Chemical Reaction Engineering 2

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- hs ; eseace tal, aaa: a <0 CDEAL) REAKTORLERDE KUTLE KORUNUM DENK CEM ERI # KKB. seqilea_hasime elemaninauyzulanu—| | Bicimn rime 2amanda Birim, 2amond , 3 + fhacim efenanncta, hadi. clemanna.gien{ — | pacio ettmaninden citar aunts gama i bilestai mol saugest LE pitesend mot ey eset mat fant os ee = ) Bir 2amenda hatin elemaainch biyiken) & bilese’ mol sagist a Hacim elemaanda teptime / tepkimel~ nedteniyle bilegealein I oe re “ Bitesea Says) Kader Led Gartarab rade. ieateccigepets Caagan can! basineiui) bagimsia deGigtenle. degisine modeller. = = st Hacim elemannda _firdea yok fa2 solsa “Her bir far Te kad yaatin" ve heterefen Cgok fark) sistencd._hemager ict - dlea fate clara KED*. luclen forlarapast title aletocinn Tle t “bileseninn aletacin~ 3. terimden sonra_yardirs _Kesikli Tepkime Kabinda KED W Tepkime Stresince reaktsre higbr- teplime lS — | bilegen’_bir-atumla. besleameype oie ate angi olekules—_. ae _ _ kite aktacirs— yo Creat2rde tara ee karisma ve i . _boocaspatte— — lajrattusunela > . = ee a ag RRR aR» es ee _ eldiqunden pk _elegi ince Ns A tHaum eeman hace “Tam Sister" Then Pee gery real dtin hac. mia ? a) Sut. far teplimeurde. ttptime be0g! yess reatsiyon kertsi— a hacwidir, Sit faz tep' eet tam reatoy— hac’ Beem gene Aleden ? ) 4) Gar faz tepkimelerote tephime btigasi a2 fardats ie _bilegeaud ae oe edileA~ tare. realtor 0 0 4 GV a ANI dG) gy ett a g ae ae pees in Palen, Kaine 1) cables, AeGi' si re? Deysirse. peag? ducum tarda 2 aes a Sout far “teptim eure. 7p suelal PE ime 0228 = 8.4 - 06G. 0.51 C= 22.24 & ee a 2. Spins Gilus cleigims (GQ) ) girig decisimiain 5 Go 0.92.8 = 35.24 (qo) % 20" oleuguada Alin a Ye20'sinin eige danistaqd antag: — O-% Gia Sdeb. £ = 69.98 Mm LO Amb py, GO 0,23 de! 08 Wo ! B) A !nia Gilg aliminelale’ devisims (G) 7 oe diisiminm GF@o) Yelo'u clatal settee - a Alnia 490"t horeanaa— i Thine dénisedleti, geval. ftaltby~ hacat > Ue 40 dal. yy, Go 2.23de' OAGO Va 100 da? (100 L, 0.4 ni) 0.4 Gy 2.3. = = 4004 20S = $09.56 we danagarke) Ro 08g, 0.6%, 0 30.40 bo 80 tov Reabta- hacmi arthega; qiagakimndal A. densi ardu- Jani bestemedels’ Alain ye danc- Bama artacalnn Va ©4347 tL) La V = 349 b) tn Ge a Hs Streki, Karistrma Reaktirde Kd eo $— I (Ger tangmal. TeplimelabnAa) KkD a _f reaktar indisi emp bu stvrett, reae+dr-an ardisi. baflanmasinin avantagh ofdugu decum, _ 362 keausudar (realts- nacms_aqisincdan) —___ @ Tam karisma saplandiginda sistem deblitelert reaktorae her Gete ayne ofup- + gieda : —arsagin 2 Tam karisma, ye'da igletim WY f a =—_ - ee) _Macim, Elemant* Tam sister (vz) —— = 2146v), Cen) ae an oa — Gece Cpr) Gev) 0 ' # ET'de ham de@isimine, PAT' da debi AGisimine nekn } _edan ducumlac —Gkt (csTh) ‘de de seb; —a eee 4) Qasbt 0 am faa typ. Ti) A020 gar fer tep. iat) Taebt Baa, RA) = te ey, SG ae) Ing 6) Apsht 1) Av 40 garfar te. ti) Tobe i (Ae), - (84) + OW), = 0 F ay ue (8G) - (8G)0 % Analia_ = icemaker ii be ANS | _ Fogler’ de Realetir Tipinden Bagumsia Mol Dertlige — Jaklasimmt oe Sister B2tidles (T, cy, katate atsiuite) sister haa tained. sabitse OG sistem hocminde sabittr) ti) Sister E2elikten’ sistem hacmi rence. Legit yorso- Og sistem hatmirde abegisic) is ls SG = I ' I \ | } Sa Yatatin bapa Catz /bt) <2 ; hs ; tact Kesit ld Teplimetabinda_kkD ey: Ta karisma YA fla2) af) _ # Bilesenterden_ 61 a2 brine gore siirekk’, Agerlaine gore __besitt: jgietiten ftak+drdar + SurecGlik gird qin de Artin jan oe sdakonusu olabiir Buna ty tir Yari_kesitt’ jstetin~ vardw. _facn~ Eleman : Tar sisten— C7) 4) Girdiledea pitine gore super: (A), Aigeine gSre. hesith Avni eutergs yok. (AB G a ena oF @ EB i, ae) ge OD a on = pee an ome Uk Za > aS) OO 4 Vev= aed ise aa ad GE laniteess? aii Dox ft) fe olabiir. 4 Ve Plt) olduiguaa olithat) _ b) Gicdilerden Arine gore sirenti Grane gore. cecitsi Antal sireth’ besiinen paegenih elas Var. O Cae 8s aes) Beet a isa; (8, fae) = (8G) oq l= stan) | -s). Cire eran her thisine gore sirenhi (a) (Ap 8 & Gey +s) __ eS a. yee ta) tad; “0-0 Gue By 0-04 ate age) -,. &lCsv) o = CO) es v= SE db) Siireuti besteaen biesen TWeeT Se olabdir. (Znert ran tplume tuins yolk, Sitowts— boatou Ve seciem Hilin, iein ) 12h Bann (roger 4th ed. P1568) og ee 22 ee art re tepkimes /2ctecmal. dapullabda geile lee _a) Teplime. _ahtip- mola alee Biase Bmol/a. olhg siren’ aig realctirleinde Alain %99'unua harcaamast Cue aluma He RA at gine gita i Linn halmas.) clucumunda.geaeller — stiieginde. gerenl este (4eT) ve PERC PAD) h acim lesins —_hesaplayia.Gidste hatimsel alug hia todo? /h tie. — Tephime hi2 rfades’ =) = 6G ve hi2 Sabjt' 0.00015" ee lace lec fir, dood.da? haciml’ besitle teplime. kabinda— BD) Spay = 2.5 mol flr basleagia elecsiminddl. Alaa Gn un hartaamast pe eee tslerme_stiresin’ eseplayia. - be ee ae ‘eg eile. ij Si OM aga ee a —_ e jaoterm I stetion (Te sbt.) Res: = 5 mol/p, G= 0.01 G, —, Box 40 daira a aipapan?. eh ee fee 5 RNB esTe ‘de KKD CizA_, fot igin) E Mien eRe, ese SG aac adi VU, = Se CRo= HI _ Cro dri fh) (0.5— a =f: C0001 5 3600.) (0.50.01) "2h, — = 2750. aon ? Chay, = Se HEEB, ath) 1s So Go > pl te te Oeo al eRe Soe fal gy A “4 Va Be ty Ge _ lod) ty, Po & 4 (0.000154 36005.) 494 Go s | Voge = 423.92 dat CEipi gis a ae (2.29 h.) 4) «sm far te. (%2sét) =~ ' o2_KT le. KD Cj2A tgin) } a tro o | upsell. fit fad. f{ da r | Jt % % (S79) | & i a tot (dA 4 ng) : Pie 4 psoas . Pe oe ee a & a (o.coat 5". 3600-5) 2.01 Ao Fort. olsa t’yi degistiic axgdi 2) = \ & = ore) Gaugma 3 Cle kG? ve Cydok ducumunda , . | $242.79 Rh CV. 1000 de Vertes’ | ) p | Problem qdrerele Germ Layne. D@vtudirme: t) Girdinin ayn déniisiama Fagin ere’ Yip < Vesry (Peden yorumdayine , hoagi Losuldo.) di) KT tasacim pocometesi t , ise aretin~ Lopasiksiu gare bebirterir. : (ahs Aras. (Sire) Reaktorler ef — & Sdreehe jsietinn realsdole- (PAT (PPR), act (este) ASI akterint acisindan avontay Sag lamas cla realstsm — pefeemanst If, &) aatsinden etonomie. oLuslarr alucumunda teeth ealtirur, ~— 4) Araisi. AkT CCSTL) — z a 2 Genki seujge farts — Grrablelar ardisile CLT Sistemi olusturutec, CG, a te a — (8G 8 a CBG), oo pe (OG)a- (OG) ese OAs) Tee Get haw» Vo _ ee SB Ardisik. GT _toplam hawms ; V2 y+, +Vy Bu kinetige. sahip teptine Fem (bu isd rpletin~ kosullaradoa) : rh — atdigil. Get kullopinws avoatatl — RE eo " eae ae | = _ i Te. QuT haem =V } ane Alaa 3 pedhsile Get ay 7 Vr a l. LE nae, = Bu ae sahip teptime Tan (ve bu Alans sl igietine laguilerinda) fee Get =| ha ee avantey- hy = \ YANG bc _ =: Cody} ah, Tarty) 7 ew) : 2 een " OQ) x Bust ikea Alanz ort 1s 2) Araigit. PAT _(PF2) a en a 3p = wa beg ef rt, — ¢0QG) + Dacca — — A fers vi ae a = eS ee — ati _ardygit PAT ya da tee PAT hulled réaktey— mans —C Vv, a) “aarsindan fark /avante; yeratmas — Ancal_avclisile PAT tullanims 7st aktatin~t_aéssindan meee

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