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In an examination 67% of the students passed in maths, 53% of the

student passed in English, 25% of the students passed in both subjects. If
200 students failed in both subjects. Then how many students passed in
only Maths.
,d ijh{kk esa 67» Nk=k
esa mÙkh.kZ gq,] 53» Nk=k vaxzsth esa mÙkh.kZ gq,
nksuksa fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gq,A ;fn 200 Nk=k o vaxzsth nksuksa esa vuqÙ
fdrus Nk=k dsoy esa ikl \gq,
2. In an examination 48% of the students failed in Hindi, 32% of the student
failed in History, 20% of the students failed in both subjects. If the
number of students who passed the examination 880 in both subjects,
find the total studetns?
,d ijh{kk esa 48» Nk=k fgUnh esa iQsy gq,] 32» Nk=k bfrgkl esa esa
rFkk 20» Nk=k nksuksa fo"k; esa iQsy gq,A ;fn oks Nk=k tks nksuksa fo"k; esa
880 gS] rks dqy Nk=kksa dh la[;k Kkr
\ dhft,
3. In an examination 600 students appeared. 35% of the students failed in
Physics, 45% of the student failed in Chemistry, 20% of the students
failed in both subjects. How many students pass in both subjects?
,d ijh{kk esa 600 Nk=kksa us ijh{kk nhA 35» Nk=k HkkSfrd foKku esa iQsy
jlk;u foKku esa iQsy gq, rFkk 20» Nk=k nksuksa fo"k;,] rks
esa crkb,
iQsy nksuksa
gq fo"k;k
fdrus Nk=k ikl gq,
4. In an examination 80% of the students passed in Maths, 65% of the
student passed in Reasoning, 15% of the students failed in both the
subjects. 150 students who passed only Maths, then find how many
students failed only Reasoning.
,d ijh{kk esa 80» Nk=k esa mÙkh.kZ gq,] 65» Nk=k rdZ'kfDr esa mÙkh.k
Nk=k nksuksa fo"k; esa vuqÙkh.kZ gq,A 150 Nk=k tks dsoy esa ikl gq
rdZ'kfDr esa vuqÙkh.kZ Nk=kksa dh la[;k
\ fdruh g
5. In an examination 60% of the students passed in Maths, 55% of the
student passed in English and every students passed in at least one
subject at least how many student passed in both subject.
,d ijh{kk esa 60» Nk=k esa mÙkh.kZ Nk=k
gq,] 55»
vaxzsth esa mÙkh.kZ gq, rFk
fo|kFkhZ de ls de ,d fo"k; esa mÙkh.kZ gq,] rks crkb, de ls de fdrus nksuksa fo"
mÙkh.kZ\ gq,A
6. In an examination 60% of the students passed in Maths, 40% of the
student passed in English, 30% of the students passed in Reasoning. If
10% of the students passed in Maths and Reasoning, 25% of the students
passed in English and Maths and 15% of the students passed in
Reasoning and English, then at least how many percentage students
passed in all subjects if none of the students failed in any subject.
,d ijh{kk esa 60» Nk=k esa mÙkh.kZ gq,] 40» Nk=k vaxzsth esa mÙkh.kZ
rdZ'kfDr esa mÙkh.kZ gq,A ;fn 10» Nk=k o rdZ'kfDr esa mÙkh.kZ gq,] 25
o esa mÙkh.kZ gq, rFkk Nk=k
15» rdZ'kfDr o vaxzsth eas mÙkh.kZ gq,] rks crkb
de fdrus Nk=k lHkh fo"k;ksa esa mÙkh.kZ gq, ;fn dksbZ Nk=k IksQy ugha gqvk
7. In an examination 51 students are appeared. 35 students passed in
Maths, 34 students, passed in English, 19 students passed in GK. If 11
students who passed in Maths and English but failed in GK, 5 students
who passed in Maths and GK but failed in English and 12 students who
passed in all subject (Maths, English, GK). Every one students who passed
in GK. Also passed in at least on the following two subject Maths and
English. How many students passed none of following three subjects
Maths, English and G.K.
,d ijh{kk esa] 51 Nk=k mifLFkr gq,] 35 Nk=k esa ikl gq,] 34 Nk=k vaxzsth
rFkk 19 Nk=k lkekU; Kku iklesa
gq,A ;fn 11 Nk=k o vaxzsth esa ikl gq, ysfdu
lkekU; Kku esa ugha] 5 Nk=k o lkekU; Kku esa ikl gq, ysfdu vaxzsth esa
Nk=k rhuksa fo"k;ksa esa ikl gq,A ;fn izR;sd Nk=k tks lkekU; Kku esa ikl gksrk
,d fo"k; ( ;k vaxz sth) esa ikl gksrk gS rks crkb, fdrus Nk=k rhuksa fo"k;ksa
8. In a class test 39 students passed in Maths, 50 students passed in English,
39 students passed in Reasoning. If 21 students passed in Maths and
English, 18 students passed in English and Reasoning and 19 students
passed in Reasoning and Maths, if 22 students passed in exactly two
subject, then find total students who passed?
,d d{kk ijh{kk esa
] 39 Nk=k esa
kkl Igq,] 50 Nk=k vaxzsth esa ikl gq, rFkk 39 N
rdZ'kfDr esa iklgq,A ;fn 21 Nk=k o vaxzsth esa ikl gq,] 18 Nk=k vaxz
rdZ'kfDr esa Ikkl gq, rFkk 19 Nk=k rdZ'kfDr o esa Ikl gq,A ;fn 22 Nk=k d
fo"k; esa ikl gq,] rks dqy fdrus Nk=k Ikkl
\ gq,
9. In an examination, 53% students passed in Mathematics 61% students
passed in Physics, 60% students passed in Chemistry, 24% students
passed in Mathematics and Physics 35% students passed in Physics and
Chemistry, 27% students passed in Mathematics and Chemistry and 5%
in none. The ratio of percentage of passed in Mathematics and Chemistry
but not in Physics in relation to the percentage of passes in Physics and
Chemistry but not in Mathematics is :
fdlh Ikjh{kk esa 53» fo|kFkhZ esa] 61» HkkSfrd
60» jlk;u
esa] 24» vkSj
HkkSfrdh nksuksa esa] 35» HkkSfrdh vkSj jlk;u nksuksa esa] 27» vkSj jlk
gq, vkSj 5» fdlh Hkh fo"k; esa ikl ugha gq,A vkSj jlk;u esa ikl fdUrq HkkS
iQsy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh izfr'krrk dk vuqikr
HkkSfrdh vkSj jlk;u esa Ikkl fdUrq esa
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh izfr'krrk ds lkFk fdruk
\ gS
10. In an examination 53 students passed in Physics, 52 students passed in
Chemistry, 65 students passed in Biology. If 19 students passed in Physics
and Chemistry, 28 students passed in Chemistry and Biology and 31
students passed in Physics and Biology, if 38 students passed in exactly
one subject, then find total students who passed in Physics but not in
Biology and Chemistry?
,d d{kk Ikjh{kk esa] 53 Nk=k
H foKku esa ikl gq,] 52 Nk=k jlk;u foKku esa il g
rFkk 65 Nk=k tho foKku esa ikl gq,A ;fn 19 Nk=k HkkSfrd foKku o jlk;u foKku
gq,] 28 Nk=k jlk;u foKku tho foKku esa ikl gq, rFkk 31 Nk=k HkkSfrd foKku
foKku esa ikl gq,A ;fn 38 Nk=k dsoy
,d fo"k; esa ikl gq,] rks dqy fdrus Nk=k HkkSfr
foKku esa ikl gq, ijUrq tho&foKku o jlk;u foKku esa\ iQsy
11. 1500 students appeared in an examination, which consist of three papers
: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 190 students passed in Physics
only, 180 students passed in Chemistry only, whereas 240 students
passed in Mathematics only. 366 students passed in both Physics and
Mathematics, 346 students passed in Both Mathematics and Chemistry,
whereas 326 passed in both Physics and Chemistry. 206 students passed
in all the three papers (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics).
Q. How many students failed in Physics?
Q. How many students failed in only one subjects?
Q. How many students failed in at least one subject?
Q. How many students failed in Chemistry and Mathematics?

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