analysis
D. Static testing can give measurements such as "number of lines of code"

Correct answer A Page 1
Answers to Static Testing Section

Explanation: Notice that we are looking for the false answer here. Static testing main feature
is that it can find defects without running the code.

Q. 4: What is the most important factor for successful performance of reviews?

A. A separate scribe during the logging meeting
B. Trained participants and review leaders
C. The availability of tools to support the review process
D. A reviewed test plan

Correct answer B

Explanation: We are looking for the most important factor. Answers A, B and C are good
factors while answer D is not a factor for successful performance of reviews. Answer B is the
most important factor because without it, the review activity will be useless. While a separate
scribe during the logging meeting and the availability of tools to support the review process are
not of that importance. As the review process can be successful without it.

Q. 5: What is the main difference between a walkthrough and an inspection?

A. An inspection is led by the author, whilst a walkthrough is led by a trained moderator.
B. An inspection has a trained leader, whilst a walkthrough has no leader.
C. Authors are not present during inspections, whilst they are during walkthroughs.
D. A walkthrough is led by the author, whilst an inspection is led by a trained moderator.

Correct answer D
Explanation: Straightforward answer, A walkthrough is led by the author, whilst an inspection
is led by a trained moderator.

Q. 6: Find the correct flow of the phases of a formal review

A. Planning, Individual preparation, Initiate Review, Issue communication and analysis, Fixing
and Reporting.
B. Planning, Initiate Review, Individual preparation, Fixing and Reporting, Issue communication
and analysis.
C. Planning, Initiate Review, Individual preparation, Issue communication and analysis, Fixing
and Reporting.
D. Planning, Individual preparation, Initiate Review, Fixing and Reporting, Issue communication
and analysis.

Correct answer C

Explanation: the phases or activities of a formal review process are

1. Planning
2. Initiate Review
3. Individual review (Individual preparation)
4. Issue communication and analysis
5. Fixing and Reporting

So the correct order can be found only in answer C Page 2
Answers to Static Testing Section

Q. 7: What is NOT included in typical costs for an inspection process?

A. Setting up forms and databases
B. Analyzing metrics and improving processes
C. Writing the documents to be inspected
D. Time spent on the document outside the meeting

Correct answer C

Explanation: This is a tricky question as it tests your understanding of what a review is. Writing
the documents to be inspected is not part of the review process. Therefore, we cannot include
the cost of writing those documents to the cost of the review process.

Meanwhile, Setting up forms and databases, Analyzing metrics and improving processes and
Time spent on the document outside the meeting (individual preparation) are all parts of the
review process and their cost should be included in the total cost of the review process cost.

Q. 8: Which expression best matches the following characteristics or review processes:

1. Led by author
2. Undocumented
3. No management participation
4. Led by a trained moderator or leader
5. Uses entry exit criteria

s) Inspection
t) Peer review
u) Informal review
v) Walkthrough
A. s = 4, t = 3, u = 2 and 5, v = 1
B. s = 4 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 1
C. s = 1 and 5, t = 3, u = 2, v = 4
D. s = 5, t = 4, u = 3, v = 1 and 2

Correct answer B

Explanation: To solve this question easily notice the type of matching we need to do and pick
the most condiment match and start from there.

In this case, I would say led by the author goes only with walkthrough, so “1 = v”. So possible
correct answers would be A, B or C.

Looking at A, B and C, we notice that “u Informal review” can help us solve the question more
quickly. So we look at the match for “u” and the match would be “2. Undocumented“, so “u =
2”. Therefore, the answer would either A or B

Looking at A and B, we notice that “5 uses entry exit criteria” can help us solve the question.
We know that Inspection uses entry exit criteria. So, “s = 5”, which can only be found in
answer B. Page 3
Answers to Static Testing Section

Q. 9: Which of the following is a purpose of the review-planning phase?

A. Log defects.
B. Explain the documents to the participants.
C. Gather metrics.
D. Allocate the individual roles.

Correct answer D

Explanation: “Log defects” is in the issue communication and analysis phase. “Explain the
documents to the participants” is in the Initiate review phase. “Gather metrics” is in the Fixing
and reporting phase. “Allocate the individual roles” is in the planning phase.

Q. 10: A Person who documents all the issues, problems and open points that were
identified during a formal review.
A. Moderator.
B. Scribe
C. Author
D. Manager

Correct answer B

Explanation: Scribe is the Person who documents all the issues during a formal review. Page 4

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