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Different types of paragraphs

(similar to types of essays)

1. Narrative essays

Narrative essays tell a story and are generally the most personal type of essay you'll write.

2. Descriptive essays

Descriptive essays provide a detailed description of your subject matter

3. Expository essays

Expository essays are used to explain something in a neutral way.

4. Definition essays

Definition essays are a type of exposition essay that defines a term or idea

5. Process essays

Process essays, another type of exposition essay, describe how to do something or how something works

6. Compare and contrast essays

Compare and contrast essays discuss two subjects and detail the similarities and differences between them.

7. Argumentative essays

Argumentative essays are designed to convince the reader to take a certain side based on the information presented

8. Persuasive essays

Persuasive essays are essays meant to persuade readers to adopt an opinion or take a side using both facts and
emotional appeals

9. Cause and effect essays

Cause and effect essays detail why certain events or situations led to other events

10. Critical essays

Critical essays provide an in-depth analysis of a topic

11. Theory-based essays

Present your own ideas about an issues, discuss possible causes and effects

12. Evaluation and opinion essays

Evaluate a statement and justify your own opinion on the topic

13. Problem solving essays

Suggest solutions and evaluate solutions to a problem

Process paragraphs
(This is a part of your homework)
Definition essay
Topic sentence in a definition paragraph
Read the following essay and summarise the techniques which has been used to
make a definition essay.

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